Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Najib: Cops not involved in sex video but FEMALE VOICE was UMMI ON THE PHONE SEX CLIP: DON’T LOOK AT US, SAYS Najib

 Sex, video tape and lies

Datuk Seri Najib Razak said tonight that the police are not involved in a secretly recorded sex video that allegedly shows a senior Malay opposition leader having sex with a woman.MALAYSIAKINI 1ST PERSON ACCOUNT Our reporter receives an invitation to a special screening of what appeared to be a prominent politician having sex with a young woman


UMMI HAFILDA THE PROSTITUTE’S ULTIMATE FANTASY: SIZE NOT FOREPLAY BUT SHE  LOVES ORAL SEX Karima el-Mahrough isn’t letting the ongoing media frenzy over her alleged involvement with Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi get her down.   Yes, God has sent us many signs. If not why would Augustine Paul expire at the same time as the sign … Read more “The book was clearly a sensationalist attempt to make money so I did not read it, but the rumours about Anwar refused to go away.”He then cites, “Then in 1997, I received a letter from a woman named Ummi Hafilda Ali. Its contents disturbed me as there were more specific detailed allegations of

“It is huge and explosive!” said  female voice UMMI on the phone – her sudden call the prelude to an unlikely adventure for this Parliament reporter, still struggling to cope with Monday blues.
“I am in Parliament, can I check with my boss first?” I asked casually, wondering how big the news really was.

His rival Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had earlier this evening denied that he was the man in the video, and called it a scurrilous attack by the country's top leaders.
Despite the fact that the police have not yet made any statement on the matter, the prime minister (picture) echoed Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein’s assertion that the force had nothing to do with the 21-minute long recording.
“I would like to confirm what Datuk Hishamuddin said that the police is not involved in the recording of the alleged sex video,” Najib said in a posting on microblogging site Twitter tonight.
Najib did not say if he had been briefed on the matter although Opposition Leader Anwar had earlier implied that the police had been complicit in the recording of the video by alleging that Special Branch forces were standing guard as the video was shown to members of the media this morning.
Anwar had denied he was the man filmed having sex with a woman in a hotel room on February 21 in a press conference called after a video recording emerged today showing a man resembling a senior Malay opposition leader having sex with a woman believed to be a prostitute from China emerged today.
The former deputy prime minister called the emergence of the video recording today a “scurrilous attack” against him, his family and Pakatan Rakyat (PR).
He added that he was at home with Dr Wan Azizah, their children, grandchildren and members of his staff, on the night in question.
The 21-minute-long recording was shown to members of the media this morning by a man who only identified himself as “Datuk T” who said that the video was taken from closed-circuit television camera recordings found in a hotel room in Kuala Lumpur.
Hishammuddin had also said today that it should not be speculated that the police were involved in the distribution of the sex video.
“What I can stress is that the police are not at all involved in the recording of the video,” he said, calling on the individual in the video to be brave enough to admit it was him in the video and lodge a report if he felt victimised.
Anwar is expected to lodge a police report tomorrow morning in Kuala Lumpur after Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders said today that the video was doctored in an attempt to attack the PKR de facto leader’s credibility.
Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, in his recently released memoirs, alleged that his then deputy had propositioned four girls for sex in the 1990s.
Anwar, who is currently fighting a sodomy charge in court, had immediately denied the claims, calling the long-serving former PM a “blatant liar with selective amnesia”.
Most recently, current MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek was forced to resign as health minister after admitting to being caught in a sex tape that surfaced at the end of 2007.
In 1989, former MIC secretary-general D.P. Vijandran was forced to resign as Dewan Rakyat deputy speaker after a sex video controversy.
You know what is the most interesting thing about the video tape allegedly showing a politician having sex with a prostitute? Not the shadowy guy with the name of “Datuk T”.
But the press statement issued by the shadowy guy after he went public with the video tape (at Carcosa Sri Negara, no less).
He called for the politician and his wife to resign.
Otherwise, an “independent panel” of NGOs will conduct a forensic investigation into the video.
I can understand him wanting the politician to resign.
I mean Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek resigned in 2008 after his infamous sex video emerged.
Barisan Nasional bloggers are naming the politician in the video tape as Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
If it is true that Anwar had sex with a prostitute, it is hard to imagine how he can continue to lead Pakatan Rakyat or even harbour any hopes of leading Malaysia.
But my concern here is why “Datuk T” is adamant that Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail must also resign.
Is she vicariously responsible for her husband’s actions?
My guess is that somebody or some people are nervous about the general election and the possibility of Dr Wan Azizah doing a passable job of holding Pakatan Rakyat together.
They know that, for all his faults, Anwar is a unifier among the opposition parties.
With him out of the way, Pakatan Rakyat is weaker.
With Dr Wan Azizah out of the way, Pakatan Rakyat is even weaker.
Again, I say that if the video tape is not doctored and if it is proven that the person in the tape is Anwar, he will have little choice but to step down.
And if that happens, Dr Wan Azizah’s role of leading the coalition will be more important than ever.
As will be the role played by Nurul Izzah Anwar.
The last thing either of them needs to do is listen to someone who refuses to identify himself or appears to be in the pay of some individual/some group/some party.
What he is not, is a concerned citizen.

- Malaysian Insider

relatedarticle  Ummi Hafilda lost her locus standi when the prosecution never called her to testify in court to rebut the prostitute allegation

MALAYSIAKINI 1ST PERSON ACCOUNT Our reporter receives an invitation to a special screening of what appeared to be a prominent politician having sex with a young woman
“It is huge and explosive!” said  female voice UMMI on the phone – her sudden call the prelude to an unlikely adventure for this Parliament reporter, still struggling to cope with Monday blues.
“I am in Parliament, can I check with my boss first?” I asked casually, wondering how big the news really was.

Talking Khairy Jamaluddin-Talking about Muta’ah (Oxford Graduated)

Khairy Jamaluddin-Talking about Muta’ah (Oxford Graduated)


Our reporter receives an invitation to a special screening of what appeared to be a prominent politician having sex with a young woman“It is huge and explosive!” said UMNO’S Ummi on the phone – her sudden call the prelude to an unlikely adventure for this Parliament reporter, still struggling to cope with Monday blues.

KUALA LUMPUR (March 21, 2011): Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs were quick to defend their party against claims that the sex clip purportedly involving Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was a set-up initiated by it.
“It is always like that, isn’t it? They’ve got their own problems; they also say it is BN. Everything is BN, what is new?” said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz.
Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin said it was rather strange that Pakatan Rakyat politicians were quick to deny that it was Anwar since no one has seen the video.
“Since it was only made available to journalists this morning, how do they know? We from BN never said it was Anwar.
“We did not mention any names; they seem very defensive about this. Maybe there is something there but I do not want to speculate.
“It wasn’t us that held the press conference. Nobody seems to know who this Datuk T character is. They want to be defensive by naming Anwar.
“But to jump to another conclusion to say that we are behind it, I think is extremely unfair. We have nothing to do with this,” said Khairy.
Kota Belud MP Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan, meanwhile, urged calm.
“Such personal matters should be left personal because it involves a very prominent leader. It involves a very prominent leader of our country. He’s a family man so it’s very personal.
“Firstly, everyone is trying to tie this to BN. We don’t know who this Datuk T is,” he added.
Asked if Datuk T should be charged, Abdul Rahman said the former was only trying to show the people “we have a leader of this character.”
However, he said, Datuk T must defend the credibility of the video.
Kinabatangan MP Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin said if the video did involve Anwar, then the people have to accept the fact that the opposition is not credible and cannot bring any benefits to the country.
“Let the police investigate and whoever is involved should be dragged to court for their involvement,” said Bung.
Meanwhile, PKR vice-president and Batu MP Tian Chua said BN is shifting attention from major issues such as the upcoming Sarawak state elections.
“They want to keep Sarawak. So, they are shifting to personal attacks,” he said.
PKR Balik Pulau MP Yusmadi Yusoff said the police should investigate the matter immediately.
“Why are our law enforcers so weak that NGOs can screen the video? This shows the incompetence of Malaysian law enforcers. Don’t tell me that they cannot intercept this sort of crimes,” said Yusmadi.
PAS vice-president Datuk Mahfuz Omar said everyone who was involved in the screening of the video should be investigated.
Taiping DAP MP Nga Kor Ming said the issue seemed to be directed towards the general elections.
“The timing is definitely convenient; I think it is clearly politically motivated in view of the dissolution of the Sarawak assembly.”

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