Friday, March 25, 2011

Rahim Thamby Chik Tongue Tornado! carelessly spoken words that can cause a lifetime’s regret

Police still grilling Rahim Thamby Chik, Shazryl over sex tape
Prime Minister Najib Razak met with the three men behind the sex video that allegedly showed a man looking like Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim having sex with a prostitute, said PKR in a statement issued on Thursday.


In a sudden twist seen as an attempt to shield Prime Minister Najib Razak and his cousin Hishamuddin Hussein from bad publicity after a sex video scandal went awry, former Malacca chief minister Rahim Thamby Chik, former consul to Thailand Shazryl Eskay and Perkasa treasurer Shuib Lazim confessed they were behind the public screening of the tape they claimed implicated Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.
“(We want to show) a person who wants to be national leader and PM was not qualified,” Rahim told a press conference.

From sticking out one’s tongue in defiance, to carelessly spoken words that can cause a lifetime’s regret, the tongue can be the source of real trouble!

Draupadi called Karna "a charioteer's son" rejecting him at her swayamvar. She lived to regret her words and lusted for the man through her life; Karna never forgave her that slight. Later, at her Palace of Illusions, drunk on her husbands' success, Draupadi laughed at Duryodhana as he stumbled and fell, saying "Son of a blind man would be blind himself" . That slight led to her disrobing , which led to the battle of Mahabharata.
 191623 10150155490011253 194151381252 8712461 5815590 o A Doctor in the House   The Memoirs of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
      WAKING UP TO CLASS POLITICS IN MALAYSIA ? WILL THE REAL HONEST MALAY PLEASE STAND UP Be afraid, Umno; be very afraid     related article WAKING UP TO CLASS POLITICS IN MALAYSIA ? WILL THE REAL HONEST MALAY PLEASE STAND Up WATCH: “You could tell he was scoping out the trouble aspects 
Words uttered in haste, without consideration , often lead one to big trouble. Wrongful acts are often easier to forgive or forget, but hurtful words keep playing on the mind and heart. A lashing of the tongue can sometimes be more severe than physical hurt. Words uttered irresponsibly cannot be taken back and often have the power to change our lives. Look at how a few words spoken under influence of drugs and alcohol put paid to the upward rise of one of the world's most talented designers, John Galliano.

Just three words uttered together "Talaq , talaq , talaq" can sever marital ties forever ; no wonder Islam warns proponents to utter the words only after serious consideration and family consultation . Not just anger, even words uttered in humour can have the potential for disaster . Recently a man jokingly typed "talaq , talaq , talaq" thrice in a skype chat with his wife. In a fix when he realized the significance of what he had done, he sought clarification. A ruling issued by Darul Uloom Deobandi, one of Islam's leading authorities on religious law, clarified that his divorce was real and the woman would have to remarry another man, and be with her second husband for a year before she could divorce him to remarry her first husband.

In a free-wheeling conversation, a senior colleague known for his philosophical world views said, "You know, the tongue is the source of all trouble - it makes you say things you never meant to say! Then consider taste, which also resides in the tongue. The tongue makes you overeat, which results not just in being overweight, but in innumerable health problems as well!"

Golden words indeed, and they set me thinking. Remember all doctors ask you to poke your tongue out for diagnostic purposes? The texture and colour of the tongue can apparently give a doctor a good indication of your general health condition . The same tongue poked out without the doctor's suggestion can be construed in many different manners. In movies of yore, the heroine would poke out her little pinky at the hero in a flirtatious gesture before running away just beyond reach. A nervous flick of the tongue to hastily moisten dry lips can be a very seductive gesture calculated to drive a man wild! Children use poking of the tongue as a derisive or challenging gesture , often accompanied by showing the thumb too.

I remember a group family picnic at Surajkund as a child. Wandering away from our parents, we were accosted by some beer swiveling aggressive youngsters who got a kick out of scaring us with shouts and lewd gestures. We ran away from them, but just as we were almost on safe ground, one of the kids in the group turned around, thrust out his tongue and showed a thumb (today's equivalent would be showing the finger) to them. This enraged the guys and they ran towards us throwing their bottles in our direction . Thankfully we had reached the area where our parents sat and those were the days when just the sight of adults was still enough to scare away even drunk young men!
Indeed, by disciplining this one bag of muscles, the tongue, one can claim to have achieved control over a major part of one's life! Many are the emotions the tongue achieves for us. Surprise and regret are also depicted by a poking out of the tongue and biting it.
Ever wondered why Goddess Kali is always portrayed with her red tongue thrust out and dancing on Lord Shiva's body? According to the Markandeya Purana, in her form as Goddess Durga, when Kali's anger against the demons Sambhuand Nishambu couldn't be controlled and she kept on her path of destruction , the Gods enlisted the help of her consort Lord Shiva. Shiva lay down amongst the demons on whose bodies Durga was dancing. When she realized that she was dancing on her husband Shiva's body, stunned, Durga thrust out her tongue in surprise and regret and remained frozen. That is the way the Goddess is depicted always now.

Of course the tongue, an essential tool in speech for humans, is also responsible for many pleasures. Sweet-tongued talk has the power of healing and pleasuring as nothing else does. Silver tongued are those people who with smartalecky talk can worm their way into hearts or through tough situations. Indeed, we are often warned about people who talk too sweetly! For every John Galliano who paved the path to his destruction with the help of an irresponsible tongue, there are many who sweet-talk their path up fanstastic careers.

Coming to animal tongues, a serpentine tongue depicts deceit and untruthfulness, as a serpent's tongue is forked. Human tongues have just one tip, which signifies the unity of truthful speech. It testifies to the fact that there is one truth, but many lies. If a dog's laving tongue is an indication of its loyalty and love for us, we use the poor buffalo's tongue as a delicacy to be savoured. Considered an exotic meat high on nutritional value, buffalo's tongue has also been used by native American Indians as a fly-swatters , or hollowed out for baby shoes!

Coming back to more 'palatable' uses of the tongue, tongue-in-cheek humour is widely appreciated while a slip of the tongue can cause acute embarrassment at times. And then of course, tongue twisters have forever been a source of joy. To wind up, let's try out this traditional one…
She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore.
The shells she sells are sea-shells, I'm sure.
For if she sells sea-shells on the sea-shore
Then I'm sure she sells sea-shore shells

“I urge the prime minister himself to respond to reports from sources that the three masterminds had met with him in his office in Parliament," PKR communications director Nik Nazmi.
Nik Nazmi said that PKR was also told the meeting took place on Wednesday evening at the same time that Najib chaired an Umno political bureau meeting.
“To clear his name and Umno’s, the prime minister must make an immediate statement on what was discussed with the three masterminds of the sex video that has brought shame to Malaysia,” said Nik Nazmi, who is also the Seri Setia assemblyman.
Crime but police have not confiscated the tape
In what has widely been perceived as the latest conspiracy by the Umno elite to tarnish Anwar, the three men had organised a screening of the 21-minute video for editors and journalists of the mainstream media.
The three are former Malacca chief minister Rahim Thamby Chik, businessman Shazryl Eskay and Perkasa treasurer Shuib Lazim. They had admitted to organising the screening of the video on Wednesday afternoon.
They have refused to surrender the tape to the police or to Anwar. In a bid to deflect attention from the fact that they had broken the law, they have demanded that a Royal Commission of Inquiry be set up to determine if Anwar was the man in the tape.
It is a crime to keep pornographic material and screening it in public is  an offense that can be punished by imprisonment of up to 5 years.
Nevertheless, police have not moved to confiscate the tape nor arrest the men although they themselves had confessed to a crime.
“This raise serious questions over the involvement of government leaders in the recording and screening of the sex video that clearly violates several laws,” pointed out Nik Nazmi.
By Kim Quek

This article was actually written yesterday (Mar 24), but upon completing the article, I was stunned by the explosive news of the sudden appearance of the trio behind the sex video. Concerned that my article might have been overtaken by this sudden turn of events, I withheld its release yesterday.  However, upon a review of the latest events, I find that the technical insights and rationale put forward therein are still valid and pertinent to the issue at hand.  I hence present my following article with the hope that it will add to the understanding of this fast evolving drama.

There is one simple way to find out whether ‘Datuk T’s’ pornographic video showing a look-alike of Anwar Ibrahim is a hoax, and that is to go to Anwar’s face book from your own face book account and look for his entries at the time when the video was supposed to be recorded, which is 10:23pm to 10:45pm on Feb 21, 2011.

I just did that, and I found that anwar made entries on that day at 10:40pm, 10:49pm, 10:50pm, for which he received 9 comments, 17 comments, 8 comments respectively.  And thereafter, he made another 7 entries, up till 11:028pm. The fact that Anwar was actually posting messages in face book at the relevant time clearly indicates that Anwar couldn’t have been doing what was indicated in the video.

 As jokingly exclaimed by Anwar during the press conference on Mar 21, hours after the exposure of the video: How could he be carrying out the sex act and typing on his computer at the same time?  Obviously, ‘Datuk T’ had neglected to look up Anwar’s face book before he launched his pornographic piece.


Purely on a technical level, another question that puzzled me was: How could so many acts be compressed into the purported duration of 22 minutes as indicated in the video?  Journalists who had viewed the video said that the love-making part lasted 17 minutes.  This means that within the remaining 5 minutes, the following events had to be completed:

Pre-sex act:

·         Anwar look-alike (Mr. X) walked into the room with the conductor who gave instruction to the prostitute who was already waiting there. The conductor left the room.

·         The couple undressed.

·         Woman went into the bathroom and took a bath, which should include wiping dry with a towel (the undressing and bathroom part of the video was skipped by ‘Datuk T’, but he said the woman took a bath).

Post-sex act:

·         Mr.X wiped his lower part with tissue, and went into the bathroom to clean himself, which presumably included washing and wiping dry with a towel.

·         Mr. X came out from the bathroom, dressed himself and walked off the room.

It should be obvious that when one tallies up the reasonable time allowed for completing each of these events, the total will far exceed 5 minutes.   This conflict of time frames further undermines the credibility of the video clip.


‘Datuk T’ said that the sex romp took place in a Spa which provides sex in Kuala Lumpur.

 Will anyone believe that opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim – who has been subjected incessantly to all sorts of cruel and unjust political persecution for the past 13 years, branded as enemy number one, for which the ruling power has been desperate to see that he is politically annihilated – would even condescend to walk into a place of such disrepute at the peak hours, where he would be instantly recognized by almost everyone present there, not to mention having sex with a prostitute in the same place?  Haven’t ‘Datuk T’ and the plotters behind him overstretched their imagination, if they think the people would swallow such a story?

‘Datuk T’ also claimed that Anwar sent him to the room to look for his lost watch.

If Anwar had patronized a prostitute in the room, would he be so foolish as to send someone to the room to look for his watch?  Wouldn’t that stupid act amount to a virtual confession to others what misdeed he had done there?  And wouldn’t that confession spell the end of his political career?  Who will believe that Anwar would value the watch more than his family, his political career and the destiny of his country and his people?

Despite the indefatigable effort of the ruling power to fix Anwar all these years, has it produced an iota of evidence of his political or moral misconduct, such as corruption, abuse of power, religious or moral sins? 

If Anwar has shown none of these weaknesses, why should Malaysians believe ‘Datuk T’ in preference over Anwar, when what the former has displayed so far is nothing but crass acts of character assassination that serves the evil design of his political masters?

Nik Nazmi also said that the government’s reluctance to take stern action against those involved only boosted the perception that it was involved in the conspiracy against Anwar.
PKR MP for Sungai Petani Johari Abdul had first exposed the trio, but Rahim accused him of demanding money to defect. Johari had been taken by Shuib to see Shazryl and Ramli, who screened the video for him. Ramli had tried to entice him to cross over.
But according to Johari, the former Malacca chief minister had also promised to bring him to see Najib if he agreed to dump PKR. This implies that Najib was aware of the operation to smear Anwar and to get PKR MPs to hop over.
Anwar has denied being the man in the tape and has accused Najib and Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein as being among the perpetrators.
PKR want Datuk Seri Najib Razak to explain his alleged meeting yesterday with the three men behind the video purportedly showing Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim having sex with a Chinese prostitute.

Two of the Datuk T trio are still at Bukit Aman where police are questioning them over their role in the sex video that they had screened to journalists in a bid to pressure Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim and PKR president Wan Azizah to resign within a week.
The two men are businessman Shazryl Eskay and former chief minister Rahim Thamby Chik. Their accomplice Perkasa treasurer Shuib Lazim is not well and will have his statement taken tomorrow.
"It is just the two of us. It is going to be a very long process," Eskay toldMalaysia Chronicle. He was referring to the police interrogation.
Criminal intimidation
All three men had confessed to masterminding the Monday screening of the tape that had startled the nation. Journalists including senior editors had been invited to watch the tape, which they claimed showed Anwar having sex with a prostitute.
Amid public uproar, the trio circulated an email on Tuesday where they said they would not hand over the tape to the police or to Anwar, but only to an independent commission.
It is a crime in Malaysia to keep pornographic material and screening pornography to a public audience is punishable with imprisonment of up to 5 years.
Anwar, who has denied he was the man in the tape, lodge a police report on Tuesday. This morning, several Pakatan Rakyat MPs also lodged police reports - this time against the three men for possessing and screening pornographic material as well as for criminal intimidation against Anwar and Azizah.
The Datuk T trio only confessed after PKR MP for Sungai Petani Johari Abdul had exposed them. He told a press conference that Shuib had taken him to a hotel where Shazryl and Rahim showed him the tape. After it was over, Rahim tried to entice him to defect from PKR.
Johari also say it was "100 per cent confirmed" the man in the tape was not Anwar as the Opposition Leader was darker skinned, while the man also had a much larger paunch and buttocks.
 Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar has promised to leave no stone unturned in the probe into a sex video allegedly of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim having sex with an unidentified woman.
Ismail said today that the police had formed a “special team” and will bring in and question anyone necessary.
“We will question and probe not only those believed to be behind the video, but anyone who can help us with the investigation,” said Ismail.
The IGP however was tight-lipped when asked to confirm rumours that the police had received the said sex video.
He also chose to neither confirm or deny that the “Datuk T” trio — Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Tamby Chik, businessman Datuk Shazryl Eskay, and Perkasa’s Datuk Shuib Lazim would be brought in for questioning.
“I don’t want to say anything yet... it might be premature at this point... we have not received any report from the team yet.
“Please do not speculate and give a chance to the special team to conduct the investigations,” Ismail told reporters.
Abdul Rahim and Shazryl admitted yesterday that they were collectively the mysterious “Datuk T” behind Monday’s screening of a sex video purportedly featuring Anwar.
The former Malacca chief minister also admitted that both he and Shazryl were involved.
He told reporters at a joint press conference together with Shazryl that the trio had chosen to step forward on their own accord because they wanted to show that “a person with high ambitions of wanting to be national leader and prime minister of Malaysia ... was not qualified.”
Abdul Rahim and Shazryl both denied the video was doctored.
Ismail said today that the special team was led by the Bukit Aman CID chief and senior officers of the Kuala Lumpur police headquarters.
Anwar claimed revenge had motivated Abdul Rahim towards orchestrating a sex tape scandal implicating the opposition leader.
“The involvement of Rahim Tamby Chik reminds me of his old case and old grudge... of his rape accusations and case where the prosecution papers were signed by (Attorney General Tan Sri) Gani Patail that he was involved with a bribery issue.
In 1994, Abdul Rahim had been charged with statutory rape involving a minor. Although the charge was later dropped by authorities, who cited insufficient evidence, the scandal had cost Abdul Rahim his political career.
“He’s doing this out of revenge,” Anwar said today.
Anwar, who turns 64 in August, was freed from jail in 2004 and is seen as the glue that binds the PKR-PAS-DAP pact.
He had played a key role in forming a viable opposition coalition in the run-up to the landmark 2008 general election when the three main opposition parties denied BN its traditional two-thirds control of Parliament.
The fledgling three-party coalition also won control over four other states — Kedah, Penang, Perak and Selangor — in addition to maintaining Kelantan in the 12th General Election.
PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang had slammed the video which showed a man resembling a senior Malay opposition leader engaged in sex with a woman said to be prostitute.
Abdul Hadi had called it a dirty political move coming ahead of the Sarawak state elections.
A former deputy prime minister from 1993 to 1998, Anwar filed a police report denying he was the man recorded.
The father of six who is standing trial for sodomy with a former male aide has accused Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein of being involved in the video-recording, which Anwar said was an attack on him and PR.

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