Thursday, March 24, 2011

Brother Anwar Ibrahim The Last Caliphate of Political Freedom in Malaysia Politics of Mudslinging Thanking God forTruthful Witnesses in Johari

Johari: Rahim offered me money to defect, meet Najib
I was contacted by a very close associate since Mac 15, 2011 to meet with him regarding something important. On Monday, Mac 21, at about 12.20pm, I confirmed that I had time to meet him.
I met him at the Hotel De Palma, Ampang, at 4pm that day before being brought there in another car. There were two people in the car that I did not recognise.
I was brought to a junior suite in the Hotel Flamingo, Ampang. I met Rahim Thamby and Shazryl Eskay who were waiting in the room. I was also accompanied by my close associate.
I sat in front of Rahim while Shazryl was sat beside me. My associate was seated on the bed behind.
Shazryl told me that I was the first Member of Parliament to view the video tape which started to play at that point. He also asked me of my opinion about Anwar Ibrahim.
Throughout the screening, Shazryl explained a few things.
For example, he touched on how the individual removed the condom after the act could have a risk of the semen being splashed on a wide area. According to him, this pattern constantly caused Anwar Ibrahim to leave evidence behind as was what happened in the first sodomy case in 1998.
He also claimed that he often brought Anwar to a club house where things happen and other places in Thailand, as if these were the regular activities of Anwar.
According to him, every time he brought Anwar to the place, that particular room where the video was taped was his regular, while he (Shazryl) used the room next door. Next, he expressed worry that allegedly such video recordings were in the hands of Thai intelligence.
Throughout the video screening, Rahim Thamby kept interjecting to make short comments to slander Anwar. I believe he was trying to convince me that Anwar is an immoral person and unfit to become a leader.
After the screening, Rahim started to speak. He persuaded me to leave Keadilan and Anwar. He promised me an audience with the Prime Minister Najib Razak. Rahim also said that he would manage all my financial and security needs.
Furthermore, Rahim tried to convince me to mobilise more Keadilan MPs to meet with him so that he could coax them to leave the party. He asked me to lead this band of Keadilan MPs. I did not give a commitment and only listened to the comments they made.
After that, I went out flanked by my close associate. In the lift, I embraced him and told him that after watching the video, I was confident that the person in the video was not Anwar Ibrahim.
I am certain that the actor was not Anwar Ibrahim based on the following:
1. At the start of the video, there was another man setting up the video recorder in the same moment that the actor impersonating Anwar entered the room. Naturally the person who resembles Anwar would have been aware that his actions were being recorded. It was impossible for any rational person will follow through with the act unless he was paid to do so.
2. The timeframe where the performer’s face was shown on screen was too short. Additionally, the recording was in black and white, making it difficult to validate his identity.
3. The width of the actor’s shoulders was too broad and hefty compared to Anwars.
4. The actor’s posterior (buttocks) was fleshy and was clearly different from Anwar’s frame.
5. At the end of the scene, the actor arose and his physique was captured very clearly on the tape. His bulging stomach was much bigger compared to Anwar’s.
6. The actor’s skin colour was too fair and almost indiscernible with the woman’s skin colour.
After that, I declared that I was ready to bring a few Keadilan MPs so that they too could view the video and meet with Rahim Thamby. I was informed that the following screening would be conducted for the MPs at 3.30pm on Mac 22, 2011. We arrived yesterday at the Hotel Flamingo in Ampang and waited until 5.30pm because they had confirmed the appointment would be carried out. However, the appointment was then cancelled.
I took the risk of making this statement outside of the lower house because I am certain that this latest episode is another evil scheme to slander Anwar Ibrahim.  - Johari iAbdul s the PKR MP for Sungai Petani - Translation by New Jo-Lyn, Malaysia Chronicle

The PM and Umno are desperate, very desperate indeed. It has dawned very hard on them that they could soon be driven out of Putrajaya and into political oblivion.
Anwar Ibrahim, the man who has been the drawing and driving force behind the opposition coalition, Pakatan Rakyat (PR), must be destroyed at all cost. Never before has anyone posed such a danger to Umno.
They had tried very hard to do his political career in with a sham sodomy trial but he bounced back even more determined, and with his coalition, dealt them a severe blow in the last general elections.
They had once dismissed him as a has-been and irrelevant. But Anwar just refused to disappear. Now they are convinced he must be demolished forever and then Pakatan Rakyat will definitely disintegrate.
Umno would launch relentless dastardly attacks on his reputation with the help of spin doctors in the mainstream media and online cyber-troopers and ceaselessly attempt to damage his credibility and integrity.
They would incessantly drum it into the minds of the citizens of Bolehland long and loud enough that he is a man of dubious character, one who will do anything to be the PM of Malaysia.
They would demonise him as a loyal friend of the Zionists, denigrate him as a spy for the US, defame him as a CIA agent, disparage him as a political chameleon and denounce him as a traitor.
They would deploy anyone to demolish him, whether they be in Umno, Apco or a bozo in the police, AG’s Chambers and especially the judiciary, people who would dance to their tune at the drop of a hat.
They would get deserters, detractors and disgruntled leaders of his party and within the coalition to discredit him with their stale and silly exposé and to derail the process of change that the PR wants to bring about.
A “Doctor in the House” joins in the diatribe against Anwar with his memoirs – a “doctored” memory of the past by a supposed statesman who prefers to live in the present on self-deception, delusion and denial.
Such is their desperation, they would even resurrect characters who played a “vicious role” in the conspiracy of Sodomy I, one of whom was described in a court transcript as being “disowned by her own father”.
They would even deny Anwar a place in parliament for six months with the help of the Speaker whom Tunku Abdul Aziz (a respected public figure) described as a “total disgrace”.
Sodomy Script
Politically bankrupt and devoid of political principles, they would dish out yet another sodomy script. Once again they would ruthlessly drag his and his family’s good name through the mud.
Prosecution star witness Saiful would not disappoint in the judicial circus. He contradicts himself and even has a sex liaison with a DPP in the case! The Court confirms it did happen but refuses to dismiss the case.
The AG and the judge would deny Anwar access to the details that are as a norm furnished to the defence at the start of a trial. But the AG would disclose all documents to the defence in the Ling Liong Sik’s case!
A chemist acknowledges that DNA found in Saiful's rear end could have come from as many as 10 different people - including himself! Saiful gives new meaning to the phrase "go f**k yourself"! (Asia Sentinel)
The prosecution is at a point of desperation when the AG’s Chambers and the police commit a plethora of mistakes regarding DNA evidence. They should be aptly dubbed the “DNA” – Desperate n Asinine team.
Courage deserts the judge as he overturns his own decision made during a trial-within-a-trial (which is very rarely done). Anwar says he is not surprised. The judge may be pressured and directed to stick to the script.
Umno has even contingent plans to dispose of Anwar. They come up with a new video tape showing a man alleged to be Anwar having sex with a female Chinese prostitute.
From the feedback of reporters who saw it and the glaring questions that have arisen as to how, where and when it was shown, one can only deduce that it is but doctored trash.
Najib parrots Hishamuddin and denies that the police are involved in the making of the sex tape. The public remembers how he had denied that he had ever met Saiful but later admitted that he did meet Saiful after all.
De facto law minister Nazri Aziz, who is reputed for his temper tantrums, theatrics, threats, taunts, and twisting the truth declares that the showing of the “blue film” (his very own words) is legitimate!
Nazri asks the public not to shoot the “messenger”. Datuk T is no “messenger” but a “Terrorist” employed to assassinate Anwar’s character!
Distractions and Diversions
Umno’s alleged sex scandals by opposition members are not only a conspiracy to destroy Anwar, but they are meant to distract the nation from the failures of the BN government and Umno.
The sex video is shown on the very day the Sarawak state assembly is dissolved. Do Sarawakians want to deliberate and decide on their future or waste their energy over the salacious contents of a doctored tape?
When the nation is sex saturated, and the people enjoy their daily sex diet, this is what Umno and the BN government wants to do:
Distract the rakyat from the damning evidence that the country is going to the dogs and that we are living in a “sham democracy” (Tengku Razaleigh).
Divert the people’s attention from the reality that we have a dead constitution (courtesy of the judiciary), a divided nation, decaying institutions, a dour economy and a disturbing diaspora rate!
Deflect the public’s attention from Umno’s rampant corruption, exacerbating internal divisions and that the Umnoputras are bleeding this country dry.
Deceive the nation with Najib’s “performance” consisting of nothing but public relations, publicity stunts, political rhetoric, populist slogans, propaganda puff, a pipe-dream and a pie in the sky!
Downplay the successes of the PR States. Deny, delay and distribute discriminately federal funds they are entitled to, whilst hiding the fact that some of the BN states are near debt or in deficit.
It is very evident that Umno has not changed! It has plunged to such depths that it is only adept at churning out sex stories to destroy its enemies, the No.1 being Anwar!  It has no sense of decency or shame left.
It has to resort to dirty politics (no matter how despicable and disgusting) in order to survive. It will one day reap what it now sows and bury itself in the very grave it has dug for Anwar today.
It would no doubt be an “unmitigated disaster” if the rakyat were to vote for BN and (Najib) in the next general elections!

We religious leaders tend to complain a lot about the media. We lament the media's focus on trivial entertainment stories on the one hand, and on bad news stories on the other. We are particularly annoyed that bad news stories about religion receive a lot more coverage than the daily acts of love and compassion by the vast majority of religious people. We religious leaders sound like we understand about as much about the media as the media understands about religion.
So first, let's stop making broad generalizations about the media. We don't like it when people blame all of "religion" for the excesses or transgressions of a few, so we should stop doing the same for the media. Next, let's recognize that the media gives a reasonable amount of attention for good religion stories -- maybe not enough -- but there is some good reporting. The biggest problem is not the absence of stories about ordinary people doing good things, but the fact that these stories do not "stick" with people like bad news and the horror stories. This makes sense from a survival perspective: given our limited attention, shouldn't our brains more easily recall threats and dangers than benign and ordinary events?
This is why, incidentally, American Muslims face a particularly difficult challenge convincing other Americans that we are not a threat: the idea has been anchored in the minds of our fellow citizens by the real stories of terrorists acting in the name of Islam. The fact that there are so few of these people doesn't matter, because these stories stick in the mind, while good news stories do not. On the other hand, we are justified in criticizing certain media outlets for presenting as "experts" on Islam individuals who are, in fact, anti-Muslim activists or those whose only expertise is in putting themselves at the center of any controversy to increase their book sales and speaking fees. Responsible editorial control needs to be exercised, not to silence people, but to at least to distinguish for the viewer or reader the ideologically motivated activist from the more objective expert.
Finally, it is only fair that we recognize the extraordinarily important service many journalists provide bringing critical news to our attention. In the last few weeks especially, as the world has experienced major upheavals -- political revolutions and natural disasters -- courageous reporters have placed themselves in dangerous situations to let us know what was happening. Our ability to respond ethically to these situations depends on accurate information and truthful reporting. As I teach my ethics students, our principles are useless unless we first understand the reality of a situation. "What is happening?" necessarily precedes "then what should we do?"
During the Egyptian revolution, reporters were harassed, kidnapped, and even killed by the regime's henchmen. In Libya, it's still happening. The risks journalists take are very real; Reporters Without Borders has extensive documentation of dozens of journalists killed last year. During military conflicts, native journalists are critical for their local knowledge and connections -- and they are the most vulnerable; often their reporting is done closer to danger zones and they don't have the protection of Western citizenship. I am in awe of their courage and commitment to reporting the truth.
Western reporters are also critical for helping Western audiences connect with events in other countries. These are "our" journalists -- not necessarily because of their ethnicity or their nationality (or because they are more objective -- that is a racist assumption) -- but because we spend so much time with them over the years as we watch them report the news. There is no doubt that some reporters make every story all about them, but the good ones try to avoid inserting themselves in the story. Nevertheless, we viewers become attached to them. As a consequence, we worry when we see Arwa DamonRichard Engel,Anderson CooperNic Robertson, and others standing among unruly crowds or in front of a night sky lit with falling rockets. By putting themselves in danger, they make us care more about places and people we might never have had occasion to think about before these conflicts. As we begin to care more about these stories, perhaps some of the artificial divisions between "our" and "their" reporters will disappear as well, and the value of simple truth-telling will be elevated.
The Abrahamic traditions uphold the importance of "witnessing;" false witness is prohibited and truthful testimony is required. Certainly there are unscrupulous reporters, but there are also many good journalists who have high ethical standards. Religious people should remember to say, "Thank God for good journalists," and just as importantly, because as the Prophet Muhammad taught, "Those who do not express their gratitude to people are not grateful to God," we should say "Thank you" to those dedicated to reporting the truth.
In 1987, a young radical politician, sought to have Carcosa, which had been bequeathed as a “gift, a token of goodwill of the Malayan people to Her Majesty's Government”, by Tunku Abdul Rahman, returned to the Malaysian government.
This young man reasoned that Carcosa, which represented the seat of colonial authority and power since 1898, should not have been passed to the British after independence, but should have been retained by Malaya.
That young radical was Anwar Ibrahim.
His efforts paid off and Carcosa, complete with its 40 acres of landscaped gardens and manicured bushes, was eventually returned to the Malaysian government and swopped for two parcels of land in the city centre – for the British High Commission and the High Commissioner’s residence.
Last Monday, Carcosa, the one-time residence of the Resident-General of the Federation of the Protected Malay States, and subsequent British High Commissioners of Malaya/Malaysia, was again involved in another Anwar episode.
On Monday, a mysterious Datuk T attempted to besmirch Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. Datuk T held a press conference cum screening of a grainy sex video of a man, which Datuk T claimed, was Anwar having sex.
Why did Datuk T show the sex video at Carcosa Seri Negara and not at other premises?
Carcosa is symbolic of Anwar’s patriotism in wresting back a prominent property back into Malaysian hands.
Datuk T can’t have been aware of the symbolic significance of Carcosa and Anwar, because if he had, he would have said so.
Or was it precisely because Carcosa happened to be one of Anwar’s nationalist triumphs that the sex video was screened there? Perhaps Datuk T hoped Carcosa would signify both Anwar’s rise and precipitate his fall.
Unfortunately, the charade has backfired and people are repulsed by Umno and its cheap tactics.
The three people behind this crass idea have brought Malaysia into further disrepute, in both local and international circles.
Prime minister Najib Abdul Razak’s cabinet did not inspire confidence to start with. Now, aided by this dim trio, Najib’s reputation is in tatters.
The three are:-
Abdul Rahim, a former Malacca chief minister who was charged with statutory rape of a minor in 1994. To ordinary Malaysians, he is a rapist and a paedophile. Our Malaysian government rewards such people by making him chairman of RISDA.
Shazryl was known to be formerly in Anwar’s inner circle. He is currently the plaintiff in the case that was filed in January 2002, claiming a breach of contract by Merong Mahawangsa Sdn Bhd and Yahya A. Jalil — for failing to pay him RM20 million after he had procured the Johor crooked bridge project for them.
Perkasa, the extremist NGO’s treasurer, Shuib, was a former Sungai Petani Umno division leader, and is Umno vice-president Mohd. Shafie Apdal’s father-in-law.
Najib is in deep trouble but like other despots, who are greedy with power and scared of their eventual downfall, never seem to think so.
Najib’s cabinet and heads of GLCs are staffed by corrupt officials and sexual deviants.
Najib chooses to bury his government’s lack of policies and poor governance by distracting us with sex videos, and the pornographic self-styled glamour queen like Umi Hafilda.
Unfortunately, members of the cabinet are devoid of ideas as they are morally corrupt and intellectually bankrupt.
Poor Najib. He does not have what it takes to lead and does not have what it takes to keep his minions in check. The daft trio thought they were doing him a favour. Instead, the rakyat now know the depths to which Najib and his gang are prepared to sink.
News travels fast and Carcosa has just had its first casualty. A British acquaintance who scouts for film sites was going to “experience” Carcosa for a possible period English film set in the tropics. He is now going to Vietnam instead. One wonders why?
Datuk T and Umno generate bad news and terrible publicity.

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