Thursday, March 24, 2011

PKR legal bureau chief Latheefa Koya slammed the New York-based Ethisphere another frog under coconut shell

It's an important point in governance: that inefficiency too is a form of institutional corruption.we are all of 1 Race, the Human Race Ethisphere wins the Flatulence Award of the year.

What a Mockery! What an Idiot! Where’s the Humor?!

In the wake of the tragic events in Japan, the Obama administration has precisely defined the period of time one must wait in order to tell jokes about a natural disaster. "'Too soon' will now be exactly three months, five days from the time of said natural disaster," said Humor Czar Morty Woodger. "After that, you can make all the jokes you want. And won't making people wait just make those jokes even funnier?"
The "Too Soon Memorandum" (TSM) has been rigorously designed by a team of government humor analysts so sufficient time can pass to allow emotional and psychic healing. "Comedians, performers, and so-called 'regular' people cannot be trusted in matters of humor or comedic expression," said Senator Charles DeLongpre, one of the TSM's authors. "We are taking the guesswork out of material that could grievously damage our population's delicate sensibilities and result in locusts, hellfire, and an eternity of angry blogs."
In addition to natural disasters, The TSM also defines the delay time for telling jokes related to topics such as mass murders (five months, four days); attacks related to bullying (two months, three weeks); and acts of terrorism (six months, eleven days). In the case of the Japanese tragedy, which combines natural disasters and a man-made disaster (potential nuclear meltdown; one month, nine days), people are required to split the difference: two months, one week.
For those worried that there will be no topics of humor available for anyone to use, the TSM provides a "Provocation-Free" list that has no proscribed waiting period, which includes: doctors, lawyers, differences between black and white people, airline food, crazy girlfriends, Facebook status updates, Sarah Palin, guys who leave the toilet seat up, am I right people? "The TSM answers all questions having to do with potential comedic tastelessness," says Woodger. "Because giving offense is the absolute last thing any comedian or comic performer should want to do."

PKR legal bureau chief Latheefa Koya slammed the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission for picking on two party staff over expenses incurred during last November's annual congress.
The MACC has summoned Radin Shamsul, the organising secretary for the meeting, and one of his staff to its Shah Alam office at 11.30am. More than two thousand delegates had attended the congress held at the PJ Civic Centre.
"There is no issue at all. It is not a problem for us to go but it is blatant discrimination. What they seem to be trying to do is to tie the expenses to the office of the Selangor Mentri Besar and catch him for wrongfully using state funds to help the party," Latheefa told Malaysia Chronicle.
She was referring to Khalid Ibrahim, the PKR chief minister who has been the target of a non-stop onslaught by Selangor Umno to reclaim control of the state government.
The MACC had once controversially investigated him for his Lexus private vehicle as well as his approval of the purchase of 46 cows for slaughetr during the Hari Raya Korban.
The agency's obvious bias against Khalid sparked a public outcry, forcing the previous MACC chief to step down.
It happened to Beng Hock
In July 2009, the political aide of DAP assemblyman for Seri Kembangan was also hauled up for interrogation by the Shah Alam MACC. The late Teoh Beng Hock never managed to leave the MACC building alive.
His body was found on the fifth floor podium of the MACC headquarters at Plaza Masalam, sparking a long drawn-out inquest and an ongoing Royal Commission of Inquiry.
Many Malaysians believe Teoh was tortured before he died. Coincidence or guilty conscience, the MACC suddenly shifted out of Plaza Masalam soon after Teoh's mysterious death.
Latheefa will accompany both the PKR staff to the new MACC headquaters in Shah Alam.

It is not a matter of sycophancy. It’s a matter of giving praise when it’s due.
There’s only so much the MACC can do. They need full cooperation from the people and the government.
People talk so much about this and that leader is corrupted. But do they have the evidence?
The MACC can investigate them, but if there is not enough proof to prosecute, what then?
If they are prosecuted, they will be scot-free if there are loop-holes in the investigation.
The Teoh Beng Hock case is an albatross around the neck of the government especially the MACC.
It is clear as day that it is simply to discredit the MACC which to some is regarded as a Malay establishment.
We have wasted millions on this case which has been politicised to the hilt.
The Teoh family will not be dong what they are doing now if not for the meddling from the opposition people with vested interest.

Bernama reports: MACC’s Chief Commissioner named one of the 100 influential people in business ethics

Abu Kassim Mohamed, the Chief Commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), has been named one of the 100 influential people in business ethics for 2010 by the New York-based Ethisphere Institute.
Ranked fourth in the eminent list, he was adjudged for his role in the government and regulatory practices category. The other eight categories are thought leadership; business leadership; corporate culture; investment and research; design and sustainability; media and whistle blowers; NGOs; and philanthropy.
Ethisphere said Abu Kassim, who joined the Anti-Corruption Agency in 1984, has been instrumental in spearheading the anti-corruption programme in Malaysia, which is leading the way in such efforts in South East Asia.
The anti-corruption crusader, the only Malaysian in the list dominated by mostly Americans and Europeans, has been selected along with 99 others who are said to have made a significant impact in the realm of business ethics over the course of the year, said the research-based Ethisphere Institute.
The institute is an international think-tank dedicated to the creation, advancement and sharing of best practices in business ethics, corporate social responsibility, anti-corruption and sustainability.
Two UK anti-graft MP’s on the list
It said, although many of those listed deserved a lifetime achievement award, the 2010 list recognised those who made a significant impact, specifically during the year.
“Some are world famous and some are unknown, but from designing sustainable packaging to recovering billions of dollars from ponzi schemes, the following 100 individuals have impacted the world of business ethics in ways that will continue to resonate for many years,” added Ethisphere.
Two United Kingdom (UK) parliamentarians, Lord Willy Bach of the UK House of Lords, and former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, tied for first place for having introduced the UK Anti-Bribery Act. Third place went to Jon Leibowitz, chairman of the US Federal Trade Commission, also for government and regulatory practices.
Others in the list include Indra Nooyi, CEO Pepsi; Paul Volcker, Chairman, US Economic Recovery Advisory Board; Bill Gates, Co-founder, The Living Pledge; Warren Buffet, Co-founder, The Living Pledge; Jeff Bezos, CEO; Robery Zoellick, Chairman, World Bank; Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund; Mary Schapiro, Chairman, US Securities & Exchange Commission; and Peter Loscher, CEO Siemens.
Prince Charles, who recently released a documentary, ‘Harmony: A New Way of Looking at our World’, made it into 92nd place for environmental stewardship.
Ethisphere, which was founded by Alex Brigham, a well-respected voice in the ethics and compliance field, also publishes Ethisphere Magazine, which issues the globally-recognised World’s Most Ethical Companies Ranking.

Beware of corporate consulting firms offering awards for corporate ethics.
” Under your poet Badawi, there were two RCIs (One on the Royal Malaysian Police and the Other on the Lingam Video Clip). But their recommendations were ignored by your government 
The Macc has not investigated the RM1 billion bribe which was paid as ‘commission for the purchases of Scorpene and Sukhoi.
It has not been able to press corruption charges against both Musa Aman and Taib Mahmud for plundering their state’s wealth. Musa and Taib could thumb their noses at the Macc. So how 
Not to mention the Mas scandal

 a dubious award given by an unknown body that probably was funded by our well known Malaysian ‘fixer’ in NY. Its akin to getting an award from Libya.
This is done to pull the wool over the eyes of the simple folks back home no less but the gomen can’t fool the right thinking folks in the cities!
third eye

How many time we have to point out to you that the Macc do have prosecutorial powers ie to institute a charge against anyone.
Whilst s.58 states that a prosecution cld only be instituted with the consent of the PP, the consent in practice is issued by the Dep.PPs who can exercise the powers of the PP. And Abu Kassim as Chief Comm. u/d s.5(6) of the Act has the powers of a Dep.PP. So Abu Kassim can issue consent to prosecute.
As I understand, the Macc has about 30 Dpps seconded from the AG’s Chamber. They make decisions whether to issue consent to prosecute or not independently of Gani Patail. It is only in cases where Gani Patail has an interest that he called for the IPs and cold-storaged those IPs or make decisions like NFA. Actually the Macc in particular Abu Kasim shld not be sending its papers to Gani Patail. He must have balls to stop Gani’s nonsense.
And I think one must understand the duties and powers of the AG and the Public Prosecutor. All prosecutions that goes to court are made independent of Art.145(3) and is made in the name of the PP and not the AG. The confusion lies because Gani Patail is both the AG and PP. And as AG he has prosecutorial powers u/d A.145(3) and as PP he has prosecutorial powers u/d the Crim Procedure Code. Cases are cited as PP v Anwar Ibrahim for e.g and not AG v Anwar Ibrahim. This means it is the PP and not the AG who institute proceeding.
Perhaps malaysians cld understand this difference better if the post of AG and PP are held by different persons as in UK and most commonwealth countries The AG is first and foremost the principal legal advisor to the government and is seldom involved in prosecution. Read Art.145(2). That is his main duty and not prosecution which comes u/d the domain of the PP.
La - March 1, 2011 at 9:41 am
This is hilarious. But like the Oscar there is always an opposite. The Razzies Awards rival the Academy Awards in one way. The awards are for the worst movies and actors of the year.
Ethisphere is the equivalent of the Razzies. So the likes of Abu Kassim are in the forefront of the ceremony.
Wonder why the Tamparuli tamu petai seller was not nominated?

do not understand what they mean. In Malaysia, you guys make such a big do over them. Fancy your former Prime Minister Mr Badawi Abdulla was given an award and a generous sum of money by the Saudi Government for being a poet (and what a joke) and the most hated woman in your country was honored by The City of Ankara with Turkey’s prestigious ‘Award of Social Responsibility’ for her social work. What the heck is that!! Don’t these countries do some research before they decide on who deserve their awards.
 judge those in positions of high responsibility by their achievements at home. Action speaks louder than words. So it would be great if Mr. Abu Kassim could investigate the Attorney-General a Mr Patail (pronounced Patel in India) for his links to shaddy characters like Mr Shahidan Shafie and Mr. Vincent Lye of Ho Hup (read Mr. Din Merican on this subject), and recommend to the Prime Minister to take action against Mr Patail for conduct improper of the highest ranked legal man in our country. If Mr Abu Kassim has the guts to do that, he deserves a high title from your King. Until then, he is just a functionary of no consequence.

The Government itself must have the political will to implement them. Execution is everything, it is the only thing.
Right now ,the MACC is, in my humble opinion, free and independent to conduct any investigation on bribery and corruption without having to refer to any person including the Public Prosecutor but it has no power to charge any offender without the consent of the Public Prosecutor.
This is clearly stated in Article 145(3) of the Federal Constitution which states that the Attorney General who is also referred as the Public Prosecutor has the power exercisable at his discretion to institute, conduct or discontinue any proceedings for an offence, other than proceedings before a Muslim court, a native court or a court martial.
The provision of the said article 145(3) also implies that before prosecuting anybody in the ordinary courts, the Attorney General is not legally obliged to consult anybody; this is to ensure his independence. Likewise, section 58 of the MACC Act 2009, states that a prosecution for an offence under the Act shall not be instituted except by or with the consent of the Public Prosecutor.
So, it is clear to me that the MACC is independent in instituting an investigation on bribery and corruption but has no legal power to institute a charge against the offender. The MACC could only make a suggestion to the Public Prosecutor to charge the offender on evidence gathered but it is the prerogative of the Public Prosecutor whether to prefer a charge or otherwise on the offender without having to give a reason for his decision.
Having commented on the powers of the MACC and the legal requirement of the law in instituting charges against the offenders, I now have no qualms but to admit that the MACC is truly independent in preferring to investigate any bribery and corruption matters but the provision of the law restrains any prosecution without the consent from the Public Prosecutor by himself or by empowerment to his deputies.

It’s a meaningless, worthless listing. Influential does not mean capable, ethical or man of principle.
Until he proves himself, he must be regarded as just another scrotum carrier who’s part of the sytem involved in the TBH cover up and many others like the persecution of Rosli Dahlan, MAS fraud etc.

we are all of 1 Race, the Human Race Ethisphere wins the Flatulence Award of the year.
What a Mockery! What an Idiot! Where’s the Humor?!

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