Friday, March 25, 2011

The Doctor in the House Doing Overtime The Predictability of Predictions

 191623 10150155490011253 194151381252 8712461 5815590 o A Doctor in the House   The Memoirs of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad
      WAKING UP TO CLASS POLITICS IN MALAYSIA ? WILL THE REAL HONEST MALAY PLEASE STAND UP Be afraid, Umno; be very afraid     related article WAKING UP TO CLASS POLITICS IN MALAYSIA ? WILL THE REAL HONEST MALAY PLEASE STAND Up WATCH: “You could tell he was scoping out the trouble aspects 

Police still grilling Rahim Thamby Chik, Shazryl over sex tape
Prime Minister Najib Razak met with the three men behind the sex video that allegedly showed a man looking like Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim having sex with a prostitute, said PKR in a statement issued on Thursday.


In a sudden twist seen as an attempt to shield Prime Minister Najib Razak and his cousin Hishamuddin Hussein from bad publicity after a sex video scandal went awry, former Malacca chief minister Rahim Thamby Chik, former consul to Thailand Shazryl Eskay and Perkasa treasurer Shuib Lazim confessed they were behind the public screening of the tape they claimed implicated Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.
“(We want to show) a person who wants to be national leader and PM was not qualified,” Rahim told a press conference.related articleRahim Thamby Chik Tongue Tornado! carelessly spoken words that can cause a lifetime’s regret

Tell me if the following rulings by the judge in Anwar Ibrahim’s trial is not mind boggling.First the court ruled that a towel, a toothbrush and a mineral water bottle introduced by the prosecution were inadmissible as they had been unlawfully obtained.Subsequently, the same judge overruled his own decision and held that the items are now admissible and can be relied upon by the prosecution.Perhaps because Anwar has been accused by the prosecution of indulging in an unnatural sexual act, an unnatural trial is therefore to be expected.What I mean is that people are too naive or foolish if they expect Anwar’s trial to be placed in the same category as other ordinary criminal trials involving the average person.Don’t believe me? Can anyone tell me if any other sodomy complainant has been allowed to see the prime minister or his wife at their official residence?Or if other victims could personally contact the IGP? Or allowed to provide their police statement in the privacy and comfort of a hotel room? Or if Anwar is not being put on trial in the court of public opinion, courtesy of the pro-government media?Or if other prosecution affidavits are published in newspapers before they are submitted to the trial?Or if we have unrelated organisations organising protests to pressure the accused into surrendering his DNA samples?And the lists goes on.Like it or not Anwar’s trial has never been usual and natural to begin with. You don’t see many such stunts appearing anywhere else but here.When Anwar is tried, it seems that the entire machinery of the government have been in operation to viciously finish him off. As far as Umno is concerned, Anwar is the enemy of the State thus any means to destroy him is justified.One must be crazy to even dream that Anwar would be accorded a genuine due process. What transpired inside and outside the trial reaffirms the people’s belief that the ghost of his first sodomy trial has now returned with a vengeance.Judging from what has happened throughout his trial so far, people suspect something must be wrong somewhere.Is his a legal or political trial? Is he or our administration of justice being tried? What do his enemies really want?Many well-planned coincidences also emerge in Anwar’s fiasco.When Anwar was to be nominated as a candidate for Permatang Pauh’s by-election, the public were suddenly shown Saiful’s oath in the Federal Territory mosque.Now, when people are to go to the polls in Sarawak, they are shown yet with another stunt — a sex video tape purportedly featuring Anwar as the main actor of the scene.For the first time, a sex video was publicly viewed without any interference from the police. And for the first time, Malaysians are told Datuk T comprises of three individuals .Anyway Anwar should be thankful to his political rivals as they do not mind Rahim Tamby Chik’s role in this new release video.When Rahim shows his utmost concern on sex related materials, history is being rewritten.Never mind Anwar... lawan tetap lawan

Anwar for having to be subjected to these sort of obviously false/doubtful immoral frame-up like the sodomy I and II. Politics aside, as a human being, how can one subject another person and his family to these lies.... under the watchful eyes of the nations authorities.Lies repeated often enough will become truth. Politic is war of perception.Thus, even though there are still many out there who believe this is a smear campaign against DSAI, there are bound to have some people who start to doubt his credibility to lead - just because lies repeated often enough will be so true.This kind of people need different approach to deal with. Thus,for PR to win back support, they must tackle this issue by taking a different approach. They must change their public opinion, because that is how support is won.the key point in this sordid event is that UMNO leaders obviously hold Anwar in very high regards. For that reason alone, Malaysians should give Anwar a chance to perform in some capacity in Government. Afterall, there must be some valid reason why UMNO leaders find it so crucial to prevent Anwar from contniuning his political career. Funny thing is many people do not have any where near as high a regard for Anwar as the UMNO leaders!
Proof lies in theTHE burning question now is whether or not 
this Chinese lady Topless Photos IS JOCELINE TAN"THERE HAVE BEEN A NUMBER OF NUDE FAKES OVER THE PAST TWO MONTHS.JOCELINE TAN HAS SEEN THEM AND FINDS THEM TIRESOME. PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW BETTER."EVEN IF THE PHOTO WAS REAL, WHO CARES?Only a handful of people can answer that with some degree of authority because everyone else talking  about it has not SEEN 

 At Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s home last night, former Abim president Datuk Siddiq Fadhil gave an impassioned sermon to a 400-strong crowd of mostly Muslims.
But a quick survey of the compound saw more than half of the men clad in robes or baju Melayus absorbed in reading a chronological account of events in the sex video saga where Anwar is allegedly shown having sex with a prostitute.
Curiosity, especially within the Malay public, has been piqued and this is viewed positively by Pakatan Rakyat (PR), who will be holding a series of rallies in the coming week that will see it go on the offensive, accusing Umno of gutter politics.“The sex video is shrouded in doubt. This has opened the way for us to reach the public, especially the Malays who want to find out more,” PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution told The Malaysian Insider.
Last night, Anwar held prayers at his home and had catered for 250 Muslims to come for a night of sermons, but the opposition leader later had to apologise to the 400 who came for being ill-prepared for the crowd.
If the video is — as PR claims — an Umno ploy, then it may well backfire as pact now appear to have been galvanised.
Anwar is in his element when under siege and issues quickly become platforms for the PKR de facto leader, as was seen when tens of thousands protested his 1998 sacking as deputy prime minister.
His party has responded swiftly  to seize the initiative since the video first surfaced on Monday, alleging Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s involvement with the trio, collectively known as “Datuk T”, behind the 21-minute tape.
PKR’s claims of dirty politics by Umno has gained credence when Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik, who had to resign in 1994 as Malacca chief minister after accusations of statutory rape, admitted that he was part of “Datuk T.”
Umno, too, has seen the potential damage and has been quick to distance itself from its former Youth chief, insisting that Abdul Rahim was acting in his personal capacity.
Significantly, even PAS now seems to be firmly by Anwar’s side after talk of uneasiness with PKR following a string of by-election defeats in Malay-majority seats.
When a reporter asked Anwar on Tuesday if he should swear on the Quran that he was not the man in a sex video that surfaced the day before, it was PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang who insisted on fielding the question.
“Let me answer this,” he told Anwar at the press conference, before launching into a short sermon on Syariah law.
“We were surprised. Hadi is usually very reserved but I think he has had enough,” said PKR deputy president Azmin Ali.

In a sermon that night in Taman Medan, Petaling Jaya, he spent over 20 minutes of a fiery speech claiming that the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) was indulging in gutter politics to bring down Opposition Leader Anwar, who is also facing an ongoing sodomy trial.
The normally calm Abdul Hadi has been on a warpath since.
According to Saifuddin, the ceramah drew a crowd of 5,000 — over 20 per cent more than expected.
“Yes, we’ve noticed that Hadi has become very fierce since the video came out,” said former PAS secretary-general Datuk Kamaruddin Jaafar.
Abdul Hadi has been seen as being cool about his Islamic party’s relationship with Anwar, unlike the “Erdogan” camp in PAS that is said to support the embattled PKR de facto leader at all cost.
Anwar finding an unexpected champion in Abdul Hadi to fight the latest allegation of sexual misconduct is the clearest sign that the opposition coalition still has plenty of puff left in it.
Azmin’s sister, Ummi Hafilda, who has accused Anwar of sexual misconduct over the past 13 years, has claimed that there are 18 more sex videos of the Permatang Pauh MP.
But as Badrul Hisham Baharin, a PKR Youth leader, put it last night, “They can have 188 more sex videos and it would not matter

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