If anyone's citizenship has been approved in recent times based on their political affiliation, this constitutes a gross abuse of power on the part of BN.'
'Umno soliciting citizenship to boost vote bank'
Quigonbond: This issue again points to the failure of Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein to act fairly. If anyone's citizenship has been approved in recent times based on their political affiliation, this constitutes a gross abuse of power on the part of BN, and especially the home minister.
The rakyat should file for judicial review, the opposition parties must insist on a royal commission of inquiry to look at this fiasco, not just for Hulu Selangor, but for Sabah and elsewhere in Malaysia.
Nicholas Lim: This is indeed true. Ask some of the Indonesian maids and workers in your neighbourhood and they will tell you they have been approached by "people" to apply for citizenship, i.e. converting their permanent resident status to citizen status.
Of course, most will take up the offer as they want their children to get assistance in education loans and places in local universities. You cannot fault them for that for they only want the best for their families.
The blame lies with the people offering them citizenship through the backdoor. So let's not make it into an Indonesian-bashing session. Focus on the real enemy: not the Indonesians, but our fellow Malaysians.
DNA: Is this not treason? I, as a citizen, demand an explanation from Hishammuddin over this allegation.
As usual, MCA, MIC, Gerakan and PPP will not open their mouths for fear of offending Umno. Umno is willing to sell Malaysia just to stay in power. Umno is a filthy and corrupt party.
NuckinFuts: Why invest billions of ringgit in jet fighters, patrol boats and submarines to 'defend' our country when we already have agents like these abusing their positions selling our country's citizenship openly like pirated DVD sellers?
This is what newspapers should be shouting about in their headlines, not some cooked-up lies by bloggers on the net.
Playfair: Now watch the backtracking from Umno - they will claim that the letter is a forgery by Pakatan Rakyat to tarnish the image of Umno. Case closed. To Zuraida Kamaruddin, well done for the expose. We are 100 percent behind you, and believe that it is indeed an attempt to undermine the election process.
BTN: That was what happened in Sabah many years ago. The mockery of all this is that the majority of the Sabah folk still support BN blindly and thereafter complain that they are being left behind in every area of development.
As long as Umno has its way, it will continue to manipulate every living human being in this country, no matter what pangkat (level) they are at, to achieve their evil goals.
Gandhi: Hulu Selangor MP P Kamalanathan is busier than the proverbial ant, twitting most of time and yet has no time to look into crucial matters like citizenship for Indians.
While Hulu Selangor Umno division chief Mohamed Idris Abu Bakar was able to write to the home minister to get citizenship for Indonesians, what is this hand-kissing MIC leader doing for the Indians?
Every day, intelligent graduates are leaving the country and in their place, Bangladeshis, Indonesians and Pakistanis are brought in to bolster Umno's chances of remaining in power. They just don't give a damn what happens to this country of ours so long as they can remain in power. Umno, what a dirty, sinful and unethical party. No wonder PAS will never ever join forces with you. This is not new, is it? Apparently that's how the Kadazans are no longer the majority in Sabah anymore. But, yes, when it is detected, Umno must be brought to task. However, they control all levels of power. If the National Registration Department fast-tracks the citizenship approvals, I wonder what recourse Pakatan will have.
The government has committed a serious crime by giving free access into Malaysia to people without going through proper procedures. They have become so unscrupulous as to contravene the laws blatantly in their actions.When a government commits a crime, it is the horror of horrors. The country is without redress, but there is only one way out - the people should arise.
There are thousands of Indians deprived of citizenship, though born here, because they do not have birth certificates. Very strict rules were applied on them for the granting of citizenship. The new leadership of MIC managed to get citizenships for some but not all. These people should be given priority.The government cannot sell the country to recent arrivals just because they are Muslims, Indonesians, or Malay look alikes. This is treason, punishable by death.Bar Council slams gov't for condoning abuses The survival of democracy in our country is under grave threat. For years and years, Umno - under the leadership of its Machiavellian founders - has disenabled the professionalism, integrity and independence of our state institutions they have disconnected our state institutions and dismantled them piece by piece, a little bit at a time, hollowing out the foundations of our parliamentary democracy. The regime have been gradually slicing up our institutions,like slicing salami, until what's left today of our democracy, is about to topple over.Some are worried about price increases affecting our lives. Well, if these Umno gremlins have their way, after they've finished 'bastardising' our democracy and our economy, we won't have any life to worry about.
As usual, the PM and home minister have shown their total cowardice by failing to come out unequivocally against the gutter journalism displayed by Utusan Malaysia. If it had been any other media printing equally provocative reports, you can be sure the PM, home minister and their stooges in the police force would have come down hard on them.Malaysia? 1WholeLotofRubbish!: Is this part of what Umno's "take back Selangor (and other states) by all means" implies? There are many editors in Utusan who write under pseudonyms like Awang Selamat. In fact, there may be a few writers behind the pseudonym.Why is it necessary to hide your real name behind a pseudonym? Any writer worth his salt would be proud to see his name in the byline. The reason for hiding behind pseudonyms is to write racist trash that their own mothers would be ashamed to read.
PKR today dismissed Hulu Selangor Umno’s denial that it had applied for 2,000 foreign workers to be given citizenship to help secure a Barisan Nasional (BN) victory here in the next general election.
Instead, Selangor PKR deputy chairman Zuraida Kamaruddin urged the police to investigate her party’s allegations against the Umno division and the authenticity of its purported letter to the Home Ministry.
“There’s a letter here, proof,” Zuraida told reporters today.
“Let the police investigate. I don’t know if the letter is false... (but) it comes from a credible source... a government office,” she added.
Hulu Selangor Umno yesterday said the document was a forgery, pointing out that the letterhead used was not the one usually used by the division.
It also claimed division chief Datuk Mohamed Idris Abu Bakar’s signature on the letter was different, and that his name was not used in its entirety.
“We ask the police to investigate this, whether there’s a syndicate to give ICs (identity cards) (and) citizenship to foreigners for political purposes to ensure a BN victory in GE13,” said PKR central leadership council member Khalid Jaafar at a joint press conference with Zuraida.
He had earlier lodged a police report at the Bukit Sentosa police station here.
In his police report, he urged the police to investigate Idris and Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein for alleged abuse of power.
Khalid pointed out that this was similar to “Project IC” in Sabah, where illegal immigrants were allegedly given Malaysian identity cards.
Hishammuddin had rejected United Pasokmomogun Kadazan Dusun Murut Organisation (Upko) president Tan Sri Bernard Dompok’s call to set up a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) on the matter.
The minister reportedly said last February that the RCI would not solve Sabah’s immigration problem.
Today, Zuraida said Umno’s alleged attempt to boost its vote bank by giving citizenship involved national security.
“This is treason to the rakyat,” said the Ampang MP.
“We see BN is so desperate till they’re willing to compromise national security. This is a huge betrayal,” Zuraida added.
A Selangor Umno spokesperson said Idris had chaired a state-level meeting yesterday that resolved to demand a retraction from PKR, failing which it would file a defamation suit.
But Zuraida dismissed the demand, saying: “No problem with that... I think it’s a standard response. They’ll deny.”
The PKR Wanita chief said she had not known of Idris prior to the exposure of the purported letter nor was she familiar with the letterheads Umno used, but pointed out that it was the duty of the police to investigate the authenticity of the document.
“If they claim (the) signature (is wrong), check la,” said Zuraida.
In a press conference yesterday morning, Zuraida circulated a document alleged to be a letter Umno had sent to Hishamuddin requesting that 2,000 foreigners be given full citizenship instead of just permanent residence.
The Ampang MP said that the letter, dated March 23, was given to her by a civil servant last Friday.
Zuraida refused today to give further details on the identity or position of her informant.
The application, titled “13th General Election — Seeking approval to obtain citizenships for Hulu Selangor parliamentary seat, Selangor”, contains the Hulu Selangor Umno letterhead and purportedly signed by Idris.
However, the Umno spokesperson said yesterday that Idris usually used his full name “Datuk Hj Mohamed Idris Hj Abu Bakar”, and not just “Datuk Hj Idris Abu Bakar.”
The spokesperson added that the Umno division would make a police report on Zuraida’s claims.
The document said that Umno had “identified and validated” a list of prospective voters with permanent resident (PR) status here “who can help BN in Hulu Selangor for the 13th general election”.
“Attached herewith is a list of names of those who can become voters in Hulu Selangor and we have also conducted a strict screening of each individual to ensure they are free from any criminal or drug charges or follow any dangerous or misguided ideology. “They are students and entrepreneurs, and together they can help develop the country towards becoming more progressive, in addition to helping BN win every election, especially the coming 13th general election.
“With this, it is hoped that Datuk Seri can give an early approval so that we are able to proceed with the application smoothly,” the letter read.
Hulu Selangor is presently held by BN’s P. Kamalanathan.
The MIC leader scored an upset when he successfully beat former PKR leader Datuk Zaid Ibrahim for the seat during the April 2010 by-election by securing 24,997 votes to Zaid’s 23,272, winning with a 1,725-vote majority.
The seat was previously held by PKR’s Datuk Dr Zainal Abidin Ahmad who died on March 25 last year, paving the way for the by-election.
The PKR man had wrested the seat from MIC’s Datuk G. Palanivel, who is now the party’s president, with a wafer thin 198-vote majority during the political tsunami of Election 2008
Dalam usaha menyusuri jejak bangsa, ramai rakyat Sabah terkeliru dan teruja untuk menggelarkan diri mereka sebagai anak jati Sabah tanpa mempedulikan perasaan kaum lain.
Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan misalnya, terlalu benci kepada Pendatang Tanpa Izin (PTI) sehingga membuat beberapa laporan polis dan yang terbaru mendakwa Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Aman sebagai dalang menggunakan Umno untuk merekrut PTI sebagai warganegara baru kerana yang telah mendapat kad pengenalan semasa 1993 serik untuk mengundi Umno dan merasakan mereka dikhianati.
Mungkin, telahan Dr Jeffrey Kitingan ada asas kerana Musa pernah terlibat menaja lebih 82,000 kad pengenalan projek kepada PTI pelbagai negara sebagaimana pendedahan yang dibuat oleh Haji Jabar Khan Napi @ Yasser Arafat di hadapan Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Parlimen mengenai integriti yang mungkin menjadi salah satu sebab kenapa Tan Sri Bernard Giluk Dompok meletakkan jawatan sebagai pengerusi jawatankuasa berkenaan pada Rabu lalu. Kenyataan Jabar pernah disiarkan di Malaysia Today.
Namun agak keterlaluan apabila Dr Jeffrey melibatkan Persatuan Kebajikan Bugis Sabah (PKBS) sebagai salah satu dalang melahirkan ramai PTI menjadi warganegara segera melalui kad pengenalan projek. Sebenarnya, dalam hal ini, ketika menjadi Pengerusi Task Force Umno Sabah, Musa Aman merasakan inilah peluang beliau untuk mendapatkan kuasa yang tidak pernah beliau perolehi dan menggunakan ’orang bugis’ yang tamak, Samsul Alang Hamsah memperdaya Pengerusi PKBS, Andy Bandy Pilu (abang ipar Haji Tukang Parendrang) agar menggunakan borang keahlian PKBS sebagai modus operandi untuk mendapatkan kad pengenalan.
Bagaikan orang mengantuk disorongkan bantal, Andy Bandy bersetuju setelah mengadakan perjumpaan dengan Musa Aman dan Tun Ghaffar Baba (Ketua Perhubungan Umno Sabah) kerana memikirkan ketika itu Kerajaan Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) memburu warga Indonesia bagaikan memburu babi di hutan, melainkan yang beragama Kristian yang diberikan kad pengenalan merah dan dikahwinkan dengan orang Dusun.
Berduyun-duyun warga Indonesia beragama Islam berketurunan Bugis mengunjungi pejabat PKBS di seluruh Sabah untuk mendaftar sebagai ahli, namun mereka tidak mengetahui akan mendapat kad pengenalan projek.Di Kota Kinabalu misalnya, Pejabat Kontraktor Sri Padang Sdn.Bhd. di Bangunan Berjaya (kini Wisma SESB) dijadikan pejabat operasi PKBS. Pengarah Urusan Sri Padang, Haji Abu Ali Ganturon telah digunakan oleh Datuk Yahya Hussin dan Kahar Mohd Zain untuk merekrut bukan sahaja PTI Indonesia, malah India dan Pakistan dengan menggunakan borang yang sama.
Kebanyakan petugas PKBS merupakan mantan ahli jawatankuasa Perhimpunan Keluarga Indonesia di Sabah dan Sarawak (PERKISA) yang turut digunakan oleh Parti Berjaya pimpinan Datuk Harris Salleh untuk merekrut PTI menjadi warganegara segera.Melihat senario ini, adalah tidak adil untuk menyalahkan PKBS dalam isu ini kerana mereka diperdaya oleh Musa Aman yang menjadi arkitek untuk mendirikan bangunan kuasa melalui ’warga mi segera’ yang sebelum ini dipelopori oleh Tun Datu Haji Mustapha Datu Harun (Warga Filipina), Datuk Harris Salleh (Filipina, Indonesia, Pakistan) dan Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan (Warga Indonesia Kristian).
Namun apabila Kerajaan Barisan Nasional telah memperolehi kuasa melalui ’pintu belakang’ pada 1994, semua yang terlibat dengan Kad Pengenalan Projek ini disumbat ke Penjara Kamunting setelah melalui beberapa proses saringan dan siasatan, tetapi Musa Aman yang mendalangi sindiket ini terlepas, termasuk juga orang kuatnya, Haji Abu Ali Ganturon yang telah merasuah polis RM2 juta agar tidak ditahan ISA setelah ditahan di Jalan Gurney selama dua bulan.
Entah berapa Musa Aman bayar kepada Ketua Polis Negara untuk melepaskan diri daripada terlibat dengan tuduhan memudaratkan keselamatan negara? Musa Aman juga dipercayai merasuah Setiausaha Task Force Umno, Haji Jabar Khan Napi dan tahanan ISA yang lain agar tidak melibatkan beliau dengan sindiket berkenaan. Setelah sindiket tersebut tumpas, PKBS mendapat suntikan semangat yang baru kerana diterajui ’Anak Jati Bugis Sabah’, Osman Jamal, namun beliau terpaksa membayar dengan harga yang mahal apabila terpaksa melepaskan jawatan sebagai Pengarah Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur kerana PKBS dicap sebagai merekrut PTI dan secara kebetulan beliau berketurunan Bugis.
Ramai pihak yang tidak berpuashati telah mengemukakan aduan palsu dan fitnah kononnya Osman Jamal turut terlibat dengan sindiket berkenaan dan memberi kebenaran kepada Orang Bugis PTI menceroboh tanah di Kinabatangan, Lahad Datu dan Sandakan sehingga Osman Jamal ’dibekukan’ dan digantikan dengan Datuk Mohd Jaffry.Ramai lupa bahawa isteri Musa, Rahmawati Idris, adalah PTI yang diberi kad pengenalan dan beliaulah yang turut mendalangi semua orang Bugis Indonesia mendapat kad pengenalan biru sehingga jumlah mereka menenggelami Bugis Tempatan Sabah.
Namun, yang benar tetap benar, Osman Jamal dikembalikan semula ke jawatannya sebagai Pengarah Tanah dan Ukur membuktikan semua dakwaan palsu yang dibuat sebelum ini tidak berasas.Sebenarnya, PKBS hanya diterajui oleh warga Malaysia berketurunan Bugis dan bukannya PTI dan PKBS tidak pernah mengeluarkan walau sekeping kad pengenalan projek kepada sebarang pihak. PKBS kini telah dibubarkan.
Bagaimanapun pemimpin rakus di dalam Umno Sabah, Ghaffar Baba, Musa Aman, Yahya Hussin, Samsul Alang dan sebagainya telah memperdaya Andy Bandy Pilu dan seluruh warga Indonesia yang berada di Sabah agar mendaftar sebagai ahli dan tidak mengetahui mereka sebenarnya akan menjadi ’kambing korban’ sebagai jamuan utama kenduri Umno merampas kuasa daripada PBS.Mungkin tidak keterlaluan jika dikatakan bahawa Bugis PTI ’tidak bersalah’ kerana menjadi mangsa ’liwat’ Musa Aman.
Kad pengenalan mereka dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara yang terletak di bawah potfolio Perdana Menteri!Kini, Musa Aman melancarkan semula gerakan merekrut PTI sebagai ahli dan pengundi dan siapakah yang menjadi mangsa kali ini? PKBS sudah lama berkubur. Mahu tidak mahu, Musa terpaksa menggunakan Umno kerana sukar untuk mendapat rakan kongsi yang bestari!
Dalam usaha menyusuri jejak bangsa, ramai rakyat Sabah terkeliru dan teruja untuk menggelarkan diri mereka sebagai anak jati Sabah tanpa mempedulikan perasaan kaum lain.
Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan misalnya, terlalu benci kepada Pendatang Tanpa Izin (PTI) sehingga membuat beberapa laporan polis dan yang terbaru mendakwa Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Aman sebagai dalang menggunakan Umno untuk merekrut PTI sebagai warganegara baru kerana yang telah mendapat kad pengenalan semasa 1993 serik untuk mengundi Umno dan merasakan mereka dikhianati.
Mungkin, telahan Dr Jeffrey Kitingan ada asas kerana Musa pernah terlibat menaja lebih 82,000 kad pengenalan projek kepada PTI pelbagai negara sebagaimana pendedahan yang dibuat oleh Haji Jabar Khan Napi @ Yasser Arafat di hadapan Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas Parlimen mengenai integriti yang mungkin menjadi salah satu sebab kenapa Tan Sri Bernard Giluk Dompok meletakkan jawatan sebagai pengerusi jawatankuasa berkenaan pada Rabu lalu. Kenyataan Jabar pernah disiarkan di Malaysia Today.
Namun agak keterlaluan apabila Dr Jeffrey melibatkan Persatuan Kebajikan Bugis Sabah (PKBS) sebagai salah satu dalang melahirkan ramai PTI menjadi warganegara segera melalui kad pengenalan projek. Sebenarnya, dalam hal ini, ketika menjadi Pengerusi Task Force Umno Sabah, Musa Aman merasakan inilah peluang beliau untuk mendapatkan kuasa yang tidak pernah beliau perolehi dan menggunakan ’orang bugis’ yang tamak, Samsul Alang Hamsah memperdaya Pengerusi PKBS, Andy Bandy Pilu (abang ipar Haji Tukang Parendrang) agar menggunakan borang keahlian PKBS sebagai modus operandi untuk mendapatkan kad pengenalan.
Bagaikan orang mengantuk disorongkan bantal, Andy Bandy bersetuju setelah mengadakan perjumpaan dengan Musa Aman dan Tun Ghaffar Baba (Ketua Perhubungan Umno Sabah) kerana memikirkan ketika itu Kerajaan Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) memburu warga Indonesia bagaikan memburu babi di hutan, melainkan yang beragama Kristian yang diberikan kad pengenalan merah dan dikahwinkan dengan orang Dusun.
Berduyun-duyun warga Indonesia beragama Islam berketurunan Bugis mengunjungi pejabat PKBS di seluruh Sabah untuk mendaftar sebagai ahli, namun mereka tidak mengetahui akan mendapat kad pengenalan projek.Di Kota Kinabalu misalnya, Pejabat Kontraktor Sri Padang Sdn.Bhd. di Bangunan Berjaya (kini Wisma SESB) dijadikan pejabat operasi PKBS. Pengarah Urusan Sri Padang, Haji Abu Ali Ganturon telah digunakan oleh Datuk Yahya Hussin dan Kahar Mohd Zain untuk merekrut bukan sahaja PTI Indonesia, malah India dan Pakistan dengan menggunakan borang yang sama.
Kebanyakan petugas PKBS merupakan mantan ahli jawatankuasa Perhimpunan Keluarga Indonesia di Sabah dan Sarawak (PERKISA) yang turut digunakan oleh Parti Berjaya pimpinan Datuk Harris Salleh untuk merekrut PTI menjadi warganegara segera.Melihat senario ini, adalah tidak adil untuk menyalahkan PKBS dalam isu ini kerana mereka diperdaya oleh Musa Aman yang menjadi arkitek untuk mendirikan bangunan kuasa melalui ’warga mi segera’ yang sebelum ini dipelopori oleh Tun Datu Haji Mustapha Datu Harun (Warga Filipina), Datuk Harris Salleh (Filipina, Indonesia, Pakistan) dan Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan (Warga Indonesia Kristian).
Namun apabila Kerajaan Barisan Nasional telah memperolehi kuasa melalui ’pintu belakang’ pada 1994, semua yang terlibat dengan Kad Pengenalan Projek ini disumbat ke Penjara Kamunting setelah melalui beberapa proses saringan dan siasatan, tetapi Musa Aman yang mendalangi sindiket ini terlepas, termasuk juga orang kuatnya, Haji Abu Ali Ganturon yang telah merasuah polis RM2 juta agar tidak ditahan ISA setelah ditahan di Jalan Gurney selama dua bulan.
Entah berapa Musa Aman bayar kepada Ketua Polis Negara untuk melepaskan diri daripada terlibat dengan tuduhan memudaratkan keselamatan negara? Musa Aman juga dipercayai merasuah Setiausaha Task Force Umno, Haji Jabar Khan Napi dan tahanan ISA yang lain agar tidak melibatkan beliau dengan sindiket berkenaan. Setelah sindiket tersebut tumpas, PKBS mendapat suntikan semangat yang baru kerana diterajui ’Anak Jati Bugis Sabah’, Osman Jamal, namun beliau terpaksa membayar dengan harga yang mahal apabila terpaksa melepaskan jawatan sebagai Pengarah Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur kerana PKBS dicap sebagai merekrut PTI dan secara kebetulan beliau berketurunan Bugis.
Ramai pihak yang tidak berpuashati telah mengemukakan aduan palsu dan fitnah kononnya Osman Jamal turut terlibat dengan sindiket berkenaan dan memberi kebenaran kepada Orang Bugis PTI menceroboh tanah di Kinabatangan, Lahad Datu dan Sandakan sehingga Osman Jamal ’dibekukan’ dan digantikan dengan Datuk Mohd Jaffry.Ramai lupa bahawa isteri Musa, Rahmawati Idris, adalah PTI yang diberi kad pengenalan dan beliaulah yang turut mendalangi semua orang Bugis Indonesia mendapat kad pengenalan biru sehingga jumlah mereka menenggelami Bugis Tempatan Sabah.
Namun, yang benar tetap benar, Osman Jamal dikembalikan semula ke jawatannya sebagai Pengarah Tanah dan Ukur membuktikan semua dakwaan palsu yang dibuat sebelum ini tidak berasas.Sebenarnya, PKBS hanya diterajui oleh warga Malaysia berketurunan Bugis dan bukannya PTI dan PKBS tidak pernah mengeluarkan walau sekeping kad pengenalan projek kepada sebarang pihak. PKBS kini telah dibubarkan.
Bagaimanapun pemimpin rakus di dalam Umno Sabah, Ghaffar Baba, Musa Aman, Yahya Hussin, Samsul Alang dan sebagainya telah memperdaya Andy Bandy Pilu dan seluruh warga Indonesia yang berada di Sabah agar mendaftar sebagai ahli dan tidak mengetahui mereka sebenarnya akan menjadi ’kambing korban’ sebagai jamuan utama kenduri Umno merampas kuasa daripada PBS.Mungkin tidak keterlaluan jika dikatakan bahawa Bugis PTI ’tidak bersalah’ kerana menjadi mangsa ’liwat’ Musa Aman.
Kad pengenalan mereka dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara yang terletak di bawah potfolio Perdana Menteri!Kini, Musa Aman melancarkan semula gerakan merekrut PTI sebagai ahli dan pengundi dan siapakah yang menjadi mangsa kali ini? PKBS sudah lama berkubur. Mahu tidak mahu, Musa terpaksa menggunakan Umno kerana sukar untuk mendapat rakan kongsi yang bestari!
Who are the “Other Bumiputera” and Other Ethnic Groups” in Sabah? According to an answer to Teresa Kok (DAP Seputeh), the PM Department said that there are 436,300 “Other Bumiputera” and 143,500 “Other Ethnic Groups” in Sabah. These constituted 25.9 percent of the Sabah population.
The composition of ethnic groups in Sabah as of March 206:
Melayu 342,500 15.3%
Kadazan/Dusun 530,000 23.7%
Bajau 399,300 17.8%
Murut 98,400 4.4%
Bumiputera Lain 436,300 19.5%
Cina 287,200 12.8%
Lain-lain Etnik 143,500 6.4%
Jumlah Warganegara 2,237,100 100.0% (75.1%)
Bukan Warganegara 743,600 (24.9%)
Jumlah 2,980,700 (100.0%)
Kadazan/Dusun 530,000 23.7%
Bajau 399,300 17.8%
Murut 98,400 4.4%
Bumiputera Lain 436,300 19.5%
Cina 287,200 12.8%
Lain-lain Etnik 143,500 6.4%
Jumlah Warganegara 2,237,100 100.0% (75.1%)
Bukan Warganegara 743,600 (24.9%)
Jumlah 2,980,700 (100.0%)
The question is who are the “Other Bumiputera” and “Other Ethnic Groups” that cannot be classified according to a particular ethnic group. Are these “citizens” non-indigenous to Sabah?
If one is to add the “Bukan Warganegara” category to the above figures, it would exceed 50 percent of the total population in Sabah.
It is an open secret that the number of foreigners in Sabah far exceeded the locals in a span of a few short years.
We heard about the Project M to give “false ICs to foreigners in Sabah for political purposes?
No wonder local indigenous people feel like strangers in their own land.
Dr Mahathir should know the truth about this project in Sabah.
The correct approach to get to the root of the illegal immigrant problem in Sabah is to establish a Royal Commission of Inquiry and not by listing the identity of each illegal. the commission of inquiry should investigate and colllect specific details and come up with specific recommendations to solve this serious national security problem.This should be the correct approach and not a listing game, former Chief Minister Datuk Salleh Tun Said Keruak
call to list out the 1.7 million foreigners supposedly in Sabah,including 600,000 who purportedly possess Malaysian identity cards.Salleh had said that PKR claim of 1.7 million foreigner residing in Sabah was true then it would mean that the locals were already outnumbered and this was not something that could be taken lightly. To say that the State and Federal governments are already working on the solution is not a solution.The illegal immigrant problem is becoming bigger and more serious each year with no solution in sight and the Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders should be aware of the seriousness of this problem. surprised that Salleh, being a former Chief Minister, does not seem to be aware of many things, including what had been discussed and reported on the issue of illegal immigrants and foreigners with Malaysian in a state of denial as to the seriousness of the problem. Thisis typical of the BN leaders' attitude resulting in Sabah's problems becoming bigger and more serious each year with no solution in sight," stating the State and Federal governments are already
working on the solutions does not constitute a solution.
The other BN component parties (Upko, PBS, LDP and SAPP) all acknowledged
the seriousness of the PTI (illegal immigrants) problems (including those
with Malaysian ICs) as indicated by the Upko suggestion to have a BN master
plan to resolve the issue but (which) was flatly shot down by Umno, also like to ask
the seriousness of the PTI (illegal immigrants) problems (including those
with Malaysian ICs) as indicated by the Upko suggestion to have a BN master
plan to resolve the issue but (which) was flatly shot down by Umno, also like to ask
Salleh whether he is speaking on behalf of the BN government or himself and
whether he is speaking as an Umno member or as the President of Usbo.
It would be interesting to find out whether the Usbo
membership is free from illegals and what is its ultimate political
objective."Meanwhile, Consumers Association for Sabah and Labuan (Cash)
Secretary-General, Joshua Kong said BN component party members should be
raising the issue of the illegal immigrants and fake ICs in the State
Assembly and Parliament, rather than through the media. the press migh
membership is free from illegals and what is its ultimate political
objective."Meanwhile, Consumers Association for Sabah and Labuan (Cash)
Secretary-General, Joshua Kong said BN component party members should be
raising the issue of the illegal immigrants and fake ICs in the State
Assembly and Parliament, rather than through the media. the press migh
not be a proper channel for a resolution on the IC crisis, as what is said in
the Assembly would form the basis for furtherurgent actions.On national Umno
Youth secretary, Datuk Rahman Dahlan's statement, Kong said he might be
"partially right for his observations" but that Cash was
concerned about both dubious citizens and illegals without any documents.
"Rahman has to grasp the complex IC crisis arising from the so-called
Project IC as several major groups were involved," he said.
Rahman had advised the opposition and NGOs not to indiscriminately link the
presence of illegal immigrants in Sabah with the BN government.
KK Umno: Illegals should apply for citizenship
Kota Kinabalu: Steps must be taken to educate foreigners, especially illegal
immigrants "who love Sabah very much" that there are proper procedures to
apply for citizenship," said Umno Kota Kinabalu Youth.
"We should educate these illegals who 'love Sabah very much' that there are
proper procedures to apply for citizenship. It is better to have real
citizenship although the process to get it is slow.
"Compared to 'fast citizenship', which is not guaranteed and most of the
times a scam," said its chief, Bahrul Razha Hj Chuprat in a statement,
He said Umno Kota Kinabalu Youth believe there is also a need to educate
immigrants with expired visas to return home for revalidation of their
visas, enabling them to return to Sabah to seek re-employment.
"We should educate these immigrants that foreign workers with valid visas
can enjoy better benefits compared to illegal workers," he said.
At the same time, he said awareness must be created among the locals so that
they shed the mentality of "cepat kaya" (making fast bucks) by employing or
"sometime exploiting these illegal immigrants as cheap labour".
The locals must also be educated to discard the mentality of renting houses
or rooms to these illegal immigrants and sometimes exploiting them by
offering poor condition accommodation, he said.
Lastly, Bahrul said, "we should educate our own people not to have the
mentality of "cepat kaya" by Ali Baba-ing (sub-contracting) their licences
to these illegal immigrants who might not even know the rules and
regulations governing the licence.
concerned about both dubious citizens and illegals without any documents.
"Rahman has to grasp the complex IC crisis arising from the so-called
Project IC as several major groups were involved," he said.
Rahman had advised the opposition and NGOs not to indiscriminately link the
presence of illegal immigrants in Sabah with the BN government.
KK Umno: Illegals should apply for citizenship
Kota Kinabalu: Steps must be taken to educate foreigners, especially illegal
immigrants "who love Sabah very much" that there are proper procedures to
apply for citizenship," said Umno Kota Kinabalu Youth.
"We should educate these illegals who 'love Sabah very much' that there are
proper procedures to apply for citizenship. It is better to have real
citizenship although the process to get it is slow.
"Compared to 'fast citizenship', which is not guaranteed and most of the
times a scam," said its chief, Bahrul Razha Hj Chuprat in a statement,
He said Umno Kota Kinabalu Youth believe there is also a need to educate
immigrants with expired visas to return home for revalidation of their
visas, enabling them to return to Sabah to seek re-employment.
"We should educate these immigrants that foreign workers with valid visas
can enjoy better benefits compared to illegal workers," he said.
At the same time, he said awareness must be created among the locals so that
they shed the mentality of "cepat kaya" (making fast bucks) by employing or
"sometime exploiting these illegal immigrants as cheap labour".
The locals must also be educated to discard the mentality of renting houses
or rooms to these illegal immigrants and sometimes exploiting them by
offering poor condition accommodation, he said.
Lastly, Bahrul said, "we should educate our own people not to have the
mentality of "cepat kaya" by Ali Baba-ing (sub-contracting) their licences
to these illegal immigrants who might not even know the rules and
regulations governing the licence.
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