'If Najib can sleep over the Scorpenes issue, PKFZ case, the Altantuya murder and much more, he certainly won't lose sleep over being called 'little pig'.'
PM: Anwar's foul language doesn't disturb my sleep
Why has the PM Najib Razak become so sensitive to the words used by the opposition leader? Could it be worse than the sodomy trials that the opposition leader has been bogged down with for the past 13 years? Haven't the BN leaders called Anwar worse names than 'pandi kutty'?If the PM were such a gentleman in politics, he should be taking Anwar head on instead of using the AG's Chambers, judiciary and the police force as his henchmen to charge Anwar for crimes which are so clearly seen as made up.Foul language is nothing new to BN leaders. That's what they excel in. That's the language that they use in Parliament. DAP leader Lim Kit Siang has been called all sorts of names in Parliament. He has not felt bad, in fact it makes him more determined to debate.Foul language is the norm in Malaysia, if one can't comprehend that, then politics is not for him. Since when have we had highly educated gentlemen as our political leaders?Anwar has been called by all names that Najib could think of in this world. He has been slandered from front to back, wrongly charged, beaten, tortured, made to strip, private part measured and examined. Yet Najib cries like a baby when called a 'pandi kutty'. Where were these people when the media and BN went round with the sex video? TV3 showed part of the clip on national television. Were these things normal? A desperate Anwar is showing his true character. Why have DAP, PAS and PKR leaders so quiet on Anwar's foul language when they made such a big issue over 'Interlok' and the allegedly degrading words used therein? Does it mean that Pakatan Rakyat allows fellow Malaysians to call a Muslim 'piglet'?Be consistent, Pakatan. Don't practise double standard. Make your stand known as to whether you approve such words being used on a fellow Muslim.Fairness for all: Anwar was only calling a spade a spade. In any case, I can understand Anwar's anger after how Najib keeps trying to frame Anwar for one offence after another. I don't blameAnwarIf I were in his place and someone did that to me, I would have used even worse words to call him. I can imagine the pressure and tension Anwar has to go through. I can tell you what is making the PM lose sleep. The fear that DAP is a rising force and is starting to appear to be the best alternative to BN is surely making him lose sleep.
Otherwise you wouldn't be resorting to lame tactics by lending support to the perpetrators of the Christian state issue or threatening that there would be no Chinese representation in Parliament if voters don't vote MCA.Loyal Malaysian: No, you shouldn't lose sleep over Anwar's uncivil behaviour. But you should lose sleep for abdicating your duty as the leader of our nation; for letting porn clips get screened at prime time over our national TV; for allowing our mainstream newspapers read like porn literature; for letting the extremists and racists bigots to run riot and threatening the fabric of our society. Yes, PM, for these, you ought and should lose your sleep.2CTS WORTH If the PM Najib can sleep over the unresolved Scorpene submarines issue, the baffling PKFZ case, the suspicious Altantuya Shaariibuu judgment, the Teoh Beng Hock murder, Sodomy I and II, the pornography extravaganza, and much more, he certainly won't lose sleep over being called 'little pig'.
The size is wrong, anyway.Anwar denies calling Najib 'pandi kutti'Justice seeker: I hope Anwar sues the hell out of them. All kind of mad accusations have been hurled at him. I presume he is the only man in Malaysia who has been subjected to such inhumane actions by the Malaysian government.Man of the Match: Look and listen to the video. Anwar did not say Najib is a 'pandi kutti'Malaysian for Malaysia: Do Umno and BN really think they can stop the change? You get rid of Anwar, and 10 more new leaders will emerge to stop the rot. This is the nature of change. It cannot be stopped once started.Umno and BN have raped the country for the last 50 years. Malaysians are sick of it. We want our country back and we the rakyat will hand it over to those that will do whatever is in the best interest of all Malaysians.Waiting for them to change is like asking a pig to stop making a pig of himself at an all-you-can-eat-buffet. That will never happen. We need to get rid of these corrupted self-serving racists and hypocrites soon. Or else this country will definitely go to the pigs. Don't these Umnoputras realise that the more they resort to dirty and petty politics, the more votes they will lose from Malaysian fence-sitting voters?
This is sure a pattern of shoring votes for BN and PM Najib for 13th GE. From uniting the Malays using false news against Christianity to falsely accusing Anwar of calling PM Najib a piglet.Najib even blame Anwar for practising ethics-free politics. How about Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein's ethic of checking before shooting? How about Utusan Malaysia? Does this Umno-owned paper practises journalistic ethics at all?Cyber warrior: Those who eat chillies, will feel its hotness. There were no names mentioned, and yet someone is protesting that Anwar had called him names. If the clothes fit, wear them.
Pakatan Rakyat leaders expressed shock and outrage at news of the attempts to harm Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, whose car brakes had been tampered with, warning Prime Minister Najib Razak that the point of no return had been reached and it was time that he respected the people's wishes for a government of their own choosing.
"I am very worried that the situation will degenerate further with the BN moving from character assasination to outright assasination," PAS vice president Salahauddin Ayub told Malaysia Chronicle.
"You can see the desperation in the politicking against Anwar. There has been Sodomy I, Sodomy 2, Datuk T sex video and now if they cannot kill his character and his credibility, I am very worried his enemies might just kill him."
Anwar's driver of 28 years, Abdullah Sani Haji Said, had a day ago lodged a police report on suspected sabotage to his boss's car. He backed his claim with a detailed copy of the mechanic's report.
"I was told that it is impossible for the bolt to come off without someone removing it. Based on what the mechanic told me, there are also elements of sabotage, considering that the vehicle is regularly used by Anwar," said Abdullah, referring to a caliper-guide bolt-pin that supports the disc brake.
"The car was in good condition when we started driving it and since it is also impossible for the bolt to come off without someone removing it, I believe that someone did this deliberately to hurt or kill Anwar Ibrahim."
Point of no return
Salahuddin, who is a member of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission's special parliamentary committee, called on the police to launch an immediate investigation.
DAP MP for Beruas Ngeh Koo Ham echoed his call, saying that should any untoward incident befall Anwar, it would spell a very dark period for Malaysia that could take years if not decades to recover from.
"I am very disappointed at this development. To think that we can sink to that level of murder is a slap in the face to all our progress that we and our forefathers toiled for. It is a real step backwards, not to mention a heinous crime," Ngeh told Malaysia Chronicle.
"If we look at history, you will find that the old Alliance government went all out to annihilate the Communists, not because the Communists were terrorists but because they were afraid to lose power. Communism does not equate to terrorism, but the Alliance leaders insisted they were and this led to thousands of innocent people being killed.
"This is now what Anwar's enemies is trying to do. To twist the truth and when it can't be twisted anymore, they even try to kill him off. I appeal to the BN or those extremists in BN to stop before we go past the point of no return. Please respect the people's wishes for a government of the people for the people by the people."
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