Saturday, May 14, 2011



“We have obtained a foreign expert’s report yesterday, which reaffirms local experts who found that the video is authentic and and not superimposed. If the video is authentic, you can make your own assumptions,” newly-promoted Deputy Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar told a press conference at the Bukit Aman headquarters on Friday.
Every time Hishammuddin Hussein opens his mouth, I am reminded of two pieces of wisdom which Malaysians should take on board.
Number 1: The apple does fall some way from the tree. His father, Hussein Onn was a man of integrity, fairness and intelligence, Unfortunately for us, Hishammuddin is not his father’s son in any of those categories. Far, far from it.
Number 2: Evil happens when good men do nothing. At best, he is of average competency with a penchant for grandstanding and stock answer rhetoric.
But if Malaysians do not take matters into our hands through our participation in the voting system, he could end up as our leader!
I know it is a frightening thought but look at the paucity of leadership in Umno. Its either him, Shafie Apdal, Mukhriz Mahathir or some other average person.
And if it is Hishammuddin , just think of how bad Malaysia has become and multiply it by a few times.
My friends, this is not unfounded scaremongering.
Who was behind the idea to unsheath the keris at the Umno assembly? Who molly-coddled the cow head protestors who were against the building of a Hindu temple in Shah Alam?
Who is showing bias, not to mention incompetence, in the so-called probe by the police against two bloggers and Utusan Malaysia over its reports that a group of pastors wanted to turn Malaysia into a Christian country?
He is quoted as saying that police were handling the case, but went on to add that it would not be fair to take action against Utusan only because of alleged past indiscretions of the Chinese media.
But you did take action against the Chinese media. The top editor of China Press was suspended for two weeks for publishing an inaccurate report on the resignation of Musa Hassan, the former top cop.
Your government also arrested a reporter from a Chinese newspaper under the Internal Security Act for publishing accurate seditious comments from one of Umno’s thuggish leaders in Penang.
For completeness, Makkal Osai also was suspended for carrying a degrading picture of Jesus.
So, what is Hishammuddin mumbling about? He is mumbling about there being “some truth” about the Utusan report.
This is nothing more than a desperate attempt to give some credence to a report by Umno’s party newspaper. Just think about it.
If Hishammuddin is reluctant to act in an open and shut case, how will he act fairly to protect the interests of non-Malays/non-Muslims in other more pressing cases.How will our Constitutional rights be protected if he does manage to become president of Umno and PM of Malaysia?
Once again, I say that this is not scare-mongering but the reality based on his track record.
Yes, evil will happen when good Malaysians do nothing
Police join in Umno’s sewer politics
But Khalid’s comments, which were clearly meant to insinuate the man was Anwar who has denied involvement, were condemned immediately. The law does not require the man cavorting with the sex worker to be identified or to be revealed.And it was actually Anwar who had lodged a police complaint days after the video was screened, demanding a full and speedy police investigation.Pakatan Rakyat leaders pointed to Khalid’s lack of creditbility, urging Malaysians to remember that he was the man who had insisted car theft suspect Kugan Ananthan had died due to fluid in his flungs.
It was only after Kugan’s family had barged into the Selayan Hospital morgue and insisted on a second autopsy that it was finally revealed that Kuga died due to severe torture during his remand at the Subang Jaya police lockup.
“How can you listen to someone with this type of record,” Batu MP Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.
“This only shows how far down the sewers the Najib administration has taken Malaysia. The police are now actively working hand in hand with Umno and are even proud to show their bias because of the carrots that have been dangled to them. I think it is safe to say professionalism has gone to the dogs.”
Police and AG chambers getting from bad to worse
Additionally, while Khalid was eager to share in details that advantaged Najib and the Umno elite, who want to put an end to Anwar’s political career, he had no answers why the Datuk T trio had not been arrested or charged yet.
The Datuk T trio are Umno members, namely, former Malacca chief minister Rahim Thamby Chik, businessman Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and Perkasa treasurer Shuaib Lazim. They had tried to anonymously screen the tape to a group of journalists and select PKR leaders with the aim of luring the latter to defect to the BN.
However, they were forced to confess their identity, which straightaway makes them liable to punishment of up to 5 years in jail as possessing, distributing and screening pornographic material is illegal in Malaysia. Not being filmed having sex.
Yet, the police have closed an eye, only taking down the statements of the trio who are known for their links to the top Umno leadership.
The Attorney General too has helped to delay preferring charges by passing the file back and forth to the police.
But in the bid to embarrass Anwar as much as possible, Malaysia’s enforcement agencies and judiciary only embarrassed their own integrity and the nation’s reputation.
On Friday, Khalid said the police had to ensure that the video distributed was authentic and not superimposed, otherwise it could not be investigated under Section 292 of the Penal Code.
Asked if Anwar can be charged with making a false police report if it turns out that he is the man in the video, Khalid said: “We will see. We will bring the results of our probe to the attorney-general for further instructions.”
Asked why there were no arrests yet, Khalid said: “Investigations are still ongoing.”        -    Malaysia Chronicle
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However, despite such new suppression, irreversible damage is done. There is little doubt that Najib is deeply troubled and his political position seriously weakened.
That this murder case has been subjected to serious political manipulation has been obvious from the very start, when the police commenced their highly questionable investigation, right through to the present trial when the conduct of lawyers for both sides appear increasingly dubious. Instead of the prosecutor seeking the truth and the defense lawyer fighting for the accused, both seem preoccupied with an overriding mission – to prevent the whole truth from emerging. Their combined efforts to cover up the issue of the immigration record and the identity of Najib Razak in the picture are just two examples of such conduct.
Less than 24 hours later, he retracted the SD and disappeared from the scene. Now he has re-emerged. In an 88-second undated video clip, he says that he was offered RM5 million to retract that damning statutory declaration.
The highly irregular nature of this case was also marked by frequent and mysterious changes of legal personnel, resulting in a complete changeover of the defense team, the prosecutors and the judge even before the hearings began. These weird phenomena were crowned by the shock appearance of a new team of prosecutors who were appointed only hours before the hearing was supposed to begin, thus necessitating an impromptu postponement of the trial for two weeks. None of these changes of legal personnel has been properly explained, except for the resignation of Abdul Razak’s first lawyer; Zulkifli Noordin, quit, he said, because of “serious interference by third parties”.
Under these circumstances, the public must brace itself for more aberrant scenarios from this court, while Najib and his supporters may have to keep their fingers crossed in the days ahead when many more witnesses have yet to walk through what must appear to Najib as a minefield.
On a more serious note, this unseemly trial does not exactly add credit to Malaysia’s system, whose already wretched image
However, despite such new suppression, irreversible damage is done. There is little doubt that Najib is deeply troubled and his political position seriously weakened.
That this murder case has been subjected to serious political manipulation has been obvious from the very start, when the police commenced their highly questionable investigation, right through to the present trial when the conduct of lawyers for both sides appear increasingly dubious. Instead of the prosecutor seeking the truth and the defense lawyer fighting for the accused, both seem preoccupied with an overriding mission – to prevent the whole truth from emerging. Their combined efforts to cover up the issue of the immigration record and the identity of Najib Razak in the picture are just two examples of such conduct.
Less than 24 hours later, he retracted the SD and disappeared from the scene. Now he has re-emerged. In an 88-second undated video clip, he says that he was offered RM5 million to retract that damning statutory declaration.
The highly irregular nature of this case was also marked by frequent and mysterious changes of legal personnel, resulting in a complete changeover of the defense team, the prosecutors and the judge even before the hearings began. These weird phenomena were crowned by the shock appearance of a new team of prosecutors who were appointed only hours before the hearing was supposed to begin, thus necessitating an impromptu postponement of the trial for two weeks. None of these changes of legal personnel has been properly explained, except for the resignation of Abdul Razak’s first lawyer; Zulkifli Noordin, quit, he said, because of “serious interference by third parties”.
Under these circumstances, the public must brace itself for more aberrant scenarios from this court, while Najib and his supporters may have to keep their fingers crossed in the days ahead when many more witnesses have yet to walk through what must appear to Najib as a minefield.
On a more serious note, this unseemly trial does not exactly add credit to Malaysia’s system, whose already wretched image
Everyone knows Pattail got promoted to AG
For his role in Anwar’s case for sodomy
Maha Shithead purposely brought him
To stop and kill Anwar Ibrahim
This is indeed a masterpiece, base on psychiatric advice, they went hunting for a suicide note and a suicide note was discovered.
How convenient, they found nothing in the first search, but after talking to the psychiatrist they suddenly managed to find one suicide note.
“However, recently the officer admitted that he did in fact find the note when searching the slingbag on July 17 last year, but did not realise the significance of it as there were other documents as well that were written in Chinese and Roman characters found,” said the chambers.It was following this, the chambers said, the A-G decided to put the note in and directed the investigation officer to explain the matter in court and let the coroner decide on its weight.
In a related development, Thai forensic expert Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand is scheduled to testify again at the inquest on Aug 18.
Her previous testimony that there was a 80% probability of Teoh being murdered had paved the way for a second post-mortem.

Can you see how sloppy they are? Even when wanting to plant fabricated evidence.
The solution is to separate the offices of the AG and the PP
The scope of the Attorney-General’s powers in Malaysia has long been a subject of debate and controversy. He is the chief legal adviser to the government and is responsible for advising ministers involved in legal proceedings in their official capacity.
But as public prosecutor, he is also entrusted with power, which he uses at his discretion, to start, conduct or discontinue any proceedings for an offence, other than proceedings before a Syariah court, a native court or a court-martial.
His dual role has posed a real problem. A conflict of interest is bound to arise if he has to institute criminal proceedings against members of the government.
Dr Mahathir’s autocratic, said those who engaged in money politics in UMNO should be arrested under the ISA. Oh Please do that. No better way to make UMNO more popular among the warlords. AND the first one they would have to arrest who be him being the Father of Money Politics or more popularly known Mr. Ten Percent..we must first put najib in.Umno divisional election nominations to win the party presidency uncontested,(MONEY POLITICS ) Najib is now forced to endure screaming volleys of epithets, the latest that he will foster a dictatorial regime once he takes office.HOW HONEST IS, HE ADMITTED HE SENT THOSE SMS THE HIS LAWYER.
WHY Razak Baginda, the fall guy, with no further obstacles or hindrances in sight for Najis in his ascending to the Top Power, has now been released??? The real murderers whose identities are obvious but are still at large, with RPK detained under ISA but just released and PI Balasundram exiled overseas there are no other major obstacles and hindrances to Najis’ ascendancy to the pinnacle of his power come March 2009. This is only obvious that UMNO has now the final say in justice with their man Zaki as the Chief Justice. This is the obvious Justice of Malaysia, the laughing stock of the whole world, Malaysia should be boycotted by the world communities for their greatest injustices towards human rights and common normal justices. THIS IS MALAYSIA’S MALAY SUPREMACY AT ALL COSTS BUT GOING DOWN THE SEWERS WITH NARJIS, THE NEW PRIME MINISTER IN WAITING AFTER THE 51ST YEAR OF INDEPENDENCE.
The Altantuya Shaariibuu prosecution, surrounded by rumours involving important political figures, is a case in point.
Some countries in the Commonwealth, such as Australia and Canada, do not have such a problem. There the job of reviewing evidence, and beginning and conducting prosecution of offences, is entrusted to a Director of Public Prosecutions.
Since he is unencumbered by the sort of duties and functions the Attorney-General has, he is kept away from direct government influence and is able to act with impartiality in assessing whether or not to prosecute a case.
His decision is based on whether there is a realistic prospect of conviction on the evidence available and whether it is in the public interest for the prosecution to begin.
The Attorney-General in such a system would be a government minister. This would remove the structural defect in the present Malaysian system which constantly invites accusations that the Attorney-General is motivated by bias or is being selective in instituting criminal proceedings.
If he were made a part of the political party in power, the Attorney-General would not need to pretend to be neutral.
Though not directly involved in deciding whether to institute criminal prosecutions, he should be responsible for overseeing and superintending the prosecution services of the country and should answer to Parliament for the conduct of the Director of Public Prosecutions and of his department.
There is currently no formal mechanism requiring the Attorney-General to account for his conduct in relation to prosecutions of criminal proceedings. In spite of the wide powers he wields, he has no duty to report to the prime minister, cabinet or Parliament.
There has been no call for him to account for the failure of a number of high-profile prosecutions, which commenced with much fanfare but ended up being a waste of public funds.
Mr. Morrison condemned the Malaysian judicial system for “‘a new politically motivated show trial of Anwar Ibrahim.’”
Last year, Tan Sri Eric Chia, the former managing director of Perwaja Steel, was acquitted after 43 days of trial without his defence being called.
In acquitting the accused, the presiding High Court judge heavily criticised the conduct of the prosecution, especially their failure to call several key witnesses who had obvious knowledge of the material elements of the case.
With reference to particular key witnesses from Japan, the judge questioned whether it was the Japanese witnesses who were “reluctant” to come or “the prosecution was the one reluctant to bring them here”.
The prosecution of Koh Kim Teck, a businessman, and his two bodyguards, who were charged with murdering 14-year-old Chinese national Xu Jian Huang, and who were acquitted in 2005, is another case in point.
After a trial lasting 36 days and with 39 prosecution witnesses having given evidence, the presiding judge found that the prosecution had not brought forward any evidence which could implicate the accused in the murder and that there had been no “prima facie” case made out to warrant the defence being called to answer the charge.
The prosecution had apparently omitted to call material witnesses, including the investigating officer for the case and Koh’s driver who had reportedly given a cautioned statement that he had seen both bodyguards throw Xu into the swimming pool where he was eventually found. Two other material witnesses who were present in the house were also not called.
Yet another was the prosecution for the murder of Noritta Samsudin, where the accused was acquitted after 29 days of trial. The prosecution appealed against the acquittal right up to the Federal Court.
In dismissing the appeal, the Federal Court noted that there was a gaping hole in the prosecution’s case, where it failed to sufficiently account for the likelihood of there being another person present at Noritta Samsudin’s condominium unit who could also have committed the crime. No one else has been charged for the murder.
Any discussion on expensive and long-running criminal trials would not be complete without reference to the Irene Fernandez trial which spanned seven years and took over 300 days to complete.
It is still not over for the Tenaganita director, who was convicted in 2003 of publishing false news about the ill-treatment of detainees in camps for illegal immigrants. Her appeal against this conviction to the High Court has been the subject of numerous delays and has yet to be heard.
The Altantuya Shaariibuu murder trial will also go on record as one of the longest trials in Malaysian history.

written by sydput, July 24, 2009 14:21:37

The jailbirds at sungai buloh must be drooling at the thought of Anwar coming back. And maybe the warden too.
How to prepare for defense when you do not know what you did wrong.
Anyway, anwar has turned out to be a big dissapointment as an opposition leader. As he has turned the opposition into his personality cult, better the govenrment get rid of him so that we can get a better replacement to lead the opposition.

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