Our subject today is the five building blocks of any good column: seduction, thongs, sexism, politics and hypocrisy. And thongs. Or did I already mention thongs? It began a few weeks ago when I was reading a story summing up the trial of John Edwards, the former Democratic senator, presidential candidate and vice presidential nominee. … Read more
Our subject today is the five building blocks of any good column: seduction, thongs, sexism, politics and hypocrisy. And thongs. Or did I already mention thongs? It began a few weeks ago when I was reading a story summing up the trial of John Edwards, the former Democratic senator, presidential candidate and vice presidential nominee. … Read more
the infamous Bottom Pincher seeks out his next target
The art of moral management

Money is in the mind; a product of MCA,UMNOAND GERAKAN. Particularly at a time when the world is sinking into the quicksand of recession. So how do you survive? The story of thepolictically bankrupt PORN STAR might hold a clue. To get over his bankruptcy blues he decided to treat himself to a holiday at his favourite luxury resort hotel. However, instead of booking himself into the $12,000-a-night Presidential Suite as he usually did, this time he booked into the Vice-presidential Suite, which was only $8,000 per night. Reassured by his perception that by staying in the `cheaper’ suite he was saving $4,000 a night, the thrifty ex-tycoon had a most gratifying holiday.
MCA,MIC GERAKAN ARE VERY COMFORTABLE WITH TWENTY MUSLIM MAJORITY SEATS THIS IS HOW THEY ATTACK ISLAM NOT A SINGLE VOTE FOR THEM THIS TIME LET WE MUSLIM FINISH THEM OFF WASALAM Bukit Bintang is a traditionally Chinese prostitute area and has always been so since Merdeka. It is the bastion of Chinese political might in Malaysia. …Read more
UMNO is always into sex sex sex. Now the useless MCA also wants to follow umNO footstep….sex sex sex. This is the lowest of MCA. SOILED DICK, you were caught red handed, not volentarily admit for nothing have no choice because of your porn video! Like father like son; you son is also spewing venom like you and talkmoney how rich is MCA ,UMNO GERAKAN ALMOST RM 10BILLION all the time! SOILED DICK atlast you make good use of you rSOILED DICK. Your balls must be very proud of your guts to admit the affair WHEN YOU REPEATEDLY RELIVE YOUR FUCKING DAYS, YOU NEVER GIVE A THOUGHT TO YOUR POOR WIFE. WE ARE SURE SHE IS SQUIRMING EACH TIME SHE HEARS OR READS ABOUT THIS IN THE MEDIA. POOR MRS CSL….FOR HAVING SUCH A FUCKING HUSBAND feels so proud to admit his fucking around. Yes he did resigned from all his posts but later became the prseident of MCA. If he has integrity, he should not contested the MCA Presidency. Yes MCA members elected him, a porn star, as president, this shows that all MCA meembers also do not have brain and integrity. They also fuck around Chua Soi Lek. Chua, you are really so thick-skinned, don’t feel ashame ? WE ARE SURE YOUR WIFE MUST BE GRITTING HER TEETH IN SHAME WHILE YOU GO HUMPING WITH “CHICKENS”. I PITY YOUR WIFE. SHE NEEDS TO DIG A HOLE TO HIDE HER HEAD HAS BROKEN ONE OF THE 10 COMMANDMENTS, THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY. SO WHY IS HE SO PROUD TO ANNOUNCE IT? HE IS A SINNER THROUGH AND THROUGH.So the great chua soiled leg, how many affairs have you had since the last time you were caught. Have the courage to own up ?
Rights and freedom versus haqq and ‘adl Well Zul, you do not appear too innocent youself. You have betrayed him that was once your friend, your client; now betraying those that voted for you, you have betrayed the party to which you once swore allegiance, and now you are spewing what people call “shit”. Do … Read more

The answer seems to be common sense. Ask anyone about whether having an affair affects marriage and they will likely say that infidelity is severely damaging. So what has been the view of family scientists and clinicians? On that note, Chua said that it was an individual’s right whether to accept him or otherwise. “If …Read more
MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek said he dared to admit his past indiscretion and accused his chief rival Lim Guan Eng of being incapable of doing the same. ”I did not hide from the issue, but can he do the same? Has CSL got no shame at all? If he doesn’t respect himself, at least he should have the basic decency of respecting his wife. The fact that he didn’t hide the issue doesn’t make it morally right to have committed the act of indiscretion. As a leader of a Chinese party, he has brought shames not only to himself, his family but also the entire Chinese community whose interests he purportedly tries to champion. CSL has oversighted one important aspect of Chinese culture that he can’t really talk about championing the community interests while he doesn’t command the moral authority of the community.”Political moral” ? waaa…what a spin on the meaning of moral. CSL , you are truly a postmodernist thinker : there is no right or wrong; everything goes and political moral ( don’t know what it really means ) is ok as opposed to sexual moral. Only a bunch of equally immoral MCA delegates vote you back to power. But getting elected doesn’t mean ur sins are cleansed.” OMG, this bloke is really proud that he had cheated on his wife. The way they treated LGE likes Annuar Ibrahim. Dirty Politic for BN, we public waste our income tax money for this dirty crook to waste like nobody money, Vote this dirty MCA out.
Am confused by this article from Bernama. You can really only tell if there are gremlins or other ghosts within the machine via live runs and trial runs. Without live runs or trial runs, how can you tell if there will not be technical problems?
Then Dr Ahmad Ibrahim says that there won’t be technical problems because the source raw materials are the same.. but shouldn’t it be Lynas’s processes that should be looked at and not just the raw materials?
Then he asks us to IMAGINE a factory in a far away land, and then tells us that the Lynas plant is similar (just not the same). Well you know Dr Ahmad, even though it’s just my imagination, I would still be happier if you told us the Lynas plant was BETTER and not just “similar”.
m confused by this article from Bernama. You can really only tell if there are gremlins or other ghosts within the machine via live runs and trial runs. Without live runs or trial runs, how can you tell if there will not be technical problems?
Then Dr Ahmad Ibrahim says that there won’t be technical problems because the source raw materials are the same.. but shouldn’t it be Lynas’s processes that should be looked at and not just the raw materials?
Then he asks us to IMAGINE a factory in a far away land, and then tells us that the Lynas plant is similar (just not the same). Well you know Dr Ahmad, even though it’s just my imagination, I would still be happier if you told us the Lynas plant was BETTER and not just “similar”.
How many times does these governmental “science and regulatory” agencies need to be reminded that the processing/purification process of the Lynas Mount Weld ore is not the primary safety / radioactive safety concern for the Gebeng Plant? It is the potentially dangerous accumulation of radioactive waste that is a by-product of the processing that is of major concern, 1 gram of waste might not have the radioactivity to breach the safety threshold, but isn’t it fact that Gebeng is slotted to process tons upon tons of ore, which in turn results in tons upon tons of “slightly radioactive” waste. 1 gram is likely to be safe, but 1 ton of the same wastes definitely going to breach any safety limit. Mind you, there are still concerns about heavy metals, strong acids, contamination of water and other serious environmental consequences besides radioactivity. If Dr Ahmad Ibrahim is adamant on comparing with Rhodia’s La Rochelle in France, he should also be aware that La Rochelle’s waste, which is radioactive, is stored at a NUCLEAR facility (Wikipedia, verified with the quoted references given). In addition, La Rochelles wastes, operation and environmental effects are also monitored by the International Center for Promotion of Enterprises (ICPE) is a UN-sponsored intergovernmental organization, compared with Malaysia? AELB is supposed to regulate, but is a shareholder in Lynas? I am guessing, how many government officials and politicians are also shareholders in Lynas? Finally, Lynas is telling everyone they’re “diluting” its radioactive wastes so that they can spread it around Malaysia as “commercial products” using entirely experimental methods, La Rochelle certainly ain’t doing that, and in industry “dilution” of radioactive wastes is the waste disposal method of last resort, e.g. dumping into the deep sea trench. How about Lynas? commercial products to be spread everywhere! and experimental too. Malaysians are Lynas’s and BN’s guinea pigs it seems.Break The Silence – As many as 53 per cent, or one in every two children, are victims of child sexual abuse, which often happens at the hands of a trusted person, within the home. Parents must be vigilant and sensitive to their children’s signals; and a robust and specific law against child sexual abuse … Read more
A day in the life of the CM
At the outset, the short form CM is not to be mistaken for any honorable or not so honorable Chief Minister. It is but the short form for the commonest species in India – The Common Man. This is a short essay that attempts to cover one day in the ‘dangerous’ life of the specie.
CM wakes up at 6am to excited shrieks that intermingle with the first rays of the morning sun that breaks through the grilled windows of his middle class home in a middle class suburb of Bangalore. CM needs no alarm clock to signal his rise, the collective din from screeching women in the wee hours of the morning who collect water from the only available corporation line in his alley drowns any rooster’s feeble attempt at cock a doodling. CM shares his residential space with five other members of his family, they each take turn to collect the trickling water and follow a regimental timetable. A promise that Cauvery water would reach homes in this suburb was made a decade ago, forget water not making its way through the taps, even the underground water lines have not been laid. Turn on the taps and you hear howling wind echoing through rusty passages. It was CM’s turn to sleep in today, but not for long. The thought of commuting in peak hour traffic stirs our CM out of his REM.
A quick breakfast of idlis prepared from pesticide-ridden par boiled rice and CM darts out of the door, faster than Usain Bolt, to the nearest bus stop, only two kilometers away. En route to the bus stand, CM with Olympian grace jumps over open man-holes, open bore wells, gaping pits that hold rubbish instead of telephone cables and jagged rocks that jut out from nowhere (footpath). The CM could easily qualify for a spot in the Olympic steeplechase team if only he had his priorities in the right order. He also dances around hanging live wires waiting to adorn the necks of hapless victims and bumps into men urinating on paan stained walls before he reaches his destination, the bus stop. The bus stop is an all purpose facility. It operates as an open-air restaurant run by tea and snack vendors, a garbage dump, a cowshed, and a harem for the only male dog of the street and additionally as a place where buses stop every 30 minutes. The weary commuter energizes himself with a cup of tea as he stands patiently (of course there is no place to sit!) and inhales the urine stench of the bovine and the not so divine open drain that meanders as gently as the Danube close by. On spotting the bus, what appeared to be a row of patiently waiting commuters now quickly converts into a melee, as each push and shove the other for entry into the sanctum sanctorum. CM lunges forward, pushing from the rear, towards the moving bus ( that stops for less than a minute to load fifty passengers) and finds with rapturous delight five inches of space on the last footboard from which he thankfully dangles like a gurgling baby in its mothers arms. CM skillfully maneuvers himself to achieve two things at this time, to hold on to his life via a rusty bar and pay for the ticket to his ultimate destination. Forty-five minutes into the ride, he jumps off from the moving bus that chokes its way through congested pot holed roads and darts across a busy intersection, zigzagging through red light jumping and plummeting traffic, as a tired sooty faced traffic constable sucking on to the last bubble of oxygen, watches with a bored look at every traffic offence happening under his nose. The siren from an ambulance blaring into the constable’s eardrums does not shake him from his reverie. Who cares about ambulances or dying men and women in traffic? The ambulance worms itself through the maze and takes its feeble passenger to the other side of the tunnel once and for all.
CM in a state of fatigue and complete exhaustion makes it to his office. He bears the look of a sickly man ravaged in the battles of Kalinga. He works in the fifth floor of a building whose lift was last serviced five years back, evidenced by a signed dirty piece of paper stuck above the elevator’s control panel operated by a nose picking lift man. Every other month in this building, a mentally scarred victim plunges to death from the highest floor onto its central courtyard. There have been talks on for the last five years about putting up a safety net that would serve the dual purpose of saving lives and minimize reconstruction costs of the glass sky roof. The talks are still going on, maybe they need to hold an AGM followed by a vote from all stakeholders before a safety net is purchased perhaps? CM in relatively safer times spends the rest of the day in utopian conditions within the confines of the public sector undertaking that he works for. An undertaking that has no idea what a fire drill is and assumes that there would never be a fire to disturb its ‘samosa-chai’ paradise. A department that has no off site data recovery plan or emergency evacuation procedures or even a sprinkler system in place. The weapon to fight fire is one fire extinguisher kept in its musty corridors of each level along with a little red bucket of sand, enough to douse one sheet of burning paper. A picture bearing the symbols of three major faiths lit by psychedelic lighting occupies all exit points non-failingly. Only God can save us is the underlying message.
After a tiring day at work, the travails of hard junior labor at a public sector undertaking seeps through the skin of the CM, through his sweat sticking to the back of his shirt. He traces his steps back to his middle class home in the middle class suburb, facing exactly the same hurdles in reverse order, but now in more exciting conditions, in the dark of the night, in dark alleys with no street lights, to the sound of howling dogs, smog and nicotine smoke that engulfs the city and the man who stoops laboriously as he walks. The cost of living in the city weighs down heavily on his shoulders, inflation has corroded any hope of saving for a rainy day, he sold his ten year old scooter last month to pay off some meager debts and glad he did for he cannot now afford the fuel. His monthly salary goes towards maintaining a large household and paying off family items he had pawned. In one go, a chunk of money he had kept aside was utilized in securing school admission for his children, they called it ‘building fund’. He retires for the day with several thoughts in his mind. It’s a miracle he wakes up to the sound of screeching women.
Thousands of people rushed to stores Tuesday to redeem pre-paid gift cards they said were given to them previously by the party that won Mexico’s presidency, inflaming accusations that the weekend election was marred by widespread vote-buying.
At least a few cardholders were angry, complaining that they didn’t get as much as promised or that their cards weren’t working. Neighbors at one store in a poor neighborhood on the outskirts of Mexico City said the unusually large crowds prevented them from doing their daily shopping. Some people shopping at the store said that they were told the cards would be valid only during the two days after Sunday’s election and that they had waited to cash them in until Tuesday because the store was packed Monday.
Under Mexican election law, giving voters gifts is not a crime unless the gift is conditioned on a certain vote or meant to influence a vote. However, the cost of such gifts must be reported, and cannot exceed campaign spending limits. Violations are usually punished with fines, but generally aren’t considered grounds for annulling an election.
Some of the people lined up to use gift cards said they got them for supporting the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, whose Enrique Pena Nieto won Sunday’s presidential election, according to the preliminary official vote count. Some wore red T-shirts and baseball caps or carried tote bags with Pena Nieto’s name printed in white.
Maria Salazar, a 20-year-old university student, came with her 70-year-old father, Antonio Salazar, to cash three cards.
“They gave us the cards in the name of the PRI and Rep. Hector Pedroza (a PRI congressional candidate), and they said they were counting on our vote,” Maria Salazar said outside one store, as she carried plastic shopping bags packed with toilet paper, cooking oil, rice, saltine crackers and instant noodle soups.
Her father carried two more packed grocery bags and her 8-year-old nephew carried another.
“They told us they were worth 500 pesos ($37.50), but when we got to the check-out, they were only worth 100 rotten pesos ($7.50),” Salazar said.
Both she and her father said they had been told to turn in a photocopy of their voter ID card in order to get the gift cards.
Another woman interviewed outside the same Soriana grocery store also complained that her card had only 100 pesos ($7.50) in credit.
“For helping them with votes and all … they gave us a card for supporting them, and all that for 100 pesos,” said the woman, who gave only her first name, Josefina, for fear of reprisals. She said she got the card for supporting Pena Nieto, but complained that “100 pesos lasts you about five minutes.”
Inside the store, long lines formed at card-reading machines as people tried to find the balances on their cards. Some grew angry and shouted insults against Pena Nieto.
Regular shoppers were vexed at the long lines.
“I was going to buy bread right now, but you can see, the lines are tremendous, you can’t even get in,” said Maria Garcia Lobato.
Pena Nieto’s campaign and the PRI press office said they had no immediate comment. In the final days of the campaign before Sunday’s vote, PRI officials denied allegations that the party had distributed pre-paid cash cards from a local bank.
Humberto Fayad, a spokesman for the Soriana grocery store chain, denied the company sold huge amounts of gift cards to the PRI.
“There is no agreement between the PRI and Soriana, or Soriana and any other political party. Soriana is a non-political company,” Fayad said.
Before the election, the PRI accused the conservative National Action Party, or PAN, whose candidate ran third in the presidential election, of passing out groceries during the campaign, and claimed the leftist Democratic Revolution Party, or PRD, had gotten illegal campaign financing. None of those allegations have been proven.
On the Friday before the vote, the PRD issued a statement accompanied by photos of dozens of the Soriana gift cards, saying they had been distributed by a PRI-affiliated union, and it filed a complaint to electoral authorities. The party’s presidential candidate, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, came in second.
Allegations of vote-buying were not limited to Mexico City, with complaints cropping up in several battleground states. PAN accused Pena Nieto’s campaign of acquiring about 9,500 prepaid gift cards worth nearly $5.2 million (71 million pesos) to give away for votes. Authorities said a business had bought that number of cards, but had found no direct evidence of vote-buying. That investigation continues.
On Tuesday, Alfredo Figueroa, a council member of the oversight agency known as the Federal Electoral Institute, said authorities were investigating complaints about the Soriana gift cards. Members of the institute have said they were aware of attempts to engage in vote buying.
Figueroa also said that irregularities in vote tallies might eventually lead to the opening and re-counting of votes from as many as 50,000 polling stations, about a third of the 143,000 involved in Sunday’s vote.
Lopez Obrador said Tuesday that his team had detected irregularities at 113,855 polling places, and called for a total recount.
“This is a scandal … They bought millions of votes,” Lopez Obrador said at a news conference, referring to the PRI. “Clearly, they far exceeded campaign spending limits … this is a national embarrassment.”
Lopez Obrador has refused to accept the preliminary vote tallies, saying the election campaign was marred by overspending and favorable treatment for Pena Nieto by Mexico’s semi-monopolized television industry.
Many Mexicans also questioned why pre-election polls showed Pena Nieto with a double-digit lead, roughly twice the margin he really won by. With 99 percent of the vote tallied in the preliminary count, Lopez Obrador trailed by six percentage points.
The narrower-than-expected margin has fueled suspicion among Lopez Obrador’s followers about the fairness of the vote, and he refused Monday night to concede defeat, just as he did when he lost a razor-thin race in the 2006 presidential race and set off months of political unrest. This time, he has not called his followers into the streets to protest.
Lopez Obrador argued from the start of the campaign that pollsters were manipulating surveys to promote the idea that the PRI candidate was far out in front.
Pollsters deny that, saying they believe some voters switched to Lopez Obrador in the final week, a period when publication of new polls is banned by law.
Lopez Obrador said he would not accept the preliminary election results reported by the Federal Electoral Institute and would wait until Wednesday, when the official results are to be announced, before deciding what he will do.
“We will not accept a fraudulent result,” Lopez Obrador said.
Calls from conservative and pro-business groups mounted for Lopez Obrador to accept the results.
“We hope that the leftist candidate … will also adhere to legality and recognize the official results once the authorities issue a final result,” the Mexican Employers’ Confederation said in a statement.
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