Thursday, July 26, 2012


If you tossed a coin to decide who is more corrupt – Mahathir or the average  Malaysian bureaucrat – the coin wouldn’t know which side to fall on.Nor Mohaned,  Chief Economic Advisor to the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the Prime Minister’s key aide, wrote in this newspaper recently, reform of Malaysia’s bureaucracy must now top the nation’s agenda. corrupt bureaucrats in the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in countering clean-up drive against arms dealers. are commandeered by former bureaucrats as profitable sinecures.Many episodes underscore how honest bureaucrats are punished with summary transfers and corrupt officials rewarded with plum sinecures.
Mahathir’s dynasty in the making…, A less than average son of a racist and corrupted ex-tyrant …. suitable  Mukriz make make sure you dont lose your Deposit!
Why don’t we go one step further. Make Mukriz PM , and see hell break loose in UMNO. They are just posturing him to be Kedah CM, so that UMNO does not implode and explode.What has Mukriz ever done for Kedah? Has he been that special to become Kedah MB? He is so spoiled to be that caring leader and he is so out of touch and the only reason that he is being touted to be the MB is just bcoz his great Daddy want to use this as spring board for him to become the next PM, just like our Najib succession story. Anyway, let see whether Umno can retake Kedah first
a ‘third force’ to hold the balance of power in the political equation is purely illusory because of the fragmented political structure, by design or otherwise  every little effort might change the destiny of Malaysians. spread the news of kicking BN out, vote wisely – no more empty promises, no more corruption, no more cronyism, no more domination from the peninsula, and will remain so in this election because of a lack of cohesive, strong leadership from within.
“You think this can last… there’s a storm coming. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, ’cause when it hits, you’re all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large, and leave so little for the rest of us.”
And what, really, is the appeal of Mukhriz? That he is the son of the hated Mahathir, whose rule of Malaysia led to the country being in its pathetic state today? Why would any sane person in his right mind vote for Mukhriz, especially if he is being offered as the MB-elect? Do you want another Mahadir legacy just like Najib Razak. If you prefer them than you accept to to be fully screwed, rape, treat like a baby and non human being. Just dumb and stupid since 54 years of this regime
.talking based on empty data, “IF”. No study conducted but still can say for sure BN will have an edge. If the survey shows a very confident BN win and Najib’s popularity rating of a world record and unheard of 87.4%, he must be super duper confident to call for election like yesterday. Why then the delay ….. simple answer, it’s all a hoax … it’s like an emperor with no clothes on with his subjects telling him he looks fabulous fully clothed.
How to hold election when Najib can’t even nominate who will be the next MB should they take back Selangor.
Now this is the naked truth.Of course another spin lies survey .
research has shown that it would encourage up to 33% of non-voters to use their vote. We feel it is important that our democracy allows people to positively vote where they feel there is not a wide enough choice of local candidate or those on the ballot paper all appear to be .Defeat is the distance between a bedtime story and a wake-up call. The former starts with ‘Once upon a time…’ and lulls the voter to sleep. The second is an energiser that addresses a fresh dawn.political parties have become victims of their own success: their narrative has run its course, and they have not been able to find a further chapter to their saga In electoral science, statistics are illustrative, interpretation is critical and everything is fluid. Politics is evolutionary, and evolution – even Darwin’s – is a theory, not a fact. No election is an echo of the past, let alone a mirror of the future.
Can an election ever throw up the right candidate? Or to put it more moderately, is an election the mechanism best suited to throw up representatives that will strive to work for their constituents and attempt to better their life? Are there in-built into the electoral process, a set of imperatives that help pre-determine one kind of outcome, irrespective of the quality of the candidates?
Increasingly, it would seem that what it takes to win an election is not only very different from what it takes to govern, but might well be at odds with the idea of providing governance. The privileging of representativeness in our democracy, with an emphasis on caste and religion, has meant that electable candidates are chosen with a view to who has the biggest electoral draw in terms representing the interests of a community rather than select those that have a view on issues of policy or administration. At one level, democracy does not require its practitioners to come equipped with a track record, and representativeness is perhaps the most vital element in the idea of democracy, but over a period of time, what representativeness has come to mean identity rather than action; the leader resembles his or her constituents, speaks for them and on the occasion that he or she acts on their behalf, it is often through the same narrow lens of community. Under these circumstances, the election abets the process of weeding out those that see their role in more secular terms, and focuses its attention narrowly on those with more sectarian agendas.READMORE

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