Enthusiasm is no substitute for clarity.The basis on which a candidate is chosen, by any party, can be described in a single, if ungainly, word: winnability offered as nominees, but their names were withdrawn when their “winnability” became doubtful. This is how politics is conducted.
Power is the glue of politics. That is why a government is expected to be in array and opposition generally in disarray. Ideology is a fickle custodian of unity in an age of convenience. Its absence has eliminated the difference between single-party rule and coalition government. Both are held together by individual or sectarian self-interest, which is why they last. Ideology is a differentiator; it makes a partnership untenable even if the partners consider it sustainable. Sentiment is irrelevant to any political marriage. This is true of all democracies where coalitions become necessary. Politicians live for power; why would they invite a premature death?UMNO politics, reduced to minimalist, notional ideology, devoid of individual or party accountability, is peculiarly suited to to CRONIES. If there were accountability,The life-blood of our democracy is a covenant, a pact between elector and elected that the quid pro quo for the vote is service to the constituency. The quality of that service is an important (but not the only) factor in an MP’s re-election. This is the one big check that keeps a MP on some sort of practical leash.
The subconscious is the voice of the silent man. is a silent man. Ideas, issues, the temptations of pride and pitfalls of vanity, nestle in that nether region of the mind because better sense suggests that it would be inflammatory and self-defeating to let them rise to the surface. Some thoughts are incompatible with open air. But they tend to curl insidiously through the backdoor of a casual remark, or side-alley of a comparison. The less-than-laudatory reference to Nehru, Patel and Indira Gandhi was a revealing moment. No prime minister has, even through the slippery sinews of a breakfast conversation,Umno putting premium on loyalty due there is neither irony nor consequence in the aftermath, since UMNO has long shifted out of its mildewed, timber-laden socialist mansion into a new, gleaming prefab condominium.
Maybesecretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor. knows his party better than the party knows him.
Umno is placing so much emphasis on loyalty in the run-up to the general election because of the bitter experience of 2008, according to him recalled the many incidents of sabotage during that polls when disappointed members worked against the party and Barisan Nasional, with some supporting Opposition candidates and the Independents.
“We had cases of election machinery not working and operations rooms being closed because certain elected representatives were dropped while other hopefuls were not chosen as candidates.
“Such acts of sabotage had cost us and we are determined not to let this happen again,” he said. “We will act against saboteurs and have them removed from the party.”
Tengku Adnan said members now realised the importance of being loyal to the party and not let disappointment get the better of them.
“They have seen what happened and realised it (sabotage) did not do any good,” he added.
Meanwhile, PBS information chief Datuk Johnny Mositun recounted the case of a member who had gone against the party after the person he had lobbied for was not selected as a candidate.
“He threatened the party and was eventually sacked from PBS,” he said.
- The relationship between MP and voter can, thereby, be officially abandoned. This should make party bosses delirious.
The irony is that such flaws can be easily corrected, with some time and thought. Both have been absent from the process. The pro-reservation lobbies have employed hustle topped off by self-congratulation; those opposed think that explosions constitute an argument.
The former worked through cheerleaders in the media; the latter played to galleries beyond the media, and did so effectively. The Congress began to waver when the message from the second horizon began to permeate back to Delhi. The government was indifferent to the threat from political parties, but it could not remain immune to a threat from the voter. Empowerment of women is powerful and necessary objective, but the route map should be navigated with care.
Never before have we witnessed the kind of paranormal activity as we have in the last few months and that too in a rather racy succession. All activities have been conducted with the primary motive of spooking us, we the gullible and horror stricken people. The ghost vessel sails aimlessly; the Captain wears a beleaguered and tired look as the crew continues with its unruly behavior and makes merry under the auspices of the Mother ship from where all power is drawn.‘Umno has some reflection to do’The 76-year-old poet and novelist said it was time Umno took responsibility and stopped blaming others for its failure.“When they are pressed, they use racial politics and the Emergency Ordinance (EO) for convenience, which is unhealthy.“The Malay leadership has to take responsibility for the ills in the Malay community. They are the cause of these ills.“It’s been (more than) 50 years (since independence), if they cannot galvanise (the Malay community), then they should reflect, not use racial politics to strengthen their position,” Samad said.Despite the attacks against Bersih 2.0, he believes that the best in Malaysian unity was seen on July 9.“During the demonstration, there were Indians, Chinese, and Malays – you don’t feel nervous standing by them, all of them wanted to membersihkan (clean) our democracy.“It’s something good, it’s a very good start,” he added.Umno Youth will give extra focus on 90 constituencies currently held by the opposition in which Barisan Nasional (BN) can conquer and win, Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin said.He said this was because based on its recent survey, most of the voters in the constituencies were fence sitters.“Through our survey, BN have a good chance of winning in 90 constituencies currently held by the opposition. Voters in the areas are categorised as fence sitters and if given more focus and efforts, I believe BN can win.“Furthermore, BN had lost those constituencies with just a narrow margin in the last general election,” he told reporters after presenting Umno Youth Ramadan aid to 350 poor people, senior citizens and persons with disabilities here.Khairy Jamaluddin said the survey also revealed that at least 50 per cent of the 90 constituencies could be won back by BN in the next general election.Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin wants Barisan Nasional (BN) component party machinery to give undivided support to any candidate who stood as BN candidate in the coming general election.Muhyiddin said this was because the victory of any candidate chosen by the top leadership, would depend on the support of the party machinery because what was important is for the party to win no matter who the candidate was.“When the time comes, the top leadership will decide on who will be the candidate any designated area. Such a decision is not made hastily and for sure will be the best choice.“Even though the area may not be Umno, the victory of our friends in BN will ensure that our party wins. The candidates can be from MCA or Gerakan but we must support anyone standing on a BN ticket and ensure the candidate wins,” he said.Muhyiddin who is also the Federal Territory BN chairman was speaking atthe launch of the Federal Territory election machinery here today.
related article“Ahli-ahli Umno yang didapati mensabotaj parti dalam pilihanraya nanti akan di singkirkan keahlian mereka. Mereka yang bekerja dan mengundi parti-parti pembangkang adalah mereka yang tidak setia dan Umno tidak memerlukan mereka”.Itulah lebih kurang kata-kata Muhyiddin Yassin dua hari yang lepas semasa merasmikan perwakilan salah satu bahagian di Johor dua hari yang lepas..Inilah sebenarnya masalah yang sedang dihadapi oleh Umno apabila menghadapi PRU yang akan datang. Masalah itu merupakan masalah yang terbesar yang Umno sedang hadapi dan jika Umno menumpukan mengkritik dan membidas DAP, PAS dan PKR, itu merupakan tumpuan dan “priority” yang salah yang dilakukan oleh Umno.Parti-parti dalam Pakatan Rakyat itu hanyalah parti-parti yang halal dan bukannya menjadi kesalahan bagi sesiapa untuk mengundinya termasuklah ahli-ahli Umno sendiri seperti yang telah dilakukan oleh sebahagian besar ahli-ahli Umno dalam pilihanraya yang lalu.Lain-lain perkataan parti-parti pembangkang bukannya musuh BN. Pakatan Rakyat hanya menawarkan pilihan kepada BN yang kian hari kian bercelaru dengan masalah “inter-party” dan “intra-party” dalam BN.Musuh Umno ialah ahli-ahlinya sendiri. Saya tidak putus-putus dihubungi oleh ramai ahli-ahli Umno yang biasa di bawah-bawah ini sejak saya menjadi ahli DAP awal Januari yang lepas.Mereka tidak berpuas hati dengan parti mereka sendiri dan ingin saya meyakinkan mereka yang menyokong Pakatan Rakyat itu adalah tindakan yang tidak bersalah-salahan dengan perjuangan politik rakyat dan negara.Mereka mahukan saya memberi tahu dan meyakinkan mereka mengundi DAP dan parti-parti dalam Pakatan Rakyat itu merupakan tindakan yang halal malahan ia merupakan langkah kearah perubahan dan hijrah untuk rakyat termasuk orang Melayu sendiri.Mereka mahukan saya memberikan pandangan yang perubahan kali ini adalah satu perkara yang sudah menjadi kemestian untuk kita lakukan. Mereka merasakan yang mereka hanya dijadikan “kuda pelejang” untuk pemimpin-pemimpin korup yang tidak bermoral dan beretika dan jika Umno masih mendapat mandat kali ini mereka merasakan usaha untuk menyelamatkan negara akan tertangguh lagi.Sementara hendak menunggu satu lagi pilihanraya negara kita akan kering kotang dan negara akan menghadapi masalah yang amat sukar untuk diperbetulkan pada masa itu nanti. Pendeknya mereka kata untuk melakukan perubahan itu adalah sekarang dan tidak boleh ditangguhkan lagi.“It”s better late than never,” kata seorang rakan saya yang baru saya kenali di Seremban baru-baru ini. Apabila kita mengutamakan negara, kita tidak boleh lagi memberikan Umno bermaharajalela.Umno akan melakukan banyak perkara yang menekan rakyat termasuklah kepada ahli-ahlinya sendiri. Dengan amaran Muhyiddin itu ia menampakkan yang Umno sedang menghadapi masalah dari ahli-ahlinya sendiri.Masalah dalaman parti Umno, adalah seperti orang yang menghadapi masalah dalaman. Penyakit dalaman tubuh kita selalunya akan membawa kita ke tahap penyakit yang “terminal” yang akhirnya membawa maut kepada kita sendiri.Bagimanakah Umno akan membuang ahli-ahli Umno yang mensabotaj calon BN itu? Bukankah undi itu sulit? Kali ini bukan masalah sabo-menyabo. Sekarang ini adalah masalah untuk menghapuskan rasuah yang dilakukan oleh BN.Muhyiddin nampaknya hendak menekan ahli-ahlinya sendiri dan itu pun budaya Umno sejak akhir-akhir ini. Umno tidak kisah bagaimana masyarakat melihat dan memberikan persepsi kepada parti itu sendiri. Yang penting mereka (ahli-ahli Umno) mesti undi BN. Apa pun perasaan yang ada di dalam hati ahli-ahli Umno itu, pimpinan mereka tidak ambil peduli.Bagaimana Umno hendak mengambil tindakan kepada ahli-ahlinya yang ramai yang mengundi pembangkang? 1.5 juta ahli Umno menyokong pembangkang dalam pilihanraya yang lalu berapa orang yang telah di ambil tindakan?Umno tidak sedar yang ahli-ahli Umno itu adalah manusia bukannya haiwan belaan dan mereka mempunyai perasaan dan maruah juga. Jika pun Umno memecat ramai ahli-ahlinya ia menunjukkan yang Umno itu merupakan parti yang rapoh dan lemah.Jika pecat memecat menjadi budaya dalam Umno ia hanya akan memberikan persepsi yang Umno bukanlah parti yang di sayangi oleh ahli-ahlinya. Tetapi jika Umno itu kalah dalam pilihanraya seperti yang diyakini oleh ramai, bagaimana mereka hendak memecatnya?Jika lah benar Umno itu masih sebuah parti yang kuat dan di terima baik oleh rakyat kenapa keluar kenyataan yang nyata memberikan persepsi yang Umno itu tidak percaya kepada ahli-ahlinya sendiri.Pimpinan Umno sekarang mempunyai persepsi yang tidak baik kepada ahli-ahlinya sendiri. Pimpinan-pemimpin Umno “suspect everybody and trust nobody” terhadap semua ahli-ahlinya.Situasi ini sememangnya merupakan indikasi yang jelas yangUmno tidak akan boleh bertahan dihati rakyat ramai. Kenyataan seperti yang keluar dari mulut seorang pemimpin utama parti itu dengan sendirinya membuatkan rakyat merasa kurang keyakinan mereka.Kalau ahli-ahlinya sendiri tidak boleh dipercayai, tentulah yang tidak menjadi ahli itu tidak akan dipercayai oleh Umno.Bagi ahli Umno, jika mereka memberikan undi kepada Pakatan Rakyat seperti yang mereka lakukan dalam PRU yang lepas mereka tidak akan mendapat apa-apa mudharat kerana berada di dalam Umno pun tidak menjamin yang kita tidak akan menerima mudharat akibat kelemahan pimpinan yang tidak dapat menolak dugaan yang mereka hadapi seperti rasuah dan salahguna kuas.Ahli-ahli Umno sendiri berkata yang jika seseorang yang dipilih menjadi calon, itu merupakan tiket untuk mereka membuat dan membina kekayaan peribadi. Hendak ditegur mereka tidak akan berubah. Caranya ialah untuk menolak calon-calon itu sebagai pengajaran yang berkuasa ialah rakyat, bukannya mereka yang di beri mandat itu.Menjadikan orang ramai untuk menjadi kerbau untuk membajak sawah sahaja tidak lagi dapat diterima ramai. Cukup-cukuplah setakat ini.“Jika mereka dipecat pun bukannya ada apa-apa yang hilang pun, kerana semasa kita belum dipecat pun keadaan tidak menentu. Apa bezanya kalau dipecat? Selama ini pun Umno tak nampak bergerak pun. Tidak lagi berada dalam Umno pun hidup kita serupa juga,” kata seorang AJK Bahagian dari Negeri Sembilan kepada saya.Seorang rakan yang menganggotai AJK Bahagian di Selangor memberi tahu saya, “By all means, Muhyiddin can sack us and suit himself. After all Umno is unrecognizable, bang Aspan! Dah lah! Sumbat sana bocor kat sini. Sumbat kat sini berlubang kat sana”. — aspanaliasnet.blogspot.com
component parties have come up in support of sacking members who sabotage the coalition's candidates in the general election.
The Barisan leaders said that there was no room for disloyal members. They were responding to Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin's statement on Saturday that Umno would sack saboteurs even if Barisan won the seat in their area.related article
Yesterday, the Barisan deputy chairman and Umno deputy president reiterated his call for the other Barisan parties to do likewise.
Barisan secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansorsaid sabotage was a serious offence and component parties should not tolerate members who worked against them and Barisan.
He said the 2008 general election served as a “bitter lesson” for Barisan where sabotage was the “root cause” of the coalition's failure to retain two-thirds majority in Parliament.
“Umno will not tolerate disloyal acts and neither should the other component parties. We do not want saboteurs among us,” Tengku Adnan said.
Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal said Barisan parties should not tolerate members who betrayed them.Kong: ‘The party will take disciplinary action against those who sabotaged Barisan candidates.’
“We need to send a strong message to our members that the offence is serious and warrants sacking,” he added.
MCA secretary-general Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha said the central committee had announced six months ago that the party would take disciplinary action against those who sabotaged Barisan candidates.
Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon said the party had sacked members who sabotaged Barisan candidates in previous general elections and would not hesitate to do the same again.
PBS deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili said the party had in the past suspended or sacked members found guilty of sabotage.
“We view the offence seriously. You must be loyal to your party. Disappointment or frustration is not a reason to sabotage,” he said.
Palanivel: ‘If and when it happens, our disciplinary committee will deal with it.’
Upko president Tan Sri Bernard Dompoksaid the party would not tolerate sabotage although it had not experienced such a problem before.
MIC president Datuk Seri G. Palanivel said that sabotage rarely occurred in the party “but if and when it happens, our disciplinary committee will deal with it”.
PPP president Datuk Seri M. Kayveas said the party's disciplinary committee would act immediately if there was any incident of sabotage.related articlehttp://suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress.com/2012/08/26/tengku-adnan-tengku-mansor-non-performing-mca-mic-umno-seats-should-go-has-called-on-party-leaders-to-relinquish-their-positions/
Barisan secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansorconfirmed that all the 13-member parties in the ruling coalition had already handed over their candidate lists to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
“We have already started vetting (candidates). We are also checking if a candidate is popular on the ground. We want candidates that the rakyat wants, not the party,” he said yesterday.
Aside from the vetting of candidates, Tengku Adnan said Najib would also hold meetings with the presidents of the component parties to get their views on their electoral chances.
“If we feel a candidate is unsuitable, we will ask them to submit another name. The process has already started and as far as the coalition is concerned, we are ready (to face the polls),” he said.
Earlier, it was reported that Najib would only have a short break over the Hari Raya holidays to make way for one-to-one meetings with Barisan component party leaders to finalise the list of candidates.
Tengku Adnan, who is also Umno secretary-general, had earlier said that an October date would be a bad idea for the general election as it would be the start of the haj pilgrimage season.
A September date is also unlikely, as Najib is scheduled to table the Budget 2013 in Parliament on Sept 28
related articlehttp://suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress.com/2012/08/30/seniors-vs-juniors-no-back-stabbing-in-the-election-campaign-or-lose-forever/
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