As Parliament prepares for its next sitting early next month, DAP has reiterated its stance against some PAS leaders who are bend on tabling a Private Member's Bill in the house to implement hudud in Kelantan.
PAS decimation and collapse Hadi Awang will be remembered as the president who destroyed his own This is a great outcome of "kajang Move", the move finally will force Pas's conservative faction out from PR.After Hadi’s shocking debacle in the current Selangor MB crisis, and with him continuing to dominate PAS, the party will be severely thrashed in future elections, with no hope of recovery. PAS will only have a future if it is led by moderate leaders acceptable to our multi-racial society and if it continues to be an equal partner in Pakatan Rakyat. In fact, Pakatan is firmly on course to Putrajaya, if not for the ludicrous tantrum thrown up by Hadi. Those who are disillusioned with Hadi’s leadership have two options: either start a new party or replace Hadi as party leader. Whichever option to take, members have a golden opportunity in the imminent party annual meeting to ask him to account for his recent conduct, and render him vulnerable to censure or even a vote of no confidence of his leadership
The Erdogan group must be rubbing their hands with glee on this one. They set a trap, and walked right PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang into it.has seized the occasion to declare, in ringing tones, that it had political ambitions all along!y heading for a split many party conventions ago. So it was a matter of time before the marriage that was on the rocks finally ends.r politics is a sad let-down for many who wished it well. It reveals a disturbing lack of ideas at the movement’s core.
Wan Azizah Wan Ismail serves up an ace against haters a new politics beyond dysfunctional Majlis Syura Ulama consensus somewhat pointlessly clarified that PAS not caught in a “time warp”). PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang outdoing Umno in the dirty tricks department and proving that claiming religious credentials and behaving with honour and integrity are miles apart that her party move away from dysfunctional Majlis Syura Ulama consensus’s ideals back-stabbing betrayer-president PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang 's clear intention to form a Selangor unity-government with UMNO ? Your beloved back-stabbing presidentt Abdul Hadi Awang has sold his mind, soul and perhaps, his turban too, to those corrupted devils.Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail serves up an ace against haters a new politics beyond dysfunctional Majlis Syura Ulama consensus which are past their sell-by date — and ideas more relevant to a 21st century India can come into play.
This stratagem of Machiavellian politics can have many variants and be described in many other ways: the principle of supra-government, the halo of sacrifice, the backseat driver, or the remote control principle. However, in simple terms they all amount to having the cake and eating it too.
Hadi thought of a reaction whereby if we were to be betrayed and they ‘steal’ our people, we ‘steal back’ their people. "It was (done) in that context - it was not planned or premeditated.' What warped explanation - devoid of accountable principles based on decency, decorum and integrity? And these are religious people, pushing a religious agenda and this is all religious or a cloak and dagger clandestine covet operation? This is like toddlers fighting over prize toys and not statesmen positioning to provide alternative national leadership! Like Perak, before the voters have been betrayed in Selangor, no doubt about this - by political shenanigans and they will be punished at GE14 make no mistake about that!
They have already started meeting and are about to launch a road show in the pursuit of progress and modernisation to abandon the shackles of race, religion and feudalism and, for that to happen, race-based, religion-based and feudalism-based politics has to end. Hence political parties such as Umno, MCA, MIC, PAS, etc., need to be exterminated and replaced with non-race-based and non-religion-based parties.. there are many ways to deal with life's disappointment the religious way but backstabbing your partners repeatedly isn't one of them. Many people are also disappointed with you. What to do? - See more at:Unprecedented constitutional monarchy to re-enter active politics? Command and control:The future: Does no one care?

This Taliban-wannabe's turban is wound too tightly around his skull and hence his pea-sized brain is deprived of blood supply. That is why he is spewing shit. It never ceases to amaze me how these 'pious' but venomous Malaysian Taliban-wannabes need to wear such thick turbans round their head in a hot and humid tropical country. Notice that the Arabs wear loose-fitting headgear since they mostly live in the desert? All you Taliban-wannabes, when you live in Malaysia The turbaned mullahs obviously love the word 'beheading'. It is fashionable now and clearly linked to their belief which apparently is not unconnected to blood and gore The silent majority of PAS members who represent the progressives should leave and formed a breakaway party called PASMA. This will then spell the end of the minority Taliban-minded mullahs who have proved to have a backward, stone aged mentality, but have also given Pakatan a bad image in the recent MB crisis. Their refusal to endorsed Wan Azizah clearly showed that they are a gender biased party who discriminised not only women but also LGBT.
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