Monday, September 8, 2014

Munir Bani who is right and who is wrong, who is abiding by the Constitution and who is not.

 How decitful for Hadi to seek audience from his royal highness when in ordinary man,s eyes it appears to be wrong..what will the courts decide if it is taken to court.

As a humble party person I have always accepted with humility whatever work the party assigned to me without ever asking something in return – especially for myself. I have never been known for promoting myself, nor as anyone who is inclined to running after positions. If the party considers me fit for any bigger responsibility, I would,  as a humble party worker, carry on any work assigned to me. But, I am hurt by certain malicious campaigns being run by PAS media where it is being alleged that I am promoting myself for the position of.Selangor Menteri Besar.I am constantly amazed and amused at some of the stuff I read about myself in the media, but, this one has me concerned about what is happening to journalism as we knew it. Let alone check with me, the journalists didn’t even run a simple check that would have told him how wrong he was. This page was started in August 2013 and is probably a fan page like many others. I sincerely wish and request journalists to check facts before going to town with screaming headlines.

Malaysia is a false democracy or a dictatorship.Among the many challenges that democracy is facing in the country, the most significant one is that the idealistic purpose within which it is meant to reside has been gradually dismantled, leaving a skeletal framework that has become an instrument of distributing power without assigning to it any larger intent. In this construct, power owes a responsibility only to itself- both in terms of seeking it and ensuring its perpetuation. Political competition does not translate into debating how power should be used but only in haggling about who gets to use it. Once acquired, power is used extractively and its rewards distributed selectively. The absence of a self-disciplining mechanism within political parties is a pointer to the fact that there is great satisfaction with the way things are, as well as a recognition that change is neither possible nor desirable. Parties may act against dissidents (increasingly with greater reluctance and for shorter durations) but rarely does it act against those that commit any serious misdemeanours.The other significant challenge and one that has got underlined in recent days is the more fundamental question of what constitutes public will and whether that idea needs to be contained in a larger framework of values. On the one hand, there is the belief that decentralisation and putting the power of determining one’s own destiny must lie with local communities, and on the other a great sense of anxiety about the many instances of communities making choices that are troubling to the idea of a modern liberal democracy.

Munir Bani why don't you give proper advice instead of crap. Why don't you ask for 56 names. That way in order to get a mb, all assemblymen and assemblywoman will have to force themselves to totally support each other, well at least each assembly person will have majority support. Is this not good, no more fighting among parties, all 1 selangor. Everyone can talk like mb as all have maj support. That's what you are asking? Please read and I mean read the real constituition, uses the word person who has confidence of maj,,, person means one person not 3 or 56.. People already given you one person. What other criteria you want to apply , then reject wan azizah on that criteria if it's true and honest. Don't play games. Please don't try to bodek. Pas, pas is useless, lost two states, tell lies and betray, really not good creteria
 Najib and Umno wield dictatorial powers and they can do anything they like to anyone who displeases them or threatens their hold on power. We have seen how cruelly Anwar has been treated by Mahathir and Najib and convicted on trumped up sodomy charges twice and has spent several years in prison. We also saw a clear illustration of the dictatorial powers of Umno when the police, the judiciary and the defence colluded to protect the person who had a clear motive for Altantuya’s murder. The Umno dictators get the royalty to dance to their tune by letting them or their families make easy millions by giving them lucrative overpriced negotiated contracts (e.g. Shah Alam hospital, Gamuda) and they can also get their goons to call the royalty ‘Natang’ if they are not happy with them.The Selangor Sultan’s blatant disregard of the constitution now suggests that he is backed and encouraged by Najib who most probably has promised him a big reward.Democracy could easily become an instrument of a regressive past, intent on maintaining status quo, and a political process that is deeply expedient would find no reason to challenge this. On the other hand, it could remain theoretically wedded to ideas that show no relationship with the aspirations of people, and would find that the electoral process would either render these irrelevant or corrupted in the hands of a cynical political process.

The use of such strong words such as "insolence" and "traitors to the royal decree" in the palace statement is regrettable in any constitutional monarchy that defers to the will of the elected representatives in the legislature who represent the voice of the people. Even at the height of the constitutional crisis in 1983 and 1993, the palace did not use such words despite UMNO denigrating, abusing and embarrassing the Rulers on a daily basis using the media and other public gatherings. The unhappiness of the palace should have been indicated in a private meeting with the leaders of PKR and the DAP by the Sultan's private secretary rather than issuing a public statement to the media or by private correspondence to the respective party leaders simply to express the Ruler's disappointment and requesting for additional names if possible. Indicting political leaders in public as traitors and insolent only undermines the impartiality and integrity of the royal institution.
 the HRH Sultan's private secretary to not put words in His Highness mouth by saying "kebiadapan kepada Institusi Raja' and 'perbuatan derhaka" for PKR/DAP not complying with the wishes of the Istana. This pales in comparison with what Ex-PM Dr M did when he clipped the wings of the States' Rulers and institute a Special Court for them for any excesses that they may commit. Nothing was heard about him and the apparatchiks being insolent and defiant to the Rulers then. May be Munir Bani may like to weigh on this and clarify matters. "Munir said that majority support of a state assemblyperson is not the sole criteria for the sultan's consideration in appointing a menteri besar". WTF!! The man in the fancy dress is pressing the "Flush" button for Malaysian Democracy. He wants to flush it down the toilet. How freaking bodoh is that? What we need now is a People's Revolution to flush out all the parasites, starting with the man in fancy dress. He doesn't deserve the tax payers' money. He can freaking go and hide in his Stone Age cave. Freaking bodoh!

 Especially when the one and only name commanding majority support is clearly not enough? Since the names of all 56 members of the assembly are known to everyone in the palace, why not simply pick one from a hat and call it the exercise of royal discretion? Why the charade of nominations? In fact why elections? Just pick 

 Iskandar Abdul Samad bows the lowest as  Chubby Checker sings Limbo Rock in the background?


No one wins fighting sultan saidSelangor PAS commissioner Iskandar Abdul Samad that he was invited to have an audience with the Selangor Sultan over the appointment of the new Selangor menteri besar 

Selangor people  to decide CM; not PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang a political criminal PKR and DAP is not being disrespectful to the Sultan of Selangor for not submitting  must abide by the sultan's decree so that Pakatan Rakyat can focus on the people's welfare.but again the sultan should remember that he runs the risk of Pakatan skinning him alive if the GE14 result is a Pakatan win federally said Selangor PAS today
 They are just abiding to the Constitution and is it wrong. If so we have to change the constitution Mahathir than.won his fight in stripping the rulers of their powers. He also said Melayu senang lupa .... he must be right Selangor PAS..said...

Does HRH aware that he is not above constitutional law?Constitutional expert Abdul Aziz Bari has reiterated that the sole qualification for a menteri besar is whether he or she has majority support in the state assembly. it is  not wise for the Sultan to be involved in politic, as in this case we can clearly see that the Sultan is going against the spirit of democracy when HRH knew Wan Azizah has commanded the majority support from the state assemblyman, as such, by refusing to appoint the person who have the majority is a mockery to the election system itself,MB without the support from the majority state assemblyman, because at the end of the day, whoever being appointed will have to toe the line of the coalition and parties as they will have to answer to the voters who have voted for them. Just imagine that if there is any mistake or weakness in managing the state by the MB appointed by the Sultan but not nominated and supported by the coalition or party, who will take the blame eventually? For me, its simple, whoever willing to take the responsibility and blame of the voters in next GE can appoint the MB!

This is very clear and enlightening by Aziz Bari. There is no discrimination against gender, no discrimination against any ADUN but there is very clear and obvious discrimination against Anwar Ibrahim and his family.
Having got thrashed in the general elections by a leader who shows every sign of consolidating his position for more than a single term, the party has more than enough time to lick its wounds. And there is much to rue- the party has squandered two consecutive mandates without any real external reason. In its second avatar, the UMNO set new standards on ineptness on so many fronts simultaneously that in comparison, UMNO is behind all this nonsense. They are trying to play dirty using arbitrary rulings to make things difficult for PKR. There seem to be no rules. One day the people will get so frustrated they will throw them all out.And yet, conversely, UMNO being in the Opposition is what  should do well. Structurally, the party is suited much more to opposing than to leading. While in office, its peculiar two pronged structure, that of separating the executive arm of the government from the political arm of the real leadership, was at the heart of its lack of performance, both real and perceived. In the Opposition, this dichotomy is dismantled,

The interesting press conference after yesterday's marathon PAS Central Committee meeting has thrown up a crucial constitutional issue that has dominated the current Selangor menteri besar imbroglio.

PAS deputy president Mat Sabu and secretary general Mustafa Ali gave conflicting answers to the question of what PAS would do if the Sultan of Selangor decides to appoint a PAS assemblyperson (instead of a PKR representative as agreed by Pakatan Rakyat) as the next menteri besar of Selangor.

Mat Sabu said the party would reject the appointment, while Mustafa said it would leave the decision to the sultan, implying that the party would accept the ruler's choice.

This has brought up the key constitutional question of who should decide the next leader of the Selangor state government: the sultan or the ruling coalition Pakatan Rakyat?

Constitutional expert Abdul Aziz Bari has reiterated that the sole qualification for a menteri besar is whether he or she has majority support in the state assembly.

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