Political leaders have often goaded Malaysians to target ambitious goals often through moral persuasion or by promising huge funds as assistance. It was a language which UMNO leaders usually had no difficulties in grasping.
The Prime Minister’s Department’s expenditure continues to grow under Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s watch, with spending significantly higher than when Dr Mahathir Mohamad was in power
Can anyone remember who was the person to tell Malaysians to "change our lifestyle" when costs were rising fast a number of years back? The person is now still having the biggest budget in the government. Talking about leadership by example!
It boggles the mind on the high PMD expenditure is the private jet flying to 'extra' destinations.
why the PMD gets such huge allocations for itself when there are the various Ministries to manage the nation. The PMD should restrict itself to overseeing and monitoring the ministries and not take upon itself functions that can be handled by them. I wonder if the Auditor General has powers to audit how funds are managed and utilised in the PMD as I cannot recall such scrutiny in his annual audit reports.
that systematic corruption is violation of human rights as it leads to economic crisis and that corruption is a serious malady undermining the very health of polity. Cannot be better-said and ample grounds for dismissal of the bail application was cited. The courts are now fast tracking cases of corruption by public servants.
In 1991 Najib Razak had been appointed defence minister, which presented him with great opportunities to strengthen his political (and financial) position – while Rahim Thamby Chik was forced to step down as Chief Minister in 1994 after he was charged with statutory rape. The case was thrown out and Rahim Thamby Chik was quietly made chairman of Risda, a post he still holds, despite being recently found guilty of screening pornography at Carcosa Seri Negara.
here are lavish praises for Rosmah and the work she has carried outcourted controversy for using an official jet to fly to Padang in Indonesia to receive a Minangkabau award for herself.how she gets away with murder (to PDRM - strictly as a figure of speech). In spite of the 7ft vases she has impeccable taste as she snagged the man who would be king. Then she one upped him by taking over his pants (another figure of speech). Anyhow, she's been blessed with abundance (this I mean literally). However, I will still not be surprised if the PDRM finds it seditious to call Our First Lady horizontally challenged.What is rather unbelievable in the love and affection that the people have for their chief minister is that they believe she is doing them a favor and not her job. Of course, there are many of our leaders who do not do their job and I understand somewhat the sentiments that the people have displayed. The fawning and fetishes have led to even leaders like Paneer Selvam wailing away at the swearing in ceremony. Amma would have liked what she saw on TV in her cell and undoubtedly he will always have her blessings, not sure what the repercussions would have been had he not wailed. Even more important is that the wailing needs to stop and administration of the state has to begin. How long are the leaders of Tamil Nadu going to be sitting around in a paralytic state? Let the judiciary take its course and let administration not be cynical of the judicial process. Whether its Amma or whether its Appa or any spoilt Pappu who misuses his position and gets high on absolute power, they are not above the law. Thank God for the judiciary!
Even as Najib Razak craftily navigated his way through the Byzantine intrigues of Umno politics, Rosmah Mansor was acquiring a nasty reputation in her own inimitable style. Stories began to circulate about her penchant for expensive trinkets and how she would unashamedly throw her weight around, intimidating owners of jewelry stores for outrageous discounts. One apocryphal tale relates how she even threatened to shut down the business if they didn’t accede to her demands – and having been appeased with the offer of a free gift worth tens of thousands, she simply took the gift and walked out without buying the item she had originally haggled over.
Rosmah has been granted hundreds of millions for her assorted pet projects – none of which is subject to public scrutiny or financial accountability – and even her own quasi-governmental department with a salaried staff.
The debtor Deepak is the owner of a carpet firm in the capital who has sparked controversy in the past
.Former Bank Rakyat chairman Tan Sri Sabbaruddin Chik has spilled the beans on cronyism and abuse of high office in Putrajaya by revealing that his tenure was not extended due to a RM40 million loan application made by a person linked to Putrajaya.Sabbaruddin told themalaybusinesstribune that the individual had used his political connections to settle a loan amounting to RM32 million without any interest calculated.
"The individual who owed the money should not be discussing it with a minister. His debt is with Bank Rakyat, why does he need to see a minister?"Sabbaruddin revealed that the individual had sought the assistance of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Hasan Malek.
"When the minister found out, he said 'I can sack all of you'," Sabbaruddin said, referring to Hasan.
Sabbaruddin told the Bank Rakyat board of directors to initially reject the compromise offered by the individual to settle his outstanding debt.
Obviously Najib and his wife are sticking to the rules that 'silence is golden and the less you talk the less truth will be told'.
One thing is how come he can scream and shout during at the Umno annual assembly yet he is so quite in this case. Or is it because he has sworn in the mosque and to Allah that he has not met the mongolian beauty ever. And that is enough !
May be he should swear on the Koran and call on Allah to be his witness once again just to clear his name and that of his wife. What is happening to this country and silence of all the Malaysians ?
Both Najib and Rosmah talk almost daily yet he has nothing absolutely nothing to say about this issue least they might say the wrong thing. I promise to give him my vote in the coming GE if he dare come out in the open to answer all the allegations Deepak is throwing at him and his wife. I wonder are they able to sleep soundly every night and what do they say to each other on this particular on the allegations thrown at them ? Also what has all the AG , the MACC and the police have to Hontia readmore Deepak's "Black Rose"Drama queen
One thing is how come he can scream and shout during at the Umno annual assembly yet he is so quite in this case. Or is it because he has sworn in the mosque and to Allah that he has not met the mongolian beauty ever. And that is enough !
May be he should swear on the Koran and call on Allah to be his witness once again just to clear his name and that of his wife. What is happening to this country and silence of all the Malaysians ?
Both Najib and Rosmah talk almost daily yet he has nothing absolutely nothing to say about this issue least they might say the wrong thing. I promise to give him my vote in the coming GE if he dare come out in the open to answer all the allegations Deepak is throwing at him and his wife. I wonder are they able to sleep soundly every night and what do they say to each other on this particular on the allegations thrown at them ? Also what has all the AG , the MACC and the police have to Hontia readmore Deepak's "Black Rose"Drama queen
the Goddess who was worshipped was toppled from the pedestal, not by the people but by the law. Tamil people had conveniently forgotten that the accused was not absolved of the crime; have conveniently chosen to be blind to the most vulgar display of wealth
The Supreme Court quite appropriately moved Jayalalithaa’s case away from Chennai, in the right belief that the trial could not be expected to be free from political pressures if held in Tamil Nadu. But whether Karnataka was the best option for the corruption case of a Tamil Nadu chief minister to be tried, it is hardly a very tricky question. It is not as if the question is only being asked post-facto. This aspect of the matter was questioned even at the time the decision was first taken.
Karnataka and Tamil Nadu have been at loggerheads on Cauvery waters issue for as long as one can remember. Nor have Tamilians, in Karnataka, been particularly welcome over the years, particularly in Bangalore. Recall the Rajkumar episode and how the matter played out between the people of the two states in 2000. It is hardly surprising that motives are now being ascribed to Karanataka for ‘victimising’ Amma as revenge for Cauvery waters issue! The learned High Court Judge is being threatened and ridiculed and his effigy burnt. There are raucous cries to bring her back to Tamil Nadu!
Shouldn’t in all reasonableness the Supreme Court have anticipated the political fallout of having Jayalalithaa tried in Karnataka, especially if the verdict were to go against her? Also, where is the necessity to have the proceedings of a CM conducted in the neighbouring state? Considering a CM would in any case take an aircraft, what is the incremental difference between flying from say Chennai to Bangalore or from Chennai to Calcutta, or Mumbai or Bhopal? An hour may be? So why couldn’t her case have been tried in West Bengal or Maharasthra or Madhya Pradesh?
As things stand, we seem to be creating more problems for ourselves than we need to. All this is what gives more handle to corrupt and criminal politicians to brazen out their convictions, alleging political vendetta when none exists.
Supreme Court ought to be as aware as anybody that politicians never feel a sense of shame, disgrace or humiliation, like ordinary middle class folks would, when they are held guilty, leave alone accused of crimes, civil or criminal. They take jail terms in their stride and brazen it out. Whenever they are accused and even proven guilty, they continue blaming the ‘opposition’ for their ‘political agenda’, never mind the clear evidence of their guilt available to the courts. They go to jail, waving to all and sundry, as if they were freedom fighters going to jail in the service of the people; as if they were proud of going to jail, just because their party can whip up a few thousand bought-up riff-raffs to protest the ‘political victimization’ of their ‘leader’.
The truth is since all political parties have more than their fair share of corrupt and criminal politicians even at senior levels, they are usually well protected by their own ‘leadership’ in an unwritten rule, and no one may challenge the protection in the name of party discipline et al. And typically, other political parties will not needle a member of another party needlessly, as the unwritten code in politics is ‘live and let live’. It is clearly not for the humble citizens to take on such corrupt politicians most of the time, except once in five years, which only helps a Karunanidhi alternate with a Jayalalithaa.
So it is only for the occasional counter-heavy-weight politician like Subramanian Swamy to come along and takes on a politician like Amma, no doubt with an agenda of his own. But agenda or no agenda, in a country where the investigators are themselves corrupt or manipulated by ruling governments, and so notoriously incompetent that they seldom manage to garner enough proof to convict a rogue politician, when some proofs do surface, one would imagine that the proofs have to be fairly robust.
But just because other equally corrupt politicians like Lalu Yadav may have escaped the clutches of law by hook or by crook, or just because other crooks had looted much more wealth than her, Amma’s supporters now quote them as precedents for Jayalalitha being allowed bail as well.
The general belief seems to be that as long as you do not accept your shameful conduct, there is no shame in it. Proofs can always be poo-pooed. They also derive comfort from others who too have been equally or more corrupt. And we always have the ready fatalistic Indian comfort:’ But everybody is doing it!’ So why should I be ashamed? Then they question every single aspect of a judgment. For instance Jayalalithaa’s counsel is arguing that Rs. 100 crore fine for a chief minister who amassed unaccounted property worth at least Rs. 65 crore over nearly two decades or thereabouts, is excessive. Is it their case that she should be asked to return only what she swindled? But in that case, isn’t swindling a paying proposition, because if you are caught, you merely have to return the principal and if you are not caught, you get to keep the entire amount! So where is the deterrent? What about the fact that in interest alone, one would have enjoyed nearly Rs. 6 crore annually on Rs. 65 crore of swindled wealth?
If precedents are so sacrosanct, are we saying that no politician, or for that matter, any crook who can afford a Ram Jethmalani, even when indicted can ever be kept in jail, because the Supreme Court made the mistake of letting Lalu Yadav walk out of jail? We have a similar crook in Chauthala, who looted public money in the name of teachers in Haryana who is out of jail on health and age grounds but vigorously canvassing for his party for the forthcoming elections. So when would crooks ever serve the jail time in this country at this rate?
If such politicizing of justice is to be discouraged, it may help if the Supreme Court ensured three basic rules:
1. No politician should ever be tried in his/her own or immediately neighbouring state.
2. No politician should ever be jailed his/her own or immediately neighbouring state.
3. As far as possible, attempt should also be made to ensure that a politician from a certain party is not tried in a state which is run by his/her party.
None of these issues, to the best of my knowledge, need any legislative intervention. Supreme Court should be capable of ensuring these simple rules, which surely do not infringe on any constitutional provisions.
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