Friday, December 12, 2014

PM's 'dangerous threats' to Islam in India Lure of ration cards led to Muslims 'reconversion'?

 PM najib have a credibility in his administration,Give support, confidence and enough time period to the prime minister that more changes will be implemented for the benefit of the people and country.has to say what he gotta say to stay in power.....he knows who is propping him up now that the Mahathir is not on his side Never mind..
 Surely the entire world will realize his true colours that he is in fact not a moderate but one who survives on slogans and rhetoric and not knowing what they mean..

One wonders how on earth Malaysia managed to get a seat on the United Nation Security Council where one can make lots of U-turns after? It is high time that the international community and the UN realize Najib's ruses about "moderate" Islam in Malaysia. It simply does not exist.

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s labelling of humanism, secularism and liberalism as a dangerous threat to Islam has come under fire.

 Can the public simply rely on the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) rating ? this is just another provocation to insult our country indirectly

 It is clearly spelled out in our constitution that Malaysia is a secular country. "There is a sinister design to alter secular fabric and secular character of the Constitution." We must always know that Malaysia is a secular state and its strength lies in unity in diversity. All Malaysian must rise up to protect the constitution.The original Malay ideology of  socialism Islam has even less resonance today than it had in its heyday. But socialism was not what made these parties worthy contenders for power in several states since the nineties. Empowerment of backward Malays was their calling card. 
As the debate continues to swirl around secularism, albeit with ebbing intensity, but still provoking a loose nerve or two, an intriguing question demands an answer. Is India secular because Gandhi was secular, or was Mahathir secular because Malaysia is secular? What precisely do we mean by secularism?The western definition has two origins: the French Revolution, which separated church from state; and communism, which erased religion from political and social life. Between Voltaire and Karl Marx, religion was marginalized into the grey space of “unreason” from Europe to China, with ramifications that extended far beyond the extent of state power.

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