The business of politicians is corruption and arrogance
The PM can allow his political exigencies at his own peril
Moral hazard, the risk one party incurs when dependent on the moral behavior of others. The risk increases when there is no effective way to control that behavior. Moral hazard arises when two or more parties form an agreement or contractual relationship and the arrangement itself provides the incentive for misbehavior by insuring one party against responsibility.was trapped in a suicidal pincer of corruption and arrogance. The syndrome is so widespread, across party lines, that we might need a word for it: “corrugance” would do. More names keep getting added to a long list:
personal credibility is shattered, his government’s reputation is an embarrassment, his party has become a national joke, continues, primly, in office, hoping for a chance reversal of fortune through a spin of cosmic lottery. But there are no miracles left in God’s cupboard for the corrupt. voter has more patience than the temperament would suggest. Even a fog at the top will not deter the voter from locating his destination . It did not matter beyond a point. It will not matter beyond the same point when Malaysian votes.
Money shouts, conscience merely murmurs
Former Umno minister Shafie Apdal has questioned those who are pointing the finger at the Rural and Regional Development Ministry during the time he was at its helm, over the alleged misappropriations involving the Sabah Water Department’s RM3.3 billion federal allocation.“It is quite perplexing and amusing that the state authorities are in a haste to plead their innocence publicly and diverting the blame to the Rural and Regional Development Ministry when the investigation by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is still ongoing.“Making such statements publicly seem to show that the state authority has no respect nor confidence towards the process of the investigation by the MACC,” said Shafie in a statement today.He was responding to the statement by Sabah Deputy Chief Minister Joseph Pairin Kitingan concerning the questionable awards of project amounting to RM3.3 billion, in relation to the recent arrests of two state senior government officers for alleged graft.“It was indicated that the project was awarded in 2010 during my tenure as the minister in charge of the Rural and Regional Development Ministry. It was also indicated that the projects were not handled by his ministry,” said Shafie.Pairin is also the state infrastructure development minister.
“I shall reserve my comments on this matter as I believe that we must not interfere or be seen to be interfering with the ongoing investigation by making public statements and pleas of innocence, to ensure the integrity of the investigation by MACC is not compromised,” said Shafie.
Only 40 percent of federal allocations for water infrastructure projects in Sabah reached the projects that the money was earmarked for, according to a report today.“And the rest of the money seemed to have been pocketed by individuals,” reported The Star, quoting an unnamed senior state government official.The official is said to have knowledge of developments in the investigations against Sabah Water Department director Ag Tahir Ag Talib, and his deputy Teo Chee Kong, who had been arrested by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) on suspicion of graft on Wednesday.The duo are said to have handled RM3.3 billion in basic infrastructure projects since 2010In what has been hailed as the biggest haul ever by the MACC, the commission had seized close to RM53 million in cash, nine luxury cars, branded watches and 127 land grants.Also seized in the operation are 19.3kg in jewellery estimated to be worth RM3.64 million, and 94 handbags for their wives.The Star said Sabah Water Department’s tender process is believed to have been ‘fixed’ so that proxy companies would be awarded projects at inflated prices.Quoting MACC deputy chief commissioner (operations) Azam Baki, the report said the duo have 38 companies owned by their friends and families.In addition, the projects are often broken up into smaller parcels up to RM100,000 to avoid the tender process altogether, as the director or his deputy can sign off the projects by themselves, the report said.Jokes are the evidence and the argument in this trial; the voter is both lawyer and judge in the court of the people. But there is some good news for those on trial. The maximum sentence is just five years in wilderness. The next five years will pass as quickly as the last five.Jokes are the evidence and the argument in this trial; the voter is both lawyer and judge in the court of the people. But there is some good news for those on trial. The maximum sentence is just five years in wilderness. The next five years will pass as quickly as the last five.
An indecisive Prime Minister spreads uncertainty along every artery of power. He does not speak, and when he does silence seems the better option. He appears to suggest that cliché or evasions are a solution.has never seemed as helplessly weak as now The Prime Minister has become either the target of dark outrage or the butt of black humour. The insulation that protected him while colleagues were falling on either side in the many corruption battles, has been ripped off scam. The government has only one strategy for all the riveting scandals that have gutted its credibility: the purchase of time through delay or deception and gets a ringing vote of confidence from the Prime Minister. The only time Dr Singh shows any determination is when he is defending the indefensible. Additional Solicitor General and CBI counsel exposes the lies of Attorney General
Hell has more definitions than heaven , possibly because more of us expect to end up there than in the other place. A cynic described hell as other people. Men of religion generally promise hellfire for the wicked, an image that rather contradicts the doctrine that the body is terminal and soul eternaChaos is the wild weed rooted in corruption. Like an untamed cancer,l. A soul can't get roasted in flames, can it?corroded governance beyond repair Since UPA continues to survive in office like a patient spread across a table, it has become evident justification for euthanasia.
scam were made in the first term. A better explanation is that hubris turned virtually every problem at this government's doorstep into a larger crisis. This arrogance was born of a belief,
A fundamental requirement of any democracy is anger management. Instead of calming periodic outbursts of anger on the street, sometimes led by mavericks, senior ministers went out of their way to provoke the people with insults. Voters were initially puzzled. They expected balm, and got astringent. Slowly their bewilderment consolidated into wrath. An increasingly defensive government sought refuge in belligerence. Ministers can laugh at the people and get promoted by the Prime Minister for their weird sense of humour, but in democracy the last laugh will always be with the people.
Hell is many things. It is also the final resting place of the impotent.
has noted that the human brain might get lost in variations of “free will”, but can certainly be clear about a “free won’t”. N Najib should start classes for powerful Indian politicians. Dangle a temptation before them, and stick to “will”, rarely opting for “won’t”.
One sign of the march of Malaysian democracy is creative progress in the science of corruption. In the shoddy old days, someone took a bag stuffed with cash, a flunky counted the Ringgit and took it to the master’s bedroom. A high dignitary like a Prime Minister would get more respect; his cash came in a proper suitcase..
Silence remains his only answer.
One great illusion of the last decade has been our belief that Najib would ensure corruption-free governance since he himself was above board. The latest expose in misappropriations involving the Sabah Water Department’s RM3.3 billion federal allocation.proves beyond any argument that his personal reputation provided cover for massive theft by his ministers. He knew, and did nothing about it, because his own survival as PM was at stake.
An indecisive Prime Minister spreads uncertainty along every artery of power. He does not speak, and when he does silence seems the better option. He appears to suggest that cliché or evasions are a solution.has never seemed as helplessly weak as now The Prime Minister has become either the target of dark outrage or the butt of black humour. The insulation that protected him while colleagues were falling on either side in the many corruption battles, has been ripped off scam. The government has only one strategy for all the riveting scandals that have gutted its credibility: the purchase of time through delay or deception and gets a ringing vote of confidence from the Prime Minister. The only time Dr Singh shows any determination is when he is defending the indefensible. Additional Solicitor General and CBI counsel exposes the lies of Attorney General
Hell has more definitions than heaven , possibly because more of us expect to end up there than in the other place. A cynic described hell as other people. Men of religion generally promise hellfire for the wicked, an image that rather contradicts the doctrine that the body is terminal and soul eternaChaos is the wild weed rooted in corruption. Like an untamed cancer,l. A soul can't get roasted in flames, can it?corroded governance beyond repair Since UPA continues to survive in office like a patient spread across a table, it has become evident justification for euthanasia.
scam were made in the first term. A better explanation is that hubris turned virtually every problem at this government's doorstep into a larger crisis. This arrogance was born of a belief,
A fundamental requirement of any democracy is anger management. Instead of calming periodic outbursts of anger on the street, sometimes led by mavericks, senior ministers went out of their way to provoke the people with insults. Voters were initially puzzled. They expected balm, and got astringent. Slowly their bewilderment consolidated into wrath. An increasingly defensive government sought refuge in belligerence. Ministers can laugh at the people and get promoted by the Prime Minister for their weird sense of humour, but in democracy the last laugh will always be with the people.
Hell is many things. It is also the final resting place of the impotent.
has noted that the human brain might get lost in variations of “free will”, but can certainly be clear about a “free won’t”. N Najib should start classes for powerful Indian politicians. Dangle a temptation before them, and stick to “will”, rarely opting for “won’t”.
One sign of the march of Malaysian democracy is creative progress in the science of corruption. In the shoddy old days, someone took a bag stuffed with cash, a flunky counted the Ringgit and took it to the master’s bedroom. A high dignitary like a Prime Minister would get more respect; his cash came in a proper suitcase..
Silence remains his only answer.
One great illusion of the last decade has been our belief that Najib would ensure corruption-free governance since he himself was above board. The latest expose in misappropriations involving the Sabah Water Department’s RM3.3 billion federal allocation.proves beyond any argument that his personal reputation provided cover for massive theft by his ministers. He knew, and did nothing about it, because his own survival as PM was at stake.
Corruption Commission (MACC) to conduct a full and fair investigation.
The DBKL officer was among three senior officers detained on Monday for allegedly committing graft, abuse of power and money laundering During the raid, MACC officers also seized huge amounts of cash hidden in the ceiling of one of the suspects’ house.
The real cost of a bribeto cleanse the gutters of DBKL corruption.
who plunges into every crisis with the dexterity of Don Quixote, is pushing the brilliant thought noted how colleagues and contractors could at times be jealous of a DBKL officer due to his achievements
Ku Nan's comments that declaring his assets publicly will endanger his family. Now open tender can cause problems to the government. Najib, is this the best person you have for this important job? Malaysia deserves better.
No wonder Federal Territory in dire straits due to mismanagement at all levels because appointments are due to patronage, and not according to capability and integrity. There are many bumiputera that are very capable, but sad to say, you are not one of them.
First, you need to prequalify suitable tenderers for their capabilities for a particular project, and not cronies.Why would anyone be surprised that this minister is casting doubts and negativity on open tenders for government procurement despite it being the right thing to do?- open tenders can give you problems as it makes it that much more difficult for you to cheat.Other countries practise open tenders and they always get their jobs completed. Is it either this Umno government is so incompetent to run a country or is it just too corrupted?Don't tell us that all "negotiated" tenders were given to competent crony contractors. We have reports of abject failures on deliveries and cost overrun, and above that, chronic corruption, involving government servants and politicians Kun Nan heard of pre-qualification requirements that's normally expected from contractors? Like sound financial position, expertise, track record, manpower, equipment, etc?It has nothing to do with low bids and uncompleted projects. Project risks are a reality and this is why mitigation clauses are included before projects are awarded.there is a tender board to vet and see who can provide the best value for money. Ku Nan, we expect better comments from you.
The bigger fear for Najib is Federal Territory liaison chairman that the Umno warlords are not with ,helming the Federal Territory liaison chairman, This would allow Najib, as Umno president, to get a concensus for the change, rather than to proceed in a unilateral manner.
The DBKL officer was among three senior officers detained on Monday for allegedly committing graft, abuse of power and money laundering During the raid, MACC officers also seized huge amounts of cash hidden in the ceiling of one of the suspects’ house.
The real cost of a bribeto cleanse the gutters of DBKL corruption.
who plunges into every crisis with the dexterity of Don Quixote, is pushing the brilliant thought noted how colleagues and contractors could at times be jealous of a DBKL officer due to his achievements
Ku Nan's comments that declaring his assets publicly will endanger his family. Now open tender can cause problems to the government. Najib, is this the best person you have for this important job? Malaysia deserves better.
No wonder Federal Territory in dire straits due to mismanagement at all levels because appointments are due to patronage, and not according to capability and integrity. There are many bumiputera that are very capable, but sad to say, you are not one of them.
First, you need to prequalify suitable tenderers for their capabilities for a particular project, and not cronies.Why would anyone be surprised that this minister is casting doubts and negativity on open tenders for government procurement despite it being the right thing to do?- open tenders can give you problems as it makes it that much more difficult for you to cheat.Other countries practise open tenders and they always get their jobs completed. Is it either this Umno government is so incompetent to run a country or is it just too corrupted?Don't tell us that all "negotiated" tenders were given to competent crony contractors. We have reports of abject failures on deliveries and cost overrun, and above that, chronic corruption, involving government servants and politicians Kun Nan heard of pre-qualification requirements that's normally expected from contractors? Like sound financial position, expertise, track record, manpower, equipment, etc?It has nothing to do with low bids and uncompleted projects. Project risks are a reality and this is why mitigation clauses are included before projects are awarded.there is a tender board to vet and see who can provide the best value for money. Ku Nan, we expect better comments from you.
The bigger fear for Najib is Federal Territory liaison chairman that the Umno warlords are not with ,helming the Federal Territory liaison chairman, This would allow Najib, as Umno president, to get a concensus for the change, rather than to proceed in a unilateral manner.
Tengku Adnan, please tell us which multi-billion or million-ringgit projects awarded through direct negotiations that have not exceeded the initial budget, were completed on time, where the infrastructure did not collapse, or required millions more to complete the job.There is no doubt every tender system has its strengths and weaknesses. Regardless, the advantages of open tenders still outweigh the other forms. Direct negotiation is the worse, as it leads to corruption.
Government contracts awarded through direct negotiations can result in work being restricted to the same old names, most of the time awarded to cronies or highest under-table money contributors, or involved kickbacks in the the full story Minister Tengku Adnan is not how high you have reached but the distance you have travelled away from your people
But neither age nor global expanse makes corruption a virtue. The difference between Europe and India a century later is that Europe reveals names of those who hold secret accounts in Swiss banks. In India we specialise in creating escape routes for the unlucky few who are discovered with their hands in the nation’s treasury.There is a saving grace. India is a democracy. When Indians get angry on an epic scale, they rise with a fury that ravages the ruling party.Whenever corruption tops the voters’ agenda, the establishment is reduced to roughly half its previous strength Anwar Ibrahim led an unprecedented stir against corruption. A desperate Najib and Rosmah has forced to bring Sodomy2 charges against. Najib who had more than corruption to worry about, will be similarly mauled in 2018 in next the general elections.
One sign of the march of Malaysian democracy is creative progress in the science of corruption. In the shoddy old days, someone took a bag stuffed with cash, a flunky counted the Ringgit and took it to the master’s bedroom. A high dignitary like a Prime Minister would get more respect; his cash came in a proper suitcase..
Silence remains his only answer.
One great illusion of the last decade has been our belief that Najib would ensure corruption-free governance since he himself was above board. The latest expose in misappropriations involving the Sabah Water Department’s RM3.3 billion federal allocation.proves beyond any argument that his personal reputation provided cover for massive theft by his ministers. He knew, and did nothing about it, because his own survival as PM was at stake.
Najib and Rosmah dismissed corruption as an international phenomenon. She was right. The nexus between politicians, big business and a few useful friends in media is also an old story. Witness this report, datelined Berlin, first published exactly 100 years ago and reproduced in the International Herald Tribune of 22 April 2013: “The charges of bribery of Government officials by members of the Krupp firm have momentarily sunk into insignificance compares with new charges launched against German armament interests of fomenting international rivalries and ill-feeling. Selecting France as a fertile field for these machinations, the armament interests endeavoured to circulate false reports in the French press with a view to frightening Germany into buying large supplies of arms. The false announcement that the French army intends to double its supply of machine was evidently intended to spur the Germans on to double their own supply.”
But neither age nor global expanse makes corruption a virtue. The difference between Europe and Malaysia a century later is that Europe reveals names of those who hold secret accounts in Swiss banks. In Malaysia we specialise in creating escape routes for the unlucky few who are discovered with their hands in the nation’s treasury.
There is a saving grace. Malaysia is a democracy. When Malaysians get angry on an epic scale, they rise with a fury that ravages the ruling party.
Whenever corruption tops the voters’ agenda, the establishment is reduced to roughly half its previous strength anwar ibrahim led an unprecedented stir against corruption.
One sign of the march of Malaysian democracy is creative progress in the science of corruption. In the shoddy old days, someone took a bag stuffed with cash, a flunky counted the Ringgit and took it to the master’s bedroom. A high dignitary like a Prime Minister would get more respect; his cash came in a proper suitcase..
Silence remains his only answer.
One great illusion of the last decade has been our belief that Najib would ensure corruption-free governance since he himself was above board. The latest expose in misappropriations involving the Sabah Water Department’s RM3.3 billion federal allocation.proves beyond any argument that his personal reputation provided cover for massive theft by his ministers. He knew, and did nothing about it, because his own survival as PM was at stake.
Najib and Rosmah dismissed corruption as an international phenomenon. She was right. The nexus between politicians, big business and a few useful friends in media is also an old story. Witness this report, datelined Berlin, first published exactly 100 years ago and reproduced in the International Herald Tribune of 22 April 2013: “The charges of bribery of Government officials by members of the Krupp firm have momentarily sunk into insignificance compares with new charges launched against German armament interests of fomenting international rivalries and ill-feeling. Selecting France as a fertile field for these machinations, the armament interests endeavoured to circulate false reports in the French press with a view to frightening Germany into buying large supplies of arms. The false announcement that the French army intends to double its supply of machine was evidently intended to spur the Germans on to double their own supply.”
But neither age nor global expanse makes corruption a virtue. The difference between Europe and Malaysia a century later is that Europe reveals names of those who hold secret accounts in Swiss banks. In Malaysia we specialise in creating escape routes for the unlucky few who are discovered with their hands in the nation’s treasury.
There is a saving grace. Malaysia is a democracy. When Malaysians get angry on an epic scale, they rise with a fury that ravages the ruling party.
Whenever corruption tops the voters’ agenda, the establishment is reduced to roughly half its previous strength anwar ibrahim led an unprecedented stir against corruption.
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