Who will blink first?

Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi draws flak over 'sexy beauty' assassin
Malaysian authorities have detained a woman in connection with the investigation. The woman, in her 20s, was detained in the low-cost terminal of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport, The women are thought to be agents of a foreign country, he said, refusing to speculate if they were hired by Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, who is suspected of ordering the murder.
You don’t have to be beautiful to be Mata Hari; you merely have to be available.agent who made spying synonymous with sexual frisson, was actually a bit of a podge who couldn’t get a job in a vaudeville chorus line because she wasn’t “cute” when she became the terminater Lim Kit Siang wants Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to explain the security lax at KLIA 2 following the assassination of Kim Jong-nam, the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
In a media statement, the DAP veteran said that reasons must be provided as to how the airport could become a “playground for foreign agents.”One female suspect seen on CCTV was found wandering in the airport," police said. She had apparently been "left behind" by the other assailants. The suspects are North or Korean, police sources said.

Lim Kit Siang wants Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to explain the security lax at KLIA 2 following the assassination of Kim Jong-nam, the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
In a media statement, the DAP veteran said that reasons must be provided as to how the airport could become a “playground for foreign agents.” Ahmad Zahid Hamidi expertise in the seductive arts.more vulnerable to the inflammable concoction of ego and libido. cocoon world of an embassy could only have heated her fantasies to an unbearable conflagration. You can see that she had lost any mooring with reality in the taunt after her arrest — “What took you guys so long to get it?” It would not even occur to her that institutions are reluctant to condemn their own, particularly when the final responsibility with those who decided to send her to

she had an extraordinary talent, the ability to trump the real with the surreal. She reinvented herself as an expert in the secret and mysterious arts of “Indian” erotica (hence the name ‘Mata Hari’), learnt during her interlude in Java, and became a sensation. She was not much of a spy actually; she did more spending than spying. there is an obvious problem in the analogy with Mata Hari.

One pithy observer thought she was as attractive with clothes as without them, which may or may not have been a compliment. She was driven to be by despair:
It is not, presumably, compulsory, but it is clearly useful for a potential spy to have a split personality. The pain of the tragedy, or failure, is subsumed by the surreal. But a fevered imagination also weakens or even erases the constraints of duty and morality that bind real life.
It was about 8.20am on Monday and there was a bustle of passengers in the departure hall of KL International Airport's budget terminal when the two women moved in on Kim Jong-nam, estranged half-brother of North Korea's leader.
A few steps away from a Starbucks cafe and a Puffy Buffy Malaysian food stall, one of the women stood in front of their quarry to distract him. Her accomplice approached from behind, pulled a cloth drenched in some chemical from a blue handbag, reached around his head and clamped it onto his face.
That was enough to deliver a deadly poison to the portly 46-year-old relative of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, according to a senior Malaysian government source and Malaysian police official Fadzil Ahmat, who both spoke to Reuters.
After the attack, Kim Jong-nam approached a help desk and explained that someone seemed to have grabbed or held his face and now he felt dizzy. He was taken to the Menara Medical Clinic, a small glass-fronted surgery one floor down near the arrivals area.
"He still felt unwell there, so they decided to send him to the hospital, and he died in the ambulance on the way to Putrajaya Hospital," said Ahmat.
Media reports said the two women fled the airport in taxis.
The government source declined to be named because of the sensitivity of the case.
Malaysian officials have publicly released little about the killing. Indeed, it was 36 hours after the murder before they acknowledged it had happened, and then only after the news was broken by South Korean media.
Malaysian police said on Wednesday they had arrested a woman with a Vietnamese travel document as she was trying to take a flight from the same terminal. According to local media, this was the same woman whose image was captured in a grainy airport CCTV image wearing a white shirt with the acronym 'LOL' on it.
A second woman, who was holding an Indonesian passport, was also identified from CCTV footage and detained on Thursday.
Vietnam has said it is investigating. Indonesia has confirmed the second arrested woman was an Indonesian national and is seeking consular access to her.
A third suspect, apparently a boyfriend of one of the women, has also been taken into custody, Malaysian police said.
"It's like a mystery novel," said a foreign diplomat in Kuala Lumpur who is closely following developments, which have included comments by South Korean officials that Pyongyang agents were behind the killing, and now the arrest of two women carrying passports from South-East Asian countries.
Many key details about the brazen attack on Kim Jong-nam are still unclear, particularly information about the two arrested women and whose orders, if any, they were following.
North Korea has made no public comment on the killing, and calls, an email and a fax message to its embassy in Malaysia were unanswered. A source in Beijing with ties to the North Korean and Chinese governments told Reuters that Pyongyang was not involved and had no motive for killing Kim Jong-nam.
The Malaysian police and the government source's accounts of what happened in the departure hall contradicted early media reports that Kim Jong-nam had been poisoned by injection with a needle.
An autopsy began on Wednesday and is still ongoing, a senior police officer said.
When asked if he could confirm that a woman with the Vietnamese documents was the one seen wearing the 'LOL' T-shirt, state police chief Abdul Samah Mat said: "We are investigating to confirm that."
Local media identified her as the main attacker.
Manhunt for four accomplices
The sources said Kim Jong-nam - travelling under the name of Kim Chol - had flown on Feb 6 from Macau to the Malaysian capital, which he visited often because he had friends there. He was booked on a return flight with the low-cost airline AirAsia on Monday, the day he died.
Police are looking for four foreign men they believe worked with the two women, the government source said.
The entire team involved in the attack landed in Malaysia - although it was not clear where from - some days before the attack, checked into a hotel near the airport and monitored their target's movements, the government source said.
Two employees of the help desk Kim Jong-nam approached declined to discuss the incident when asked by Reuters reporters, several people working at the Starbucks cafe said they had seen nothing unusual that morning, and the medical centre's receptionist said she could not confirm that he had been brought into the clinic.
The government source said the woman whose documents showed the Vietnamese name of Doan Thi Huong told police that the group split up after the incident and had not seen each other since.
The woman said she hadn't been aware that she was killing someone, but the source said police doubt that and believe it was a well-planned operation.
CIA intelligence about Putin’s interference in elections is considered dubious by many commentators. Masha Gessen, a critic of both Putin and Trump, writing in the New York Review Daily (’Russia, Trump & Flawed Intelligence’, goo.gl/fOM7fG) pointed out that the US intelligence report on the role Russia and Putin had allegedly played was hardly convincing as no proof had been given.
Donald Trump, owner of Trump Organization, is now the president of the United States. In his journey to the White House, Trump tore the playbook of those have been used to wielding real power in the US — the kingmakers and dynasts from Wall Street, the East and West Coast notables. The campaign was ugly and divisive, of a kind never seen in the US. Then the disgruntled elite turned against Trump even after the results were announced. Clearly a case of bad losers.
No, no, I don’t mean not doing good that way. That way I’m fine. I meant I’m not doing good because of all these darned critics and what they’re saying about me. First that Hollywood dame, Meryl Creep, or whatever, says those nasty things about me, then all these women go on protest marches against me saying I’m racist and sexist. Heck, I don’t even know what those words mean, so how can I be them.
There were campaign letters in August 2016 opposing Trump by about 50 former intelligence officers, including a former head of the National Security Agency (NSA) andthe Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a former Director of National Intelligence (DNI), two former Homeland Security secretaries. Later in October, 55 retired general officers of the military signed a statement describing Trump as being “utterly unworthy of being commander-in-chief and president”.
And there were the bizarre stories about Trump in Moscow and his ‘bromance’ with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Earlier this month, outgoing CIA chief John Brennan warned on public television that Russia had interfered in US elections, continued to undermine democracy in many countries, was engaged in manipulating elections in Europe and that this was not acceptable.
To Russia Without Love
The report alleged that Putin was seeking revenge against Hillary Clinton for her role in inspiring a popular unrest against him in 2011-12. The 25-page report had three key judgments where the agencies assessed that the Russian president had ordered an influence campaign aimed at the US presidential election.
That this campaign followed a Russian messaging strategy that blended covert intelligence operations (including cyber) with overt efforts by Russian agencies, state-funded media, third-party intermediaries and paid social media users. And third, the agencies assessed that Moscow would apply lessons learnt worldwide especially against America’s allies.
Last December, President Barack Obama expelled 35 Russian diplomats on unproven charges of hacking by Moscow. This evoked no reaction from Putin but came at the end of a year when relations with Russia had begun to freeze rapidly. Earlier in October, Obama used his red email hotline with Putin alleging that if hacking in an election year did not stop, there would be reprisals. Paradoxically, the hotline was meant to prevent wars, not to threaten them.
Accusations against Putin may or may not be true. It is not unusual for major powers to intervene in such situations. US intelligence had publicly warned about ‘evil Russian designs’, but they were unable to preempt or prevent this. The hacking is believed to have ended on November 8.
Beginning early last year, there were several commentaries about how Putin was reviving the KGB. Although the KGB had been wound up, Putin, himself an old KGB hand, preferred its style of functioning and was reviving old agencies or creating new ones. The implication was that Putin was reverting to Cold War tactics against the US. Russian intelligence operations against Americans by the internal service FSB (Federal Security Service) had also reportedly increased in the last three years.
Other Reasons for Hate
The US wishes to be seen as being threatened by the Russians for a number of other reasons. It was knocked out of much relevance in Afghanistan when Russia, China and Pakistan met in December last year without the US to discuss the country’s future. The Russians have similarly outsmarted the US in Syria when their military defeated US-backed proxies in Aleppo. It would now seem that the US is going to be out of reckoning in most of West and Central Asia. This turf increasingly belongs to China and Russia. Hence the bogey of Russia, something probably more manageable than China.
Besides, the Deep State of America — the US military-industrial-technology-intelligence complex — has to retain relevance and profits. New weapons are being paraded, such as the the next secret weapon, electromagnetic pulse artillery shells that can apparently paralyse cities by cutting off all communication links without damage to property and lives. Or the next superstealth weapon that is ‘neither a helicopter nor an aircraft’.
The F-35s and F22s will get Artificial Intelligence to control nearby drones equipped with weapons, test enemy air defences and perform intelligence functions. These upgrades need to be sold, for which the country needs enemies and repeated wars while heightened threat perceptions help purchases.
The evolving Russian threat is the diversion and US troops have recently been dispatched to Poland and Norway to make the threat appear realistic. Considering President Trump’s statements in his inaugural speech it appears that he and his Cold Warriors are on a collision course. Who will blink first?
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