Thursday, December 23, 2010


STOP The Hypocrites: Keep Spreading The Pictures, Send Them To Everyone and Upload Them Everywhere You Can

Nazri is the biggest joke in Malaysia and it is spreading worldwide. Everyone is talking about him and his lust not to mention his hypocrisy.

Double Standards 
Hypocrisy Double Standards Hypocrisy Double Standards is great when you don't believe what you preach! Yeah, they preach it but they don't follow their own preaching. They force the people to do one thing and they do the opposite. Punishment come fast when the people get caught but nothing happen when they are caught. What give them the moral authority with theirdouble standards?
Hypocrite or Fake Muslim?

Note, The Star Online got the number of pictures wrong. You can look for yourself and see more than "A photograph" was posted. By saying it was one picture, they are trying to make it sound less serious. Damn, you see mistakes were made in the first two words of the article. What else could they have gotten wrong? Do not blame the people at The Star Online, the guy writing the article might have a gun at his head whiling he was writing it.

Nazri has lost his moral authority. At this point his is just bring more shame to his party and family. His hypocrisy and his lack of strength in the wake of these picture bring in question his manhood. Elizabeth Wong is more of a man than Nazri because at least she faced the media. Nazri is in hiding, he hide like a little girl under her sheet because of the monsters in the closet. If he is not the person in these pictures, why not just say so?
Picture 1
Picture 2

Under Sharia law unlawful sexual intercourse (outside marriage) and the drinking of alcohol is strictly prohibited. Sexual offenses can carry a penalty of stoning to death or flogging. Drinking of alcohol isdefined as criminal offenses, they are often punishable by a prison.
Wouldn't you love to hear his stand on Sharia law right about now? What do you think he would say? Now that he has lost any moral authority to preach to the people of Malaysia. BTW, Why didn't the article mention the Double Standards for the son? Just look at the son of the man preaching Islam. Hey, go preach Islam to your son before you preach it to others:

Womanizer Womanizer Womanizer Nazri Aziz, Don't Kill The Poor Woman you Hypocrite. If you are the Unidentified Woman in the pictures with Nazri, you must hide. Please, try to leave the country if you think he still remember your name. Hopefully you are one of many and he has no idea who you are or where you live. Because you are not the one that leaked the pictures because the camera phone belong to him. He is the one holding the phone, we all can see that. He was the one stupid enough to take the pictures and he is the one that lost them. The asshole was probably showing off to a poor girl his camera phone when they first arrive in Malaysia.

Don't know about Malaysia but in America when you are accused of adultery and you reply "no comment" it means you are guilty as hell. 
Nazri Aziz has yet to say he has been faithful to his wife and declare he is not the man pictured with an unidentified woman in several compromising position with the woman on top of him. For the honor of your wife and your own respect in the eyes of the nation you represent, prove it is not you and a mistress or a cheap whore. Why so salient? You are usually so out spoken on matters of morality. Hey Narzi, have you seen all the websites, forums and blogs because Malaysians are saying it is you in the pictures. You own people think you are a stupid man for taking pictures. What Nazri, what? Were you young and stupid when you took the pictures because they look like they were taken only a few years ago. EvenUMNO party members are talking behind you back and they are not happy. Or look at your Wiki Biography, your honor is in question man. We know where your son gets it from because you are an awesome (sarcastically) Muslim.
The first picture show 
Anak Nazri, Malaysia's number one drunk and the son ofMinister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri bin Tan Sri Abdul Aziz with his number one woman. The second and third pictures showDatuk Seri Nazri Azizhimself with his number two or three or number four woman assuming his wife is number one. LOL... Who knows the real ranking of the unidentified woman on top of Nazri Aziz in that bed? He may have hundreds for all we know. She might just be a random whore for all we know. Hopefully he himself is unable to identify her if she is just one of the random prostitute he visited over the years, or she might already be a dead woman.

The rest of the pictures show 
the younger and very lawless Nazri with his many girlfriends, his alcohol and his friends all enjoying the fantastic life of the elites in Malaysia. Muslims are not supposed to drink alcohol, so be sure to take note ofAnak Nazri with a glass of wine or a can of Heineken in his hand on several different occasions. These pictures would make for great evidence in a Syariah Court. Lets not even mention the lesbian kissing of his girlfriends for his viewing pleasure. The Nazri boy is a corrupting influence on his girls. But this Anak Nazri kid really know how to have fun, but if he is going to live like this he should reconsider his Islamic faith. Because he is breaking every law Muslim must live by. He seems to be the worse Muslim since Osama bin Laden. Lol, I joke I Joke.

"I am speechless," Kartika told reporters, adding that the Islamic officials had not told her whether she would be caned later. "I want to know what my status is. I want a black and white statement from them." "I do not know in what situation I’m in. I'm clueless. I do not know if I am freed, I am in limbo," she said about her current situation. So at the moment with the world watching she could be picked up basically anytime and carried away by officials in Malaysia and caned unconscious.
While the lawless son of Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri bin Tan Sri Abdul Aziz was photographed enjoying a Heineken and wine with a few friends and relatives. He received no punishment for the same crime under Islamic law. Despite being a Muslim he was not punish for doing the same as the poor mother of two because he belong to a prominent yet phony Muslim family with years of hypocrisy. No offense to the faithful Muslims who don't try to force Islamic laws on others that they don't abide by themselves. This is for the fake Muslims likeMinister Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz and his lawless son of Nazri with their double standards who want to cane a poor woman. Damn barbarians! The Wall Street Journal report:

Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri bin Tan Sri Abdu Aziz is a Malaysian politician from the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), and is as of 2008 a Minister in the Prime Minister's Department in charge of parliamentary affairs. In June 2005 Nazri caused controversy when he shouted the phrase "bloody racist" (or variants of it) 28 times in Parliament. A request by opposition Democratic Action Party (DAP) lawmaker Fong Po Kuan for Nazri to take back his comments went unheeded. The incident occurred during a debate on the Malaysian Medical Council's derecognition of Crimea State Medical University (CSMU) medical degrees; most Malaysian students sent to study there were of Indian extraction.
Nazri was originally also the Minister in the Prime Minister's Department in charge of legal affairs and judicial reform. After the 2008 general election, which saw the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition's majority in Parliament significantly reduced, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawireshuffled his Cabinet and gave Nazri's legal affairs portfolio to Zaid Ibrahim.
He has also recently (2006) been called the hatchetman of Abdullah, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, by Former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, for defending Abdullah in Mahathir's ongoing criticisms against the government.
Out-maneuvered and shamed by the opposition staging a walkout to protest Prime Minister Najib Razak’s bid to bar his arch rival Anwar Ibrahim from Parliamnent, his minister has lashed out at prominent lawyer Karpal Singh, calling the veteran lawmaker a “third-rate lawyer”.

But Nazri Aziz, the minister in Najib’s department who has been called “cow-dung mouth” because of his penchant for accusing his critics of having “cow-dung” in their heads, failed to elicit much sympathy for his side.

“Karpal is known to be one of the sharpest legal minds in town and he is still practising. On the other hand, it is doubtful if Nazri would have succeeded without the help of government policies, and furthermore, can anyone remember when and if ever he practiced?” Beruas MP Ngeh Koo Ham told Malaysia Chronicle.

“Karpal is not only famous because of the big cases. He hasn’t talked much about it but those who have benefited will tell you he is also known for the pro-bono work his firm does for the poor and the bullied. So this is really a cheap shot from Nazri and it reflects the Umno culture in him.”

Part of Umno's low culture

Along with Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, MP for Gombak Azmin Ali and Subang MP Sivarasa Rasiah, Karpal was suspended for 6 months on Thursday. None of the men had their defense called. Karpal had gotten into trouble when he questioned the Rights and Privileges committee’s decision to recommend Anwar for suspension over the APCO issue.

Earlier this year, Anwar had in a speech to Parliament questioned why Najib had spent exorbitant fees to hire APCO, a U.S. based communications firm with clear links to the Israeli secret service. Such a connection is not only against Malaysia’s foreign policy, but would hurt the sensitivities of Muslims in the country.

After delaying for months, BN lawmakers recently rushed to raise the issue at the Rights committee ,which found Anwar guilty of misleading Parliament. Earlier today, they endorsed the recommendation to suspend him.

At a press conference held after the suspensions, Karpal had said Pakatan would look for ways to punish the BN through the courts.

"We will see how we can take this matter to court, we may take him (Speaker of the House Pandikar Amin) to court. The rules of natural justice were not upheld,” said Karpal.

But with the bravado and arrogance that has come to typify him, Nazri ridiculed Karpal and Pakatan.

“The Speaker has already said there is a judgment by one judge that the court has got no jurisdiction over parliamentary proceedings. There is the sovereignty of Parliament and supremacy of Parliament. They have got cow dung in their heads. I assure you that if they take it to court it will be kicked out. What law did Karpal learn? He is a third-class lawyer,” Nazri was reported as saying.

“What they (Pakatan MPs) did was shameful, despicable and a disgrace to our parliamentary democracy. We are all honourable, don't cheat la. They are not honourable, they are dishonourable. They are cheaters and liars.” 

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This is what your response seems to imply. You are saying because Bala did not produce any of his SDs for the purpose of court proceedings, he cannot be charged for an offence under s 199 even if one of his SDs was false or untrue.
Americk Sidhu
Here we go again. More wool pulled over our eyes and more hogwash poured all over our intelligence. What can I say?
Lim Kit Siang quite rightly asked a very pertinent question in Parliament last week. He asked for a reason why the Attorney General decided to close the file on my client’s two conflicting statutory declarations.
Nazri was chosen to respond.
This is what he had to say. I have translated his comments as best I can and they go something like this:
“It was found that both the contradictory SDs was not an offence as they were not made for the purposes of court proceedings therefore the element under s 199 was not fulfilled and so Bala’s making two contradictory SDs was not an offence under the section. The contradictions in both SDs did not affect in any way the Altantuya case”.
That is a shame because if Bala’s first SD was allowed to be presented to the Court in the Altantuya case it would probably have ‘affected’ the outcome quite significantly. It was only because of his second SD that the first was rather inelegantly ‘neutralized’.
Both these SDs could not have been true because they were in total conflict with each other. Nazri, you have picked this detail up when you admitted they were ‘contradictory’. You were on the right track.
I have been made to understand my client, Bala, has already written to the A.G. confessing that his second SD was not true and that an invitation to charge him for that transgression was tendered.
As far as I am aware this offer has yet to be accepted.
Nevertheless, let’s see what Nazri’s or the A.G’s excuse is. They are apparently relying on the provisions of s 199 of the Penal Code to say that they can’t possibly charge Bala (as much as they would like to), because there has been no offence committed.
There has been no offence committed because Bala’s SDs were not ‘made for the purposes of court proceedings’ …..Nazri’s words….not mine.
I am sorry I am now forced to refer everyone to the details of the legal mumbo jumbo contained in s 199. This I have to do for completeness so please bear with me. I have highlighted the relevant bits just so you don’t get side tracked by the irrelevant portions. It’s not easy to understand even for trained lawyers like Nazri, the A.G.….or even myself, but all will become clear if we persevere.
S 199 False statement made in any declaration which is by law receivable as evidence.
Whoever in any declaration made or subscribed by him, which any declaration any courtor any public servant or person is bound by law to receive as evidence of any fact, makes any statement which is falseand which he either knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true, touching any point material to the object for which the declaration is made or used, shall be punished in the same manner as if he gave false evidence*.”
(*false evidence here means perjury.)
So really Nazri, I think we are concerned with the part that reads ‘any court… bound by law to receive……’.
This is what your response seems to imply. You are saying because Bala did not produce any of his SDs for the purpose of court proceedings, he cannot be charged for an offence under s 199 even if one of his SDs was false or untrue.
I don’t think you can possibly be right here.
Firstly, Bala actually did produce his first SD for the purposes of court proceedings. He has stated this very clearly in paragraph 54 which I reproduce below for ease of reference:
54. The purpose of this statutory declaration is to :-
54.1 State my disappointment at the standard of investigations conducted by the authorities into the circumstances surrounding the murder of Altantuya Shaaribuu.
54.2 Bring to the notice of the relevant authorities the strong possibility that there are individuals other than the 3 accused who must have played a role in the murder of Altantuya Shaaribuu.
54.3 Persuade the relevant authorities to reopen their investigations into this case immediately so that any fresh evidence may be presented to the court prior to submissions at the end of the prosecutions case.
54.4 Emphasize the fact that having been a member of the Royal Malaysian Police Force for 17 years I am absolutely certain no police officer would shoot someone in the head and blow up their body without receiving specific instructions from their superiors first.
54.5 Express my concern that should the defence not be called in the said murder trial, the accused, Azilah and Sirul will not have to swear on oath and testify as to the instructions they received and from whom they were given.
Secondly, Nazri (and really this is the coup de grace), I don’t think the A.G. nor your goodself may have had the opportunity of referring to the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act 1960, and in particular to s 3 which reads as follows:
“Declarations made by virtue of the provisions of this Act shall be deemed to be such declarations as are referred to in s 199 and s 200 of the Penal Code.”
That makes things a lot clearer now, doesn’t it?
It seems it doesn’t matter whether the SD was ‘made for the purposes of court proceedings’ or not.
S 3 of the Statutory Declarations Act says basically, any SD made under this Act is deemed to be one to which s 199 refers and so both Bala’s SDs would clearly fall into this category and therefore he can be charged for an offence under s 199.
Just to make sure all the loop holes have been plugged, Bala did end his SD with these words:-
55. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act 1960.
I don’t think I can make this any clearer for you or the A.G.
I am unable to understand (or maybe I do) why you are devoting so much time and energy in trying to avoid prosecuting my client when the offence to which all this relates has been admitted to by my client.
If your interpretation of s 199 is correct, then I have another question for you.
Do you recall the Statutory Declaration YM Raja Petra Kamaruddin made some time ago in relation to the information he had received concerning Rosmah Mansor’s presence at the scene of the Altantuya detonation. Yes, how could anyone forget this?
Anyhow, there was absolutely no hesitation charging Raja Petra for criminal defamation for this SD even though it was not made ‘for the purposes of court proceedings.’
There just seems to be one sauce for the goose and a completely different one for the gander.
Please forward this message on to the persecution department of the Attorney General’s Chambers. Hopefully they may now perceive things in a different light.
Thank you.

Goh, when met at the University Malaya Medical Centre mortuary, said they had left a nearby nightspot and decided to have supper at the restaurant.
Kang: Was studying law at Sheffield University.
She said that as they passed by a group of people seated at some tables outside the restaurant, some of them seemed to be making fun of Kang.
“I was ahead of Darren as we walked to the restaurant. When I turned back to ask him to hurry up, he said that if I wanted him to catch up, I should say that I loved him. When I said that I did, several of the men seemed to laugh at Darren and passing comments among them,” Goh said.
“This agitated Darren who then confronted one of them, asking them why the group had behaved in such a way,” she said, adding she pleaded with Kang not to approach the men.
“One of them got up from his seat and began swearing at Darren with several others joining in. Within seconds, four of them cornered Darren and began kicking and punching him repeatedly.
“Others used sticks and the rest used plastic chairs to hit Darren,” Goh said, adding that one of them even hit Darren with an iron rod.
When the shopowner and staff members intervened, the group fled on motorcycles. Goh said she had called the police.
She said that with the help of some members of

Wow, you learn something new everyday. Got an interesting tip few days ago claiming that the son of minister Nazri was involved in the murder of Sheffield University law student 
Darren Kang Tien Hua. It was not looked into, then a second tip came in with the same accusation a few days later with the added claim that witness came forward the night of the killing but later stop talking after they realize who the murder was related to. So I searched news articles from Malaysia in 2004 and what you know, the son of a Malaysian minster was on the murder scene of Darren Kang. The Star article did not mention the minster by name but the article does seem to backup the tipsters.
Apparently Nazri’s son was the main culprit behind the savage killing of Darren, he was the ring leader of the gang of thugs that murdered the law student. Needless to say but there was a big cover up and they pinned the crime on a few Thai immigrant workers. The only interesting thing was reported in the article in The Star was that a son of a minister saw the murder of Darren Kang and was question by the police. A tipster said the group of men that teased Darren about how he was courting his girlfriend was lead by the son of the minister. According to the The Star article, the minister’s “son was having supper with seven others when Darren, 23, was allegedly assaulted by restaurant workers armed with steel chairs, sticks and iron rods.” A tipster said the restaurant workers were the ones that try to stop the attack. And it was the ministers son and several of his friends were the attackers. Darren Kang was murdered after he confronted one of the man asking him why the group had behaved as they did:

Son of minister saw attack on law student

KUALA LUMPUR: The 22-year-old son of a minister is among several customers the police want to interview in connection with the death of Darren Kang Tien Hua, who died after being assaulted by at least 15 people in Desa Sri Hartamas on Monday.
City police chief Deputy Comm Mustafa Abdullah said the minister’s son was at the scene of the crime and would be called to assist in investigations.
“We have received different accounts of the incident from witnesses and we will call everyone in for questioning, including the minister’s son, to tell us what they saw,” DCP Mustafa said here yesterday.
The minister said: “ I don’t know anything about it, you have to ask the police about this. They are the ones handling it.”
His son was having supper with seven others when Darren, 23, was allegedly assaulted by restaurant workers armed with steel chairs, sticks and iron rods.
Two days later, police picked up 11 restaurant workers – 10 Thais and a local.
In the 3.30am incident, Darren, a Sheffield University student, back on holidays, died after he was beaten up by a group of men whom he confronted after they teased him over a show of affection by his fiancee.
DCP Mustafa said police were looking for at least four customers to help in the probe.
“The 11 are the main suspects in this case.
“We learnt that Darren was involved in a scuffle with several customers earlier, but the scuffle was broken up by other customers,” he said.
DCP Mustafa said police were investigating if the customers involved in the scuffle with Darren were also involved in the fight.

Who is the minister? It took great courage for The Star to print the article above, sure they omitted the minister’s name and try their best not to link son with the murder. But readers of The Star know it has a tendency of omitting information that may be embarrassing to Minister Nazri. Here is the news report from The Star a day after the murder:
Law student assaulted and killed in front of fiancee
KUALA LUMPUR: A law student died after he was beaten up by a group of men who he had confronted for teasing him about how he was courting his girlfriend near a restaurant in Desa Seri Hartamas here.
Darren Kang Tien Hua, 23, a second year student at Sheffield University in England, was walking with his fiancee, Goh Win See, 24, towards Warung Uncle Don when the incident occurred at 3.30am yesterday.
Goh, when met at the University Malaya Medical Centre mortuary, said they had left a nearby nightspot and decided to have supper at the restaurant.
Kang: Was studying law at Sheffield University.
She said that as they passed by a group of people seated at some tables outside the restaurant, some of them seemed to be making fun of Kang.
“I was ahead of Darren as we walked to the restaurant. When I turned back to ask him to hurry up, he said that if I wanted him to catch up, I should say that I loved him. When I said that I did, several of the men seemed to laugh at Darren and passing comments among them,” Goh said.
“This agitated Darren who then confronted one of them, asking them why the group had behaved in such a way,” she said, adding she pleaded with Kang not to approach the men.
“One of them got up from his seat and began swearing at Darren with several others joining in. Within seconds, four of them cornered Darren and began kicking and punching him repeatedly.
“Others used sticks and the rest used plastic chairs to hit Darren,” Goh said, adding that one of them even hit Darren with an iron rod.
When the shopowner and staff members intervened, the group fled on motorcycles. Goh said she had called the police.
She said that with the help of some members of the public, Kang was taken to the Damansara Utama Specialist Centre where he was pronounced dead upon arrival at 4.15am.
His body was then taken to the UMMC where Goh lodged a police report at the police beat base there.
She said she was living together with Kang in Sheffield and was working as a customer service representative at an insurance company there.
“In fact, we had already bought the air tickets to return to England just earlier yesterday,” said Goh, adding they had returned to Malaysia on June 7 and were to leave on July 29.
Goh said that they were planning to get married once Kang finished his studies next year.
RECALLING INCIDENT: Goh (centre) and Kang’s stepsister Melanie (left) speaking to a police officer outside the University Malaya Medical Centre mortuary.
“We have known each other since we were in secondary school,” she said, adding that Kang was a caring and jovial person.
Brickfields OCPD Asst Comm Zul Hasnan Najib Baharudin said 11 people, including foreigners, were believed to be directly involved in the assault.
“We have picked up several people including the shopowner and staff members for questioning and have classified the case as murder,” ACP Zul Hasnan said, adding that umbrellas, iron rods and sticks, believed to have been used in the assault, were recovered from the scene.
ACP Zul Hasnan urged those who witnessed the incident to contact the district police headquarters at 03-22742222 or the nearest police station.
When the shopowner and staff members intervened, the group fled on motorcycles. And Guess who got into trouble?
According to Bernama:
Murder Of Student: 10 Thais, Local Remanded
KUALA LUMPUR, July 7 (Bernama) — The Magistrate’s Court, here Wednesday issued seven-day remand orders for 10 Thai nationals and a local for the murder of a UK law undergraduate in Sri Hartamas, Tuesday.
The remands were issued by Magistrate Manira Mohd Nor.
The suspects, in their 20s, were picked up after Darren Kang Tien Hua, 23, from Bukit Kiara, was beaten to death by a group of men at a restaurant in Sri Hartamas at 3.30am.
Darren, a second-year student at the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom who was on three-week holiday, was believed to have earlier admonished the men for teasing him and his girlfriend.
In the ensuing fight, Darren was believed to have been hit in the head with a blunt object. He died on the way to hospital.

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