WATCH: “You could tell UMNO was scoping out the trouble aspects of it.”
WATCH: “You could tell UMNO was scoping out the trouble aspects of it.”

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One comes across more people who admit to nursing regrets, rather than those who proclaim they have none. Of the regrets Corruption booms when perverse incentives reward rather than penalize it. We need institutional changes to end those perverse incentives.I hope 2011 will go down as the year when an angry electorate finally obliged
Most disturbing to lawmakers was the way in which
The two interpretations of criminal conspiracy could not have been more different: ultra liberal in the case of Advani and stretched in the case of Pandher. Neither interpretation seems justified in the given facts and circumstances. Both the interpretations raise questions about the rigor and detachment with which the judiciary at all levels performs its job. One way of coming to terms with this distinction is to re-adopt the outdated notion that king could do no wrong. Going by his logic The battering ram strategy projected by Anwar Ibrahim’s legal team against the legal version of the ‘Stonewall Jackson’ tactics of the prosecution enters its latest phase at the Court of Appeal today.High Court justice Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah As if that were not bad enough, the statement is cheeky enough has accepted that there is a material contradiction between statements made by Saiful that the alleged sex between him and Anwar was non-consensual and the actual charge against Anwar which holds that he had consensual sex against the order of nature.While agreeing that there is a contradiction, Justice Zabidin has however ruled it did not merit compelling the prosecution to release statements and reports made by Saiful to the investigating officer.The norm in matters like this is that all statements and reports pertaining to the charge are made available to the defence once charges have been preferred.A watching public is being asked to believe that this departure does not vitiate the government’s claim that Anwar is being accorded due process of the law.The script is something like this – the judge will throw DSAI (Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim) into jail and let him serve the full term. By then, Prime Minister Najib Razak would rule in peace and then after two decades of looting the rakyat’s wealth, DSAI will be found innocent by an appellate court – just like in Sodomy I.
The decadence of our judiciary is glaring for all to see and witness. Before there is a total collapse of our justice system, let us all fellow Malaysians act immediately.
What Karpal Singh asked is a basic fundamental right of all citizens of the world, not just Malaysia. Yet that basic right has been denied. In other words, our human rights are being mutilated by our own courts, by our sacred institution – the judiciary.
The two interpretations of criminal conspiracy could not have been more different: ultra liberal in the case of Advani and stretched in the case of Pandher. Neither interpretation seems justified in the given facts and circumstances. Both the interpretations raise questions about the rigor and detachment with which the judiciary at all levels performs its job. One way of coming to terms with this distinction is to re-adopt the outdated notion that king could do no wrong. Going by his logic The battering ram strategy projected by Anwar Ibrahim’s legal team against the legal version of the ‘Stonewall Jackson’ tactics of the prosecution enters its latest phase at the Court of Appeal today.High Court justice Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah As if that were not bad enough, the statement is cheeky enough has accepted that there is a material contradiction between statements made by Saiful that the alleged sex between him and Anwar was non-consensual and the actual charge against Anwar which holds that he had consensual sex against the order of nature.While agreeing that there is a contradiction, Justice Zabidin has however ruled it did not merit compelling the prosecution to release statements and reports made by Saiful to the investigating officer.The norm in matters like this is that all statements and reports pertaining to the charge are made available to the defence once charges have been preferred.A watching public is being asked to believe that this departure does not vitiate the government’s claim that Anwar is being accorded due process of the law.The script is something like this – the judge will throw DSAI (Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim) into jail and let him serve the full term. By then, Prime Minister Najib Razak would rule in peace and then after two decades of looting the rakyat’s wealth, DSAI will be found innocent by an appellate court – just like in Sodomy I.
The decadence of our judiciary is glaring for all to see and witness. Before there is a total collapse of our justice system, let us all fellow Malaysians act immediately.
What Karpal Singh asked is a basic fundamental right of all citizens of the world, not just Malaysia. Yet that basic right has been denied. In other words, our human rights are being mutilated by our own courts, by our sacred institution – the judiciary.
DNA specialist Dr Seah Lay Hong is quizzed on why she failed to record at least two more samples found during Anwar Ibrahim's sodomy trial.
IOO reasons Why Najib should think of quitting
The Psychometer:UMNO Has Gone Too Far This Week?
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I am just curious. Why is there so much fear of Anwar? He is just another man, flawed sometimes, inspired sometimes, a disappointment sometimes. But why is there such fear
Finally, the Prime Minister has spoken. But I suppose he had little choice because he had to attend the UMNO Supreme Council meeting and then meet the Prostitutes with notebooks ( I have decided not to call them journalists because they don’t have one critical ingredient of a journalist, which is seeker of truth).
Finally, the Prime Minister has spoken. But I suppose he had little choice because he had to attend the UMNO Supreme Council meeting and then meet the Prostitutes with notebooks ( I have decided not to call them journalists because they don’t have one critical ingredient of a journalist, which is seeker of truth).
Yesterday, would-be-maybe-presidential-something-something-perhaps-who-knows the Prime Minister had to face down the accusation UMNO had, in a matter of weeks, rather transparently switched positions on whether or not he supported some sort of the guys who put this tape together
It was a pretty understandable piece of NAJIB’S criticism, because, on its face, it sure looked like he just reflexively opposed whatever MAHATIR was doing at the time.
NAJIB went on Facebook to try to jam the round peg into the square hole, and it was a mess. But he had to try, because as it turns out, NAJIB is very much opposed to presidential aspirants flipping their positions on anything.
You see Datuk Seri Najib Razak does not like to get his hands dirty. That is why he has so far stayed out of the Alkitab issue, it is too messy for him. If he supports the Christians, the Muslims will be angry. At least this is what his Umno people are telling him.
So put Idris Jala (KPI Minister ) in the forefront. Meanwhile Najib will focus on his Internet community friends and talk about 1Malaysia and scholarships. Similarly when the porn video scandal broke, the PM kept silent.
Instead of denouncing the skullduggery and stating equivocally that Umno was not involved, he stayed silent. Probably he like cautious politicians like to see how this affair was going to play out.
Anyway, last night he spoke and this is what he said: the main task ahead was to find out the authenticity of the video tape. Umno’s role in the matter is not important.
Not important! Okay, I agree that we need to find out if the tape is doctored, etc. And whether the main actor is the leader of the Opposition.
But the guys who put this tape together have broken half a dozen laws and should be charged. And if Umno’s role can be ascertained, then we can surely say that Umno’s leadership sanctioned the act.
After all, there is a report that Najib met the Datuk T gang a few days ago. So if Umno’s top leaders sanctioned this sting operation what does it say about their moral compass (sudah rosak).
But maybe we should not be surprised. Just listen to the vulgar jokes at the party assembly every year. Gutter is what they do, and do well. So sorry, Prime Minister, your first statement on the video leaves me uncomfortable. It sounds like you actually like what Datuk T did.
I am just curious. Why is there so much fear of Anwar? He is just another man, flawed sometimes, inspired sometimes, a disappointment sometimes. But why is there such fear.
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But eventually the ANWAR loses patience with UMNO.
Anwar Ibrahim’s defence team trained their guns on DNA specialist Dr Seah Lay Hong for failing to record at least two samples during the opposition leader’s sodomy trial hearing today.Lawyer Ram Karpal Singh took the chemist to task for not recording “half a football team’s DNA” found on Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan’s clothes and lower rectal area.
During cross-examination, Seah told the court that some high allele readings which were registered on her analysis equipment were not mentioned in her report.
According to Seah, who heads the Serious Crime Unit of the Chemistry Department, she thought it was insignificant.
The two readings ignored were a 14.4% reading on a stain from the lower part of Saiful’s trousers and a 28.4% reading recorded from the lower rectal swab.
Ram then raised the possibility that at least two unknown DNA profiles were not on record.
“This does not belong to Saiful or ‘Male Y’. The reading of 28 allele is not mentioned (in the report) although it has a high peak,” he said.
Previously, Seah testified that she found three male DNA profiles – “Male Y”, an unknown male and Saiful’s – on two patches of semen stains found on the complainant’s undewear.
Commenting on this, Ram said: “It seems half a football team’s DNA is found on Saiful but you chose not to report it.”
When he continued to grill the DNA specialist, Seah refused to respond, prompting the lawyer to complain to the judge, Justice Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah.
Ram also noted that Seah did not comply with the guidelines set by the International Society of Forensic Genetics, of which she is a member, on handling mixed DNA.
Seah failed to offer a response when Zabidin quizzed the chemist on why she did not comply with the guidelines.
The chemist also testified that she still remains in the dark about the identity of “Male Y”, saying that the police did not provide any specimen or reference sample.
Seah said the police only provided Saiful’s blood sample as a reference.
Following this, Ram said that the unidentified sample could be anybody’s, including police investigating officer Jude Blacious Pereira.
Seah, who is the prosecution’s fifth witness, also told the court that she did not find any stains on the carpet and blue duvet, which she received from the crime scene.
Stung by what he perceived to be a silly line of questioning by the prosecution, Australian DNA expert Dr Brian McDonald snapped at Solicitor General II Yusof Zainal Abiden, who kept questioning him on how sodomy complainant Saiful Bukhari Azlan’s sperm cells had made their way into his rectum.
“The swab never came from his ass,” McDonald told the court hearing the sodomy charges pressed by Prime Minister Najib Razak against Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.
“The DNA evidence does not tell us that there is no semen from the complainant on that swab ... or the swab never went near his ass.”
McDonald said the available DNA evidence could not show how it could have happened, pointing out that the physical impossibility suggested that the swabs may not be genuine.
Dr McDonald explained he had no idea if the samples analyzed and reported by government scientists were genuinely taken from Saiful’s posterior. He said he could only tell what he knows based on what was recorded.
Keeping an eye on for Najib and Rosmah
Dr McDonald is Anwar’s DNA expert witness and the prosecution was trying to debunk his earlier argument that there must be continuous tests carried out to find out the identities of the mixture of DNA profiles that had been recorded as swabbed from the complainant’s rear end.
The 64-year old Anwar was charged with sodomising his former aide in June 2008, shortly after he announced plans to return to active politics. He has accused Najib and wife Rosmah of cooking up the charges in a bid to derail his political career.
The first couple have refused to testify at the trial but Anwar's lawyers have subpoenaed them and all eyes are on what they will say in the witness box.
So far, sources told Malaysia Chronicle neither Najib nor Rosmah have applied to set aside the subpoena which they have to if they want to escape a public grilling. PKR leaders were mixed in the views on whether the first couple would comply with the summons.
"I don't think they will dare come anywhere near the courts," Tian Chua, the MP for Batu, told Malaysia Chronicle.
"I think they will. It will look extremely bad for them if they don't," PKR vice president N Surendran told Malaysia Chronicle.
I am just curious. Why is there so much fear of Anwar? He is just another man, flawed sometimes, inspired sometimes, a disappointment sometimes. But why is there such fear
WATCH: “You could tell UMNO was scoping out the trouble aspects of it.”
WATCH: “You could tell UMNO was scoping out the trouble aspects of it.”
It beats me – a government that is reportedly the “Malaysia’s judiciary and its laws are for the privileged use of our governing politicians, their cronies concessionair and co-criminals-conspirators” – its leaders should be accountable for it at the very least? Time after time the party has rewarded those who have indulged in corruption. Today it is despite being in the limelight of the t at tax payers expense – the very same taxpayers whose money he helped spend gainfully as part of our hosting the ZIONIST APCO. NAZRI YOU HAVE NO CLASS BUT LOWEST CASTE OF THE HUMAN RACE
And people by their very nature respond to incentives. And in this government, there is no incentive to stay away from corruption – indeed it is rewarded. And loyalty, surely, seems to matter more than corruption. Indeed, it is prized over ineffectiveness as well , if corruption is overlooked it is because the money benefited in some way. After all there is no such thing as a free lunch is there?readmore Layers of corruption The most Unfit Prime Minister says if you let me needle you in the front I promise to needle you at your bud Take any organization – if someone reports to a superior, the superior is accountable for all actions that is undertaken by the junior. Every single one. The superior cannot hide under, “I did not know” or “I was The most Unfit Prime Minister says if let needle you in the front i promise to needle you at your bud
And people by their very nature respond to incentives. And in this government, there is no incentive to stay away from corruption – indeed it is rewarded. And loyalty, surely, seems to matter more than corruption. Indeed, it is prized over ineffectiveness as well , if corruption is overlooked it is because the money benefited in some way. After all there is no such thing as a free lunch is there?readmore Layers of corruption The most Unfit Prime Minister says if you let me needle you in the front I promise to needle you at your bud Take any organization – if someone reports to a superior, the superior is accountable for all actions that is undertaken by the junior. Every single one. The superior cannot hide under, “I did not know” or “I was The most Unfit Prime Minister says if let needle you in the front i promise to needle you at your bud
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Hypocrite or Fake Muslim?
Note, The Star Online got the number of pictures wrong. You can look for yourself and see more than “A photograph” was posted. By saying it was one picture, they are trying to make it sound less serious. Damn, you see mistakes were made in the first two words of the article. What else could they have gotten wrong? Do not blame the people at The Star Online, the guy writing the article might have a gun at his head whiling he was writing it. Nazri has lost his moral authority. At this point his is just bring more shame to his party and family. His hypocrisy and his lack of strength in the wake of these picture bring in question his manhood. Elizabeth Wong is more of a man than Nazri because at least she faced the media. Nazri is in hiding, he hide like a little girl under her sheet because of the monsters in the closet. If he is not the person in these pictures, why not just say so?
When I look at Najib, Muhyiddin, Mahathir, Ibrahim Ali – all those bombastic self-proclaimed Ketuanan Malay “leaders,” I do think of Hang Tuah! Huh! All they remind me of are Field Marshall Idi Amin Dada, Mobutu Sese Seko, Robert Mugabe and His Excellency Benito Mussolini Head of Government, Duce of Fascism, and Founder of the Empire. Yes at one time or another they were all leaders of their people, all striding to the sound of brass bands and traveling around in motorcades flanked by armed guards. Leaders they might be but they were all totally oblivious to the look of contempt and disgust from the very masses that they consider themselves to be Lord and Master over. Totally oblivious of the massive harm they have done to the country they ruled. Totally oblivious to the crumbling ruins of their government because all they see are the trappings of power and their personal needs. Never the misery of the people they rule.
not aware” or “I am honest, those who report to me are not.” As a supervisor, you are entirely accountable to what your minions do. If this is true in any random private company it is sure for those who claim to be heading nations and governments? And when your reportee has cheated the exchequer of an enormous sum of money, you are accountable for it. And you better stand up and say that – as party head and government head. Instead what we see is theatrics, conspiracy theories, lengthy articles on the integrity of the Prime Minister, a quasi leadership that is forever
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