Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Decoding PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu move the fight begins

PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu says today differences of opinions are normal in any organisation, urging members to criticise the leadership but not at the expense of PAS or its coalition partner, Pakata Rakyat. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Nazir Sufari, September 16, 2014.

 Both the ‘silly secular’ cult and the PAs cult are driven by the belief, My Cult Right or Wrong, each cult brooking no dissent. In this war of two feuding cults, where does the modern believer in pluralism go? Pro-Hadi group’s politics of polarization rejected  the fight begin

 believed deeply in the truth of all religions, not in denigrating any religion, or any belief system, as the spiritual ‘enemy’. It was silly secularism that began the practice of dubbing as national enemy any belief system antithetical to UMNO, a tendency PAS seems to be imitating.
Both cults — self-appointed champions of secularism and self-appointed champions of PAS mullahs — feed off each other. It suits UMNO agenda to project secularism as an elite irreligious Marxist fad. It suits the secularists to castigate any policy that does not make special place for minorities, as wrong. It’s the failures of silly secularism that created Pro-Hadi  cult in the first place.
Some 50 PAS Youth delegates staged a walkout from the wing's muktamar when party deputy president Mohamad Sabu delivered his speech an outcome that was interpreted as a defeat for Pro-Hadi group the politics of polarization after Kajang move that religious mobilisation doesn’t work with voters an outcome that was interpreted as a defeat for the politics of polarization setback could encourage the "old guard" and others in the PAS who are unhappy over PKR's Kajang move to that extent, it has also raised the stakes for PAS deputy president  Mohamad Sabu
.It is a blessing that we are seeing the real PAS before the next General Election. Like all political parties, there are gentlemen and there are scoundrels and we now know who is who in PAS. We thank Hadi for showing his true colors. The reported walkout on Mat Sabu can only happen if sponsored by some senior leader or those aligned to him.  Mat Sabu and his group of moderates must persevere and work to change the mind set of the conservatives and clerics. Agree with you that forming another Pas splinter will not be wise as UMNO is just waiting for it to happen and capitalise on it if PAS clerics wants to remain in the stone caves, they should give way to the progressive. UMNO is too cunning and shrewd for PAS. sooner they realize Malaysia will go nearer our 1malaysia ideal. under UMNO Malaysia will remain divided and becoming worse by the day. Is this how the PAS youth members and its ulama faction in the party behave?They are no difference to some rowdy Perkasa members who can do anything with impunity and no action had been taken against them. There are no discipline among these conservative members; it is like they own the party. Do you see the moderates issuing becoming statements? No, It is always these religious guys. By the look at the situation there is no way the two groups can work together again. So we call upon the moderates and all those PAS members who want to be with Pakatan to stand up and tackle this problem once and for all. the hints are there for HRH Sultan Selangor to make a decision! Surprised that he is apparently waiting for the PAS Meeting to make a decision abt MB position! What's the relevance? To see how strong Hadi is?
 unscrupulous pro-Hadi mongoloids and maggots. PAS chief snake Hadi and his retrogressive narrow-minded misogynist  These 'innocent' PAS virgins followers of Hadi and led by him to embrace the UMNO devils. Muhammad married a 6 year old girl called Ayesha. Which Muslim today would emulate Muhammad as an example to follow in 2014? Muslims must change with times. Concepts of morality and human rights have changed since Muhammad's time. If Muhammad was alive today in Malaysia he would not have been allowed to marry 6 year old Ayesha because society's values have changed over the past 1400 years. If he flouted Malaysia's laws, he would be sent to prison. Children's and women's rights are now taken into consideration. This is the problem affecting Muslims - they are unable to use common sense to direct their daily life. Instead they subscribe to a value system of Muhammad's time which in many cases is simply untenable in the 21st century and would be considered unjust and immoral now. Similarly, PAS should change with times and consider modern day concepts of human rights and morality.
It is time for the moderates to seize control of the party from the Umno-friendly faction. The numbers are with them at the Muktamar. The ulamas don’t have it. They are just vocal, hijacking the political agenda from the majority, like we see in most minority religious terrorist groupings around the world. Divorce, though painful, is the best solution for PAS to move on. Otherwise Putrajaya remains a dream. We need a “Jokowi” in PAS.
PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu today warned members  thatPAS will remain an irrelevant party if the President and the Syura Council continues with the old ways., as talk swirled that the Islamist party was about to break up over differences of opinions among its leadership.
More popularly known as Mat Sabu, the party's no. 2 said differences of opinions were normal in any organisation.
 A very strong sign that Mat Sabu and the professionals are on the rise while the sun is setting on an uninspiring and untrustworthy leader.
"Do not set up other political parties under the name of Islam if there are any differences of opinions. It's not that we are against it, if you want to set up NGO it's okay, work with Pakatan Rakyat,"
His warning comes amid talk that the newly formed PasMa, formed by those with a view of keeping the Islamist party in PR, would eventually be the platform for a new Islamist party if the leadership decided to leave the six-year-old coalition.
Mat Sabu said efforts should be made to keep the party intact as Malaysians no longer considered it as a fringe party but was also looking at its leaders for leadership.
"We have differences of opinion. But we must resolve them and be united to face Umno. We must not split.”
He said members could criticise the leadership but it should not be at the expense of PAS and its coalition partner, PR.
READMORE Desperate Hadi Awang and are free to roam around palace creating hurdles

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