Thursday, October 16, 2014

Najib checkmates both Anwar and Mahathir.

Thinkers in many fields on their fears of what Malaysia without Anwar might be like. Why should we be worried?
Two distinct kind of stirrings preceded the 2013 elections. The first had to do to with finding a way out of the air of hopelessness surrounding the country that UMNO through its lacklustre performance had managed to contrive.  Najib connected powerfully with a country that had begun to experience a better present and wanted to be assured of a dramatically improved future.
 Nothing in the government moves without Najib assent and nod, and no detail is too small. To centralise decision-making in his person, he has taken almost complete control of his party, marginalising his elders like Mahathir disappeared politically perhaps Anwar's political rivals also sense this.There is no point in waging a battle against Pakatan as a whole. The most effective strategy would be to chop off the head vis-a-vis incarcerate Anwar.

 Anwar achieved the impossible
 Anwar in his absence, it is difficult to imagine any other leader in the Pakatan framework being able to fill his shoes and keep the coalition intact. 
Anwar Ibrahim's final appeal with regard to his sodomy conviction slated before the Federal Court on Oct 28 and 29, the burning question is whether Pakatan would survive if the opposition leader is sent to prison.
Prior to Anwar spearheading the opposition bloc, the notion that DAP and PAS, with their diametrically opposed ideologies, being partners in a coalition would have been dismissed as a political fairy tale.
And despite the glaring differences, he managed to keep the two parties on the same vessel, thus giving hope to opposition supporters that Pakatan is truly a viable option to replace BN.
In his absence, it is difficult to imagine any other leader in the Pakatan framework being able to fill his shoes and keep the coalition intact. 

When judges prostitute the judciary

Who to blame if Anwar goes to jail?There is no point in waging a battle against Pakatan as a whole. The most effective strategy would be to chop off the head vis-a-vis incarcerate Anwar.And perhaps this is the reason behind Anwar's case being expedited.Why Najib and Rosmah Mansor did not the stand say under the court oath that the meeting was not related to events on June 26.why hide under his  his AG's sarong

A general view of Najib’s governance style is that it is an impressive he appears brisk, decisive, engaged and demanding. After Mahathir this is a huge relief to many Malaysians. The prime minister could deploy these qualities to govern effectively; on the other hand, there are other features of his style that could deeply damage Malaysian.s famous for picking weak cabinets, largely ignoring ministers and paying little heed to the legislature; is co-opting the senior bureaucracy and police. Essentially, he both scares and empowers high officials, making them his primary instrument of decision-making. Hegemonic command depends on a blend of coercion and consent.By promising to back them against interfering politicians, he also gives them a sense of empowerment. The result is extraordinary cooperation andloyalty.readmore

 Najib has promised to make life simpler for citizens.

 Kind  of expectation too, which was for a newer kind of democratic engagement. The manner in which the urban middle class in particular had responded to reformasi-led  and then to PKR, before it lost its way, was a clear sign that it was disillusioned not merely with UMNO government but with the political establishment as a whole. There was a feeling that the names of the rulers had changed, as had the means by which they ascended the throne, but they continued to act as rulers, not representatives of the people who elected them.
The current government under PM  Najib continues to act on the first front but is there even an attempt to deliver a new kind of democracy? On the face of it, it does not seem so. No attempt has been made to cut back on the visible signs of power that those even faintly brushed by it revel in demonstrating. The sirens, the immunity from rules, and the ads with photographs of ministers all continue exactly as before. If anything, PM Najib’s visage is omnipresent, as it accompanies every trivial 
Another element of Najib’s governance method is his ambiguous stance on social polarisation, especially between Muslim and minorities. Muslims in Malaysia have little doubt where he stands in relation to them. He is the Great Protector. On the other hand, minorities fear him. It is hard to pin anything on him.
has promised to make life simpler for citizensOn the other hand, minorities fear him. It is hard to pin anything on him. He promises development and equal treatment for all; But doing this effectively requires careful thinking through from the point of view of the average user. 
 My apologies for a rare detour into the personal, but this is a rare moment.had become impervious to anything except sycophancy. Words demand a different kind of loyalty, and one was relieved to return to the world of words. relate to an unforgiveable betrayal of trust reposed in them the  Judges  by their readers, friends, colleagues and followers. What makes the betrayal odious is that these individuals professed to promote highfalutin principles of moral and spiritual rectitude. All three of them emasculated the substance of their calling and, in the process, polluted the “software” that is expected to keep state and society in Malaysia in fine fettle. READMORE

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