Terence Netto and Din Merican and Karma
What is karma? There is a lot of misunderstanding around this word. Karma simply means action. Every action has consequences. Conscious choicemaking is the most effective way of creating future consequences of karma. Karma creates the future, but it is also an echo from the past.
Karma conditions our soul through memory, desire and imagination. Most people are prisoners of karma, because it becomes a conditioned reflex and produces predictable outcomes in their lives. The goal of enlightenment is to break the shackles of karma. “Does karma imply a deterministic universe?” The answer seems to be that the universe is simultaneously deterministic and creative. Where we fit in this immense landscape depends on our state of consciousness.
The freer our consciousness is, the more freedom of choice we experience. Avery simple way to interpret karma is that it is a conditioned response, the past influencing the circumstances of the present, as well as our tendencies for conditioned patterns of behaviour. We become bundles of conditioned reflexes, constantly triggered by people and circumstances into predicted outcomes.
Hence, karma is considered to be a prison. The goal of the spiritual journey is to escape the prison of karma and inspire true response of our soul, which is creativity. The more creative and unpredictable our response to the world, the more we are aligned with the universe’s creator. That’s why the freedom that arises from transcending karma is referred to as liberation. We become free of the wheel of samsara.
Scepticism greets the announcement of a new Poltical commercial establishments, So, you’d think that the promise of a phoenix rising from this depressing mess would send hallelujahs ringing to the suspended particulate matter laden skies. Alas, the only heart leaping is that of the unrepentant urban villain, the politician-developer nexus. confound moralistic expectations and jolt our perception of what is good and what isn’t as does the topsy-turvy fairy tale Petronella. Written in 1971, it’s about a fairy-tale kingdom where the king and queen always have a son named Peter who grows up and ventures forth to rescue a princess from the evil forces, making her the new queen.
the key factors damaging Anwar’s reputation Terence Netto and Din Merican their sinister theory on Anwar’s destructive waysSuarakeadilanmalaysia.blogspot.com revisits Din Merican's`sinister’ theory that was floated in his column Terence Netto had co-authored It was about Anwar’s destructive ways another story that an average Malaysian would love to believe and conspiracy theorists would swear by.But is there a more sinister explanation?
Many analyses have been offered for the party’s fall from grace, and the party faces no scarcity of critics, including voices that were once part of it. It is quite clear that the party overreached itself by placing big bets on the national elections. It behaved like a political party and has lost like one, whereas as a political movement it could have only won. Had it been true to its professed goal of transforming politics rather than winning elections by contesting only those seats where some matter of principle was involved, it could have made a meaningful statement.The need is to identify a few key issues and to systematically build a programme that speak for the people. it is true the mood of the country has changed.
PKR as it stands today is more about fighting for a cause, than about governing. But it is about fighting for something real, not invented. In its evolution, there will come a time when it needs to convert its ideas into practice, but fortunately for the party it is no imminent danger of being asked to govern. That gives it time to grow into a party with its own set of ideas. In its case, its political precepts must be evolved ground upwards- they should represent the hopes, aspirations and frustrations of the people it hopes to represent and not be imposed by a small group of leaders. It also gives it time to practice what it preaches about the meaning of democracy. The recent rumblings within the party point to a familiar malaise that affects most parties in India- the lack of a genuinely democratic culture within the organisation.
If there is one area in which the party has never quite distinguished itself, except in a few select areas, is in the manner in which it strives to uphold the values it professes. Barring areas like funding and the mobilisation of its ground level cadre, where it has set new standards, its current mode of operating is at the odds with the nobility of ideas that it mouths. As a force that does not crave power but pushes for an overhaul of the entire system, it would behove it to act in a way that forces other parties to shed their surplus and often mindless aggression and to work together as a coherent system. This means that along with critiquing what is wrong, there needs to be a willingness to admire what works. It means walking away from presumptive divisiveness and embracing a culture of enlightened purpose. The idea of PKR will stubbornly resist being extinguished but whether the party itself follows suit will depend on where it goes next.
PKR as it stands today is more about fighting for a cause, than about governing. But it is about fighting for something real, not invented. In its evolution, there will come a time when it needs to convert its ideas into practice, but fortunately for the party it is no imminent danger of being asked to govern. That gives it time to grow into a party with its own set of ideas. In its case, its political precepts must be evolved ground upwards- they should represent the hopes, aspirations and frustrations of the people it hopes to represent and not be imposed by a small group of leaders. It also gives it time to practice what it preaches about the meaning of democracy. The recent rumblings within the party point to a familiar malaise that affects most parties in India- the lack of a genuinely democratic culture within the organisation.
Dreams rarely die gracefully; there is little that is cinematic about the gradual throttling of a cherished ideal. It is usually a depressing, messy affair that marries inevitability with horribleness, and is thus best given as little attention as possible. In the case of Parti KeADIlan Rakyat (PKR), , however, this is not very easy to do. For in what it set out to do, it imagined a radical new way of practising politics in Malaysia, something deemed impossible otherwise. Also, it is possible that the AAP finds a way to be re-born, albeit with a vastly altered script than what it visualised for itself
Anwar achieved the impossible
Anwar in his absence, it is difficult to imagine any other leader in the Pakatan framework being able to fill his shoes and keep the coalition intact.
Anwar Ibrahim's final appeal with regard to his sodomy conviction slated before the Federal Court on Oct 28 and 29, the burning question is whether Pakatan would survive if the opposition leader is sent to prison.
Prior to Anwar spearheading the opposition bloc, the notion that DAP and PAS, with their diametrically opposed ideologies, being partners in a coalition would have been dismissed as a political fairy tale.
And despite the glaring differences, he managed to keep the two parties on the same vessel, thus giving hope to opposition supporters that Pakatan is truly a viable option to replace BN.
In his absence, it is difficult to imagine any other leader in the Pakatan framework being able to fill his shoes and keep the coalition intact.
Who to blame if Anwar goes to jail?There is no point in waging a battle against Pakatan as a whole. The most effective strategy would be to chop off the head vis-a-vis incarcerate Anwar.And perhaps this is the reason behind Anwar's case being expedited.Why Najib and Rosmah Mansor did not the stand say under the court oath that the meeting was not related to events on June 26.why hide under his his AG's sarong
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