Najib saddest moments in politics with Tengku Adnan as the sec-gen Tengku Adnan
The public school of politics has only one subject in its tutorials: Events. The big boys of UMNO have been playing truant,years convinced them that a delay is a solution. lulled by Federal Territory liaison chairman an imposter’s mantra .Najib dilemma is familiar to those who win elections: A promise that restores you, can always return to haunt you.Ahead of the next 14th general elections, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak is expected to introduce changes to prevent a further slide in BN's hold on power.
The plan as being bold and ambitious, the source reportedly said that Najib may be left with no choice because GE14 would be a "do or die" mission for him and BN.
Defeat is the distance between a bedtime story and a wake-up call. The former starts with ‘Once upon a time…’ and lulls the voter to sleep. The second is an energiser that addresses a fresh dawn.
The bigger fear for Najib may however lie in a perception that the Umno warlords in the are still not with ,helming the state, This would allow Najib, as Umno president, to get a concensus for the change, rather than to proceed in a unilateral manner.
the Enlightenment taught us certain things like rationality, going by the evidence, coherence of an argument, that’s out the window now. They are designated as elitist values, just as they were during the dark ages. Malaysia is getting surreal. It’s tough to differentiate the Najib Mahathir matchup like from Tamil movie these days. one could argue politics was always surreal, with no relation to evidence at hand or issues that actually matter to Najib.
The first challenge before Najib, if he wants to take his party to the top position, is to protect UMNO’s few marginals and displace PAS from its thin space. It is only after this that he can attempt the surge to 200-plus by generating huge momentum in seats where BN lost by substantial numbers.Ahead of the next 14th general elections, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak is expected to introduce changes to prevent a further slide in BN's hold on power
the plan as being bold and ambitious, the source reportedly said that Najib may be left with no choice because GE14 would be a "do or die" mission for him and BN.the bigger fear for Najib is Federal Territory liaison chairman Tengku Adnan
Ku Nan, The more he open his mouths, the more it shows how little he know and we wonder why these people are appointed by Najib to take such responsible appointments.
Corruption Commission (MACC) to conduct a full and fair investigation.
The DBKL officer was among three senior officers detained on Monday for allegedly committing graft, abuse of power and money laundering During the raid, MACC officers also seized huge amounts of cash hidden in the ceiling of one of the suspects’ house.
The real cost of a bribeto cleanse the gutters of DBKL corruption.
who plunges into every crisis with the dexterity of Don Quixote, is pushing the brilliant thought noted how colleagues and contractors could at times be jealous of a DBKL officer due to his achievements
Ku Nan's comments that declaring his assets publicly will endanger his family. Now open tender can cause problems to the government. Najib, is this the best person you have for this important job? Malaysia deserves better.
No wonder Federal Territory in dire straits due to mismanagement at all levels because appointments are due to patronage, and not according to capability and integrity. There are many bumiputera that are very capable, but sad to say, you are not one of them.
First, you need to prequalify suitable tenderers for their capabilities for a particular project, and not cronies.Why would anyone be surprised that this minister is casting doubts and negativity on open tenders for government procurement despite it being the right thing to do?- open tenders can give you problems as it makes it that much more difficult for you to cheat.Other countries practise open tenders and they always get their jobs completed. Is it either this Umno government is so incompetent to run a country or is it just too corrupted?Don't tell us that all "negotiated" tenders were given to competent crony contractors. We have reports of abject failures on deliveries and cost overrun, and above that, chronic corruption, involving government servants and politicians Kun Nan heard of pre-qualification requirements that's normally expected from contractors? Like sound financial position, expertise, track record, manpower, equipment, etc?It has nothing to do with low bids and uncompleted projects. Project risks are a reality and this is why mitigation clauses are included before projects are awarded.there is a tender board to vet and see who can provide the best value for money. Ku Nan, we expect better comments from you.
The bigger fear for Najib is Federal Territory liaison chairman that the Umno warlords are not with ,helming the Federal Territory liaison chairman, This would allow Najib, as Umno president, to get a concensus for the change, rather than to proceed in a unilateral manner.
Tengku Adnan, please tell us which multi-billion or million-ringgit projects awarded through direct negotiations that have not exceeded the initial budget, were completed on time, where the infrastructure did not collapse, or required millions more to complete the job.There is no doubt every tender system has its strengths and weaknesses. Regardless, the advantages of open tenders still outweigh the other forms. Direct negotiation is the worse, as it leads to corruption.

Government contracts awarded through direct negotiations can result in work being restricted to the same old names, most of the time awarded to cronies or highest under-table money contributors, or involved kickbacks in the deals.
This normally results in the tender value being inflated. Open tender is not restricted to the lowest bidder, but consideration is given to other technical competencies.
The evaluation of open tenders must be carried out by a suitably competent evaluation panel and in accordance with the principles of equal treatment, non-discrimination and transparency.
The confidentiality of the information acquired by those involved in the evaluation process must be preserved. Then there are priced and unpriced open tenders. How come a minister is not aware of these basics?
Ku Nan, surely you don't think we are that gullible and stupid, do you? At tender evaluation exercises, it's never the lowest price that wins, as there are other criteria that need to be studied.Do you agree that this logic of yours should be debated in a forum, of course with you participating as well? Come on organisers, do it fast
"Open tenders can give problems too," says minister. Secrecy is always better in principle, Ku Nan insists. Some of us, he might plead, do our best work in the dark.Those who understand the temperamental nature of any electoral season know that predictions are risky. It is far safer to keep your eyes open and mouth shut. But if you had to lay any bets, how would you start? Open up the map and check out what may be called pinprick constituencies. These are the marginal seats where victory went to one party by a statistically inconsequential figure
This will be more illuminating precisely because their random existence, outside any cluster that suggests geographic logic. If there is consistency in disarray, it means consolidation towards a national party UMNO. If not, seats are travelling in disparate directions.
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