The MCA do not have the courage divorce UMNO.while PAS is begging to join UMNO
How can one person emotion have so much hold on you as to wipe away the rest of Malaysians life?Traitorous PAS President Hadi Awang TRAITS OF Cheating and deception are despicable characteristics that are beneath a decent person. Intentionally distorting the truth in order to mislead others contradicts the values of honesty,
The MCA’s sin is that it does not have the courage either to support its partner, UMNO or leave BN. while PAS is begging to join UMNO Datuk Johari Umno supreme council member warmed Don't Use Hudud to Poison the Discourse and Polarise the Polity
PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang dismissed talk of defections to Parti Amanah Rakyat (Amanah) saying the breakaway party would eventually "kneel" before his party.Such news can easily be plucked (from thin air), what more in the world of cyberspace where news comes quickly that is not based on reality,We are confident our members in all branches and regions continue to be consistent (in their support for PAS
In electoral science, statistics are illustrative, interpretation is critical and everything is fluid. Politics is evolutionary, and evolution – even Darwin’s – is a theory, not a fact. No election is an echo of the past, let alone a mirror of the future.
The ever-punctual Comrade Gorbachev, who huffed and puffed so hard that he brought the whole Soviet house down, was once late for a meeting with a French delegation. He explained to his guests that he had been delayed by a problem in agriculture. When did the problem begin, asked the solicitous French. ‘‘In 1917,’’ replied Gorbachev.
Any democracy is hobbled without an Opposition. Are we condemned to replicate Malaysian parliament par at the national level — where a government wheezes, gasps and limps triumphantly to the finish line because there is no other horse in the race?
Individual dynamics require special circumstances, not to mention the heavy propulsion of hidden political boosters. Mahathir succeeded because he had terribly long arms; he held the PAS by one hand, and the Anwar by the other, while he reinvented himself as an honest politician, sympathetic to Malay concerns. It required too much heavy engineering and the end product was so unstable that it kept Malay politics off-balance for a decade.
History does not repeat itself, but does it imitate itself? The answer will take a while.
It is our duty that we understand our limits in public life and stay within our limits while making public discourse."Now we should allow the matter to rest and we should continue with our work in national interest," said.Datuk Johari UMNO supreme council member
reclaim national space, it will have to establish another horizon.
Every political party has colluded in this change; even though self-proclaimed Malaysia Taliban encourage Muslims to indulge in the self-delusion that a dispute exists. is the perfect post-ideological politician. Those who think he is preaching to the choir are missing the point: a significant chunk of the electorate is tired of grand creeds.But disdain for ideology can make you indifferent to ideologues. Muslim are people Islam is a powerful religion PAS idea that broke Muslims from chinese .Despite hearing PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang out today, a Chinese federation will continue its campaign against his proposed amendment to Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965, also known as Act 355.
The Federation of Hokkien Associations Malaysia will continue gathering signatures to reject the proposed amendment, said its president, Khoo Chai Kaa.

In electoral science, statistics are illustrative, interpretation is critical and everything is fluid. Politics is evolutionary, and evolution – even Darwin’s – is a theory, not a fact. No election is an echo of the past, let alone a mirror of the future.
The ever-punctual Comrade Gorbachev, who huffed and puffed so hard that he brought the whole Soviet house down, was once late for a meeting with a French delegation. He explained to his guests that he had been delayed by a problem in agriculture. When did the problem begin, asked the solicitous French. ‘‘In 1917,’’ replied Gorbachev.
Any democracy is hobbled without an Opposition. Are we condemned to replicate Malaysian parliament par at the national level — where a government wheezes, gasps and limps triumphantly to the finish line because there is no other horse in the race?
Individual dynamics require special circumstances, not to mention the heavy propulsion of hidden political boosters. Mahathir succeeded because he had terribly long arms; he held the PAS by one hand, and the Anwar by the other, while he reinvented himself as an honest politician, sympathetic to Malay concerns. It required too much heavy engineering and the end product was so unstable that it kept Malay politics off-balance for a decade.
History does not repeat itself, but does it imitate itself? The answer will take a while.

The MCA’s sin is that it does not have the courage either to support its partner, UMNO or leave BN.
However, Ti made the same nostalgic claim when he talked about bridge building and ‘Alliance’ cooperation when he correctly pointed out that the constitution needed to be amended, in his own waffling way. He makes the same claim in this mea culpa, alluding to the halcyon days of Alliance politics.
What is really destroying the MCA is not the propaganda of the DAP but the acceptance by a large voting demographic of the Chinese community that no representation in the government is better than MCA be contesting only a few seats , some of the conspiracy theories have been quietened, but even so there are many who believe that some kind of pact exists between DAP and MCA. Of course, just asking a question like this would raise the hackles of many supporters of the quite clearly the enemy, the assertive face of the other, representing everything that the support base of MCA detests. Regardless of whether the alignment is conscious and deliberate, at a structural level, these two forces work to reinforce each other, even if they do their best to attack the other side.
outrage has routinely been laced with extreme characterizations and ad hominem attacks that are often abusive, but the other side too is not too shy of stretching the truth.After getting a spanking from Nazri, like a chastised child the MCA central committee member claims, “Now that the ultra-Malays who destroyed Tunku Abdul Rahman’s Alliance are out of BN and in Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu), BN leadership must seize this opportunity to navigate BN to its rightful 1Malaysia course or the spirit of the Alliance’s founding years of Tunku Abdul Rahman,” which is again horse manure disguised as a mea culpa.
The thing that’s destroying MCA
The contradiction is obvious. First, Ti claims that UMNO’s continued use of Malay nationalism for the support of rural voters is destroying BN’s chances in the urban areas, and then he paradoxically claims that with the ejection of so-called “ultra-Malays” from the parties – the very ones who reject the Najib regime – things could get back to normal.
The MCA’s sin is that it does not have the courage either to support its partner, UMNO or leave BN. while PAS is begging to join UMNO Datuk Johari Umno supreme council member warmed Don't Use Hudud to Poison the Discourse and Polarise the Polity
PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang dismissed talk of defections to Parti Amanah Rakyat (Amanah) saying the breakaway party would eventually "kneel" before his party.Such news can easily be plucked (from thin air), what more in the world of cyberspace where news comes quickly that is not based on reality,We are confident our members in all branches and regions continue to be consistent (in their support for PAS
In electoral science, statistics are illustrative, interpretation is critical and everything is fluid. Politics is evolutionary, and evolution – even Darwin’s – is a theory, not a fact. No election is an echo of the past, let alone a mirror of the future.
The ever-punctual Comrade Gorbachev, who huffed and puffed so hard that he brought the whole Soviet house down, was once late for a meeting with a French delegation. He explained to his guests that he had been delayed by a problem in agriculture. When did the problem begin, asked the solicitous French. ‘‘In 1917,’’ replied Gorbachev.
Any democracy is hobbled without an Opposition. Are we condemned to replicate Malaysian parliament par at the national level — where a government wheezes, gasps and limps triumphantly to the finish line because there is no other horse in the race?
Individual dynamics require special circumstances, not to mention the heavy propulsion of hidden political boosters. Mahathir succeeded because he had terribly long arms; he held the PAS by one hand, and the Anwar by the other, while he reinvented himself as an honest politician, sympathetic to Malay concerns. It required too much heavy engineering and the end product was so unstable that it kept Malay politics off-balance for a decade.
History does not repeat itself, but does it imitate itself? The answer will take a while.
It is our duty that we understand our limits in public life and stay within our limits while making public discourse."Now we should allow the matter to rest and we should continue with our work in national interest," said.Datuk Johari UMNO supreme council member
reclaim national space, it will have to establish another horizon.
Every political party has colluded in this change; even though self-proclaimed Malaysia Taliban encourage Muslims to indulge in the self-delusion that a dispute exists. is the perfect post-ideological politician. Those who think he is preaching to the choir are missing the point: a significant chunk of the electorate is tired of grand creeds.But disdain for ideology can make you indifferent to ideologues. Muslim are people Islam is a powerful religion PAS idea that broke Muslims from chinese .Despite hearing PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang out today, a Chinese federation will continue its campaign against his proposed amendment to Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965, also known as Act 355.
The Federation of Hokkien Associations Malaysia will continue gathering signatures to reject the proposed amendment, said its president, Khoo Chai Kaa.
In electoral science, statistics are illustrative, interpretation is critical and everything is fluid. Politics is evolutionary, and evolution – even Darwin’s – is a theory, not a fact. No election is an echo of the past, let alone a mirror of the future.
The ever-punctual Comrade Gorbachev, who huffed and puffed so hard that he brought the whole Soviet house down, was once late for a meeting with a French delegation. He explained to his guests that he had been delayed by a problem in agriculture. When did the problem begin, asked the solicitous French. ‘‘In 1917,’’ replied Gorbachev.
Any democracy is hobbled without an Opposition. Are we condemned to replicate Malaysian parliament par at the national level — where a government wheezes, gasps and limps triumphantly to the finish line because there is no other horse in the race?
Individual dynamics require special circumstances, not to mention the heavy propulsion of hidden political boosters. Mahathir succeeded because he had terribly long arms; he held the PAS by one hand, and the Anwar by the other, while he reinvented himself as an honest politician, sympathetic to Malay concerns. It required too much heavy engineering and the end product was so unstable that it kept Malay politics off-balance for a decade.
History does not repeat itself, but does it imitate itself? The answer will take a while.

The MCA’s sin is that it does not have the courage either to support its partner, UMNO or leave BN.
MCA political operative did show some cojones when MCA said can consider amending or ratifying MCA constitution to free ourselves of racism’ but of course, MCA qualified this with the most overused, disingenuous, servile and obnoxious Malaysian excuse of ‘come a day when we are there – a matured and democratic nation urban voters and it is the responsibility of MCA to shore up support and make the case In an environment like this, it becomes increasingly difficult not to take permanently entrenched positions, and then use all means, fair and foul to bolster one’s case. No quarter can be given, for that way lies perceived defeat. As a structure, extremism is as elegant as it is destructive- it is a unified force that sustains itself by creating bitter divisions. The bigger battle today is between people who think they know all the answers and people who don’t, and those who repeatedly confirm their beliefs versus those that remain open to being persuaded, even if they strongly lean one way. The silence of closed minds can only result in a cacophony of divisive certainty.
However, Ti made the same nostalgic claim when he talked about bridge building and ‘Alliance’ cooperation when he correctly pointed out that the constitution needed to be amended, in his own waffling way. He makes the same claim in this mea culpa, alluding to the halcyon days of Alliance politics.
What is really destroying the MCA is not the propaganda of the DAP but the acceptance by a large voting demographic of the Chinese community that no representation in the government is better than MCA be contesting only a few seats , some of the conspiracy theories have been quietened, but even so there are many who believe that some kind of pact exists between DAP and MCA. Of course, just asking a question like this would raise the hackles of many supporters of the quite clearly the enemy, the assertive face of the other, representing everything that the support base of MCA detests. Regardless of whether the alignment is conscious and deliberate, at a structural level, these two forces work to reinforce each other, even if they do their best to attack the other side.
outrage has routinely been laced with extreme characterizations and ad hominem attacks that are often abusive, but the other side too is not too shy of stretching the truth.After getting a spanking from Nazri, like a chastised child the MCA central committee member claims, “Now that the ultra-Malays who destroyed Tunku Abdul Rahman’s Alliance are out of BN and in Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu), BN leadership must seize this opportunity to navigate BN to its rightful 1Malaysia course or the spirit of the Alliance’s founding years of Tunku Abdul Rahman,” which is again horse manure disguised as a mea culpa.
The thing that’s destroying MCA
The contradiction is obvious. First, Ti claims that UMNO’s continued use of Malay nationalism for the support of rural voters is destroying BN’s chances in the urban areas, and then he paradoxically claims that with the ejection of so-called “ultra-Malays” from the parties – the very ones who reject the Najib regime – things could get back to normal.
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