Hadi’s anti-Islam insinuation that DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang anti-Islam is defamatory “What a haughty, arrogant but misconceived and misinformed response from Hadi,” Lim said in a statement
ultimately they all point to the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the opposition and the dangers of playing Umno’s pragmatic enough to sublimate principle and embrace political compromise, this is not the case with the current leadership of PAS.The reality is that at this moment the power brokers within PAS have formed an alliance with the ruling hegemon and as I have argued before, all they have to do is hamper the opposition and remain relevant to Umno by maintaining at the very least a stronghold in Kelantan.
“The opposition’s propaganda is that Malaysia is a secular state or that the opposition professes secular ideas, but the reality is that the opposition has done nothing beyond aping similar BN tactics in its political war with Umno.”PAS’ value to Umno is their role in weakening the opposition and spreading around Islamic memes that ultimately destabilise the already weak secular foundations of the opposition. This late in the game, PAS the Barbarians of the faith:they are at the gates of when the opposition has already let the enemy in . It is pointless finding common ground, especially when the opposition is juggling so many disparate alliances.about political opportunism. What can I say? If the political union between the UMNO and PAS worked out, it would be considered a winning formula but when it breaks up, we can label it as opportunism.The inclusion of PAS into mainstream politics and the ‘PAS for all’ propaganda ensured that this Islamic sect gained credibility, but more importantly further entrenched ideas that were anathema to a secular state.

PAS’ value to Umno is their role in weakening the opposition and spreading around Islamic memes that ultimately destabilise the already weak secular foundations of the opposition. This late in the game, when the opposition has already let the enemy in the gates, it is pointless finding common ground, especially when the opposition is juggling so many disparate alliances.

Najib said, when the enemy is committed to a mistake we must not interrupt him too soon.”
Off the record Najib and Zaid have finally trap PAS decimation in three-cornered fights
Abdul Hadi Awang leadership failure his plea to Najib for safe journey, This politician who can laugh at himself now the real battle begins.this is a politician who can laugh at himself.
Can Pas boosts its chances by allying with UMNO after Leadership failure, but Najib remains a formidable The decisions to appoint both men were jointly taken by the Najib dispensation . PAS is always engaged in low grade communalisation and they have hard-line Taliban style voters of their own, who get a fresh lease of life whenever there is this wild pursuit of the Muslim vote.Whether the gamble of giving so seats to PAS will work and whether both parties have the capacity to transfer votes
The UMNO-PAS alliance will change the equations of the forthcoming electionin so far as there is potential for the elections to be about chemistry as opposed to just arithmetic it is certainly one of the great ironic twists of PAS politics.PAS is playing the game with the arithmetic of Muslim votes which broadly means that the three major players in a triangular contest in the first-past-the-post system competing parties therefore spend as much energy on trying to split the votes of their opponents as on garnering their own votes.

Safe journey please: PAS’with no revival plan forth coming a perfect recipe to extinction? The Pas is currently not in control of any script. It is drifting along with a hope and a prayer that people will, in due course, remember that they are the ‘default party’ of Malaysia
beyond its Talian philosophy goes,How does one therefore read the political script in a world turned upside down? The second reason is more surprising. The feud in PAS has actually enhanced Najib’s imageall political equations have been thrown out of gear on current realities it would be fair to say that surprisingly, it is the incumbent regime of UMNO that seems to have a small edge in the triangular battle.
DAP’s DNA is such that it can tackle hotheads only with some help from Mahathir
The expectation that DAP will somehow distance itself from PAS after the PAS debacle is based on a flawed understanding of the organic link between the two entities. It’s a chicken and egg situation and it’s confusing for the outsider to understand where PAS ends and DAP begins. There is however a zone where DAP is different from PAS and there is a strong constituency that would like the party to build on that with Ammah
PAS and DAP chose to form an alliance, despite their opposing ideologies.MCA president Chua Soi Lek weighed in on the whole DAP/PAS marriage of convenience and dropped some hard truths about the current political terrain.
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