Corruption,and exploitation and manipulation more measured tones of history the record will prove that our much abused system would appear to more selective targeting of opponents of the ruling party than upholding probity in public life. Steel nerves are overrated in a democracy. Silver nerves work better, for they are flexible. He has been in office only since January and you can detect signs of uncertainty in his grasp of power. In public life, an administration transfers a leader’s confusion instantly to the people. Experts in rousing rabble can checkmate any government unsure of the needed levels of response. There is no algebra that can be consulted, no theory that can be practiced. Experience, with its attendant baggage of precedent, helps, but only up to a point.There is an urgent need for Malaysia to set up Bribery, Corruption and Sex offenders - Registry according to Deputy Home Minister Nur Jazlan Mohamed.

Right now, we have an Umno president who many people, regardless of political affiliation, think he is the most corrupt sitting Umno president in history. Here is an Umno prime minister who is siding with Umno’s sworn enemy because his political career, not to mention the existence of Umno,
Dzulkifli, you only have the pistol (investigative powers) but the attorney-general/public prosecutor has the bullets (prosecutorial power).He alone decides whether to prosecute (load the bullets in the pistol) or otherwise, once he goes through the investigation papers. This is how MO1 escaped from being charged in court over the SRC International case.also read this Power corrupts not whistleblowers curbed arbitrary,discretionary power
Tell us a better and more convincing story.

Zulkifli should have a meeting with the US Department of Justice (DOJ) or the Singapore Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) to understand what integrity, honesty, and professionalism mean.Just you wait,' MACC boss warns corrupt politicians.Indeed Dzulkifli does not inspire confidence in Malaysians that he dares to be fearless in his war against corrupted politicians. So far, Dzulkifli has been targeting only a selected few of low level civil servants.also read this MACC's warns Tengku Adnan he is on the list

What explains the unconventionality of where he eschewed the praise for his political opponents that is usual on such occasions but instead addressed the Malaysian people directly? For the first time, MACC chief has who sees himself as above A-G (Apandi Ali) . He does not conform to conventional, behaviours of the A-G offfice . He has the potential to rise above upadhi rog – designation-affliction – that plagues most of those who hold high offices like president or prime minister
Politicians who come to power feeding and feeding off a majority’s imagined sense of victimhood have to genuflect, once in a while, to the bogey they rode but would, if they have sense, concentrate their energies, having assumed power, on building up an alternative, real agenda Hitler chose to persist with the Jews, pursuing their extermination to the Holocaust and associated politics by other means across the globe. Trump told Americans they were the victims of elite selfishness and grandiose altruism that saw America sacrifice its own security and prosperity for the benefit of others.Lacks the intelligence needed to appreciate the dynamics of the modern world or he has cynical contempt for the intelligence of voters Ability to not compromise It’s anyone’s game What’s new?the body of the rotten fish gained much attention. Surely you won't let us down and disappoint the majority of the rakyat by taking on the head, would you? For that's where and how a rotten fish starts to decay.

Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief Dzulkifli Ahmad,lacks the intelligence needed to appreciate the dynamics of the modern world or he has cynical contempt for the intelligence of obtuse self-interest, whose only moral compass is the conviction that might is right, a self-interest so near-sighted as to be self-defeating, one that panders to ill-informed prejudice at home and promises to cede more elbow room to rising powers hitherto hemmed in by obtuse self-interest, whose only moral compass is the conviction that might is right, a self-interest so near-sighted as to be self-defeating,The first crucial action to be taken to gain some credibility is obvious - 1MDB has to be thoroughly investigated or properly re-investigated.shame should not be placed on some secure pedestal merely because it involves favoured leaders and their henchmen; to-date, to our national humiliation, not a single related person has been charged.By all means, investigate effectively every member of Parliament or even civil servants living in RM5 million homes. Then we may salute you.Strong posturing indeed. But enough with the posturing and war cries. We know your predecessor almost nailed the source of the mother of all corruption in Malaysia, but he was stopped in his track and his knuckles rapped.
MACC itself was jolted with a quake and a number of its pillars collapsed. Collateral damages were evident. Debris is still strewn around its entire headquarters. The corrupted actually brought their fight to your doorsteps and spewed venom at your faces.MACC’s inaction on the 1MDB matter in the light of overwhelming evidence that MO1 and his cohorts have allegedly stolen billions of the people’s money, strongly indicates that MACC are mere lackeys and protectors of MO1 and all their actions and public utterances are either at the behest of MO1 or are designed to please MO1, who is their lord and master.
Unless you and your team continue, hound and complete that particular and outstanding exercise and in quick time, nothing you do, or say or posture will ever convince Malaysians that you are fair, integruous and unbiased.the rising hope that one might have that corruption in high places might be dealt with definitively is dashed against the rock of (possibly deceptive) rhetoric.
That MACC chief chose Sinatra’s ‘My Way’ for his first dance as ‘Yours is a song we have heard so many times that we can join you in the chorus.’Former Attorney-General Tan Sri Abu Talib said Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) cannot express its views on the investigations on the Prime Minister. MACC’s role is only to investigate and pass the investigation papers to the ‘mai dari entah mana’ A-G for his decision whether to prosecute the case or not.
Shall we run a poll and ask the people what they think about the A-G (Apandi Ali)? The very fact that the MACC will hand over the investigation papers to the AG immediately implies that the MACC feels there is a case for prosecution.It is like this folks, if there is no case or if the MACC has not found anything worth prosecuting, then the MACC WILL NOT HAND OVER ANY INVESTIGATION PAPERS to the A-G. The MACC will just close the file. Period. There is no such thing as the MACC submitting an investigation paper to the A-G with the recommendation “Insufficient Evidence” or “No Further Action” or “Case Closed”. It does not work that way.The moment an investigation file is opened, investigations are completed and the MACC hands the file over to the A-G, then their recommendation will be to pursue the case in court. ONLY then is it up to the A-G to decide whether to prosecute the case or not. Yes the A-G has the final say whether to charge the person in Court or to declare an NFA (No further action).read the fullstory Unfortunately horrifying Najib's
also reads thisMohamad Appandi Should prove the innocence of Najib in courts, not streets

Right now, we have an Umno president who many people, regardless of political affiliation, think he is the most corrupt sitting Umno president in history. Here is an Umno prime minister who is siding with Umno’s sworn enemy because his political career, not to mention the existence of Umno,
Dzulkifli, you only have the pistol (investigative powers) but the attorney-general/public prosecutor has the bullets (prosecutorial power).He alone decides whether to prosecute (load the bullets in the pistol) or otherwise, once he goes through the investigation papers. This is how MO1 escaped from being charged in court over the SRC International case.also read this Power corrupts not whistleblowers curbed arbitrary,discretionary power
Tell us a better and more convincing story.

Zulkifli should have a meeting with the US Department of Justice (DOJ) or the Singapore Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) to understand what integrity, honesty, and professionalism mean.Just you wait,' MACC boss warns corrupt politicians.Indeed Dzulkifli does not inspire confidence in Malaysians that he dares to be fearless in his war against corrupted politicians. So far, Dzulkifli has been targeting only a selected few of low level civil servants.also read this MACC's warns Tengku Adnan he is on the list
Politicians who come to power feeding and feeding off a majority’s imagined sense of victimhood have to genuflect, once in a while, to the bogey they rode but would, if they have sense, concentrate their energies, having assumed power, on building up an alternative, real agenda Hitler chose to persist with the Jews, pursuing their extermination to the Holocaust and associated politics by other means across the globe. Trump told Americans they were the victims of elite selfishness and grandiose altruism that saw America sacrifice its own security and prosperity for the benefit of others.Lacks the intelligence needed to appreciate the dynamics of the modern world or he has cynical contempt for the intelligence of voters Ability to not compromise It’s anyone’s game What’s new?the body of the rotten fish gained much attention. Surely you won't let us down and disappoint the majority of the rakyat by taking on the head, would you? For that's where and how a rotten fish starts to decay.

Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief Dzulkifli Ahmad,lacks the intelligence needed to appreciate the dynamics of the modern world or he has cynical contempt for the intelligence of obtuse self-interest, whose only moral compass is the conviction that might is right, a self-interest so near-sighted as to be self-defeating, one that panders to ill-informed prejudice at home and promises to cede more elbow room to rising powers hitherto hemmed in by obtuse self-interest, whose only moral compass is the conviction that might is right, a self-interest so near-sighted as to be self-defeating,The first crucial action to be taken to gain some credibility is obvious - 1MDB has to be thoroughly investigated or properly re-investigated.shame should not be placed on some secure pedestal merely because it involves favoured leaders and their henchmen; to-date, to our national humiliation, not a single related person has been charged.By all means, investigate effectively every member of Parliament or even civil servants living in RM5 million homes. Then we may salute you.Strong posturing indeed. But enough with the posturing and war cries. We know your predecessor almost nailed the source of the mother of all corruption in Malaysia, but he was stopped in his track and his knuckles rapped.
MACC itself was jolted with a quake and a number of its pillars collapsed. Collateral damages were evident. Debris is still strewn around its entire headquarters. The corrupted actually brought their fight to your doorsteps and spewed venom at your faces.MACC’s inaction on the 1MDB matter in the light of overwhelming evidence that MO1 and his cohorts have allegedly stolen billions of the people’s money, strongly indicates that MACC are mere lackeys and protectors of MO1 and all their actions and public utterances are either at the behest of MO1 or are designed to please MO1, who is their lord and master.
That MACC chief chose Sinatra’s ‘My Way’ for his first dance as ‘Yours is a song we have heard so many times that we can join you in the chorus.’Former Attorney-General Tan Sri Abu Talib said Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) cannot express its views on the investigations on the Prime Minister. MACC’s role is only to investigate and pass the investigation papers to the ‘mai dari entah mana’ A-G for his decision whether to prosecute the case or not.
Shall we run a poll and ask the people what they think about the A-G (Apandi Ali)? The very fact that the MACC will hand over the investigation papers to the AG immediately implies that the MACC feels there is a case for prosecution.It is like this folks, if there is no case or if the MACC has not found anything worth prosecuting, then the MACC WILL NOT HAND OVER ANY INVESTIGATION PAPERS to the A-G. The MACC will just close the file. Period. There is no such thing as the MACC submitting an investigation paper to the A-G with the recommendation “Insufficient Evidence” or “No Further Action” or “Case Closed”. It does not work that way.The moment an investigation file is opened, investigations are completed and the MACC hands the file over to the A-G, then their recommendation will be to pursue the case in court. ONLY then is it up to the A-G to decide whether to prosecute the case or not. Yes the A-G has the final say whether to charge the person in Court or to declare an NFA (No further action).read the fullstory Unfortunately horrifying Najib's
also reads thisMohamad Appandi Should prove the innocence of Najib in courts, not streets
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