Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor,
fulcrum of his tipping point in public life is that mortal enemy of a Umno secretary-general: humour. A joke might not destroy reputation quite as effectively as a corruption scandal, but it deflates credibility.says
There is nothing wrong in a political party like UMNO that is built explicitly on a certain set of principles to want to further those principles.There are times though, that we need to question whether people arguing that a certain course of action is necessary truly represent those principles, or a more narrow-minded self-interest like Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor
The fulcrum of a tipping point in public life is that mortal enemy of a politician: humour. A joke might not destroy reputation quite as effectively as a corruption scandal, but it deflates credibility. Through his long career secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor,
, has been ripped off by the coalmines allocation scam. The government has only one strategy for all the riveting scandals that have gutted its credibility: the purchase of time through delay or deception Shenanigans like ku num are no longer funny. It is one of the saddest moments in politics. For, the dream is shattered. The betrayal hurts. It is also uncomfortable to deal with. It tells us that it wasn’t just the fault of the UMNO. Perhaps we as a nation are full of cheats, liars, thugs and plunderers. It’s just about getting the opportunity to do so. When Ku Nan was on the street, he hated conspicuous consumption and waste of state resources. In power, it wants to travel first-class and sample Bordeaux wines. It shows that looting the nation never bothered these leaders of UMNO. What bothered them was that they were not getting a chance to do so. Well, they have it now. Well done.
The butt of black humour. The insulation that protected him while colleagueswere falling on either side in the many corruption battles, dismissed corruption as an international phenomenon

When the going is good, the bosses play golf, but when times are bad, they try to play God. 2016 saw many national leaders doing just that. This must signal exceptional times for, ordinarily, in democracies, systems are in place and bosses behind frosted glass.Civil servants, especially those in top management are not professionals golfers and there is no need for them to go overseas simply to play golf," he said should stop playing golf overseas, said Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission chief Dzulkifli Ahmad. said
After every outrage Malaysians asks a question that repeatedly withers on the dry sand of evasive clichés.
(MACC) to conduct a full and fair investigation.The DBKL officer was among three senior officers detained on Monday for allegedly committing graft, abuse of power and money laundering During the raid, MACC officers also seized huge amounts of cash hidden in the ceiling of one of the suspects’ house.The real cost of a bribe to cleanse the gutters of DBKL corruption.who plunges into every crisis with the dexterity of Don Quixote, is pushing the brilliant thought noted how colleagues and contractors could at times be jealous of a DBKL officer due to his achievements
Ku Nan's comments that declaring his assets publicly will endanger his family. Now open tender can cause problems to the government. Najib, is this the best person you have for this important job? Malaysia deserves better.No wonder Federal Territory in dire straits due to mismanagement at all levels because appointments are due to patronage, and not according to capability and integrity. There are many bumiputera that are very capable, but sad to say, you are not one of them.First, you need to prequalify suitable tenderers for their capabilities for a particular project, and not cronies.Why would anyone be surprised that this minister is casting doubts and negativity on open tenders for government procurement despite it being the right thing to do?- open tenders can give you problems as it makes it that much more difficult for you to cheat.Other countries practise open tenders and they always get their jobs completed. Is it either this Umno government is so incompetent to run a country or is it just too corrupted?Don't tell us that all "negotiated" tenders were given to competent crony contractors. We have reports of abject failures on deliveries and cost overrun, and above that, chronic corruption, involving government servants and politicians Kun Nan heard of pre-qualification requirements that's normally expected from contractors? Like sound financial position, expertise, track record, manpower, equipment, etc?It has nothing to do with low bids and uncompleted projects. Project risks are a reality and this is why mitigation clauses are included before projects are awarded.there is a tender board to vet and see who can provide the best value for money. Ku Nan, we expect better comments from you.The bigger fear for Najib is Federal Territory liaison chairman that the Umno warlords are not with ,helming the Federal Territory liaison chairman, This would allow Najib, as Umno president, to get a concensus for the change, rather than to proceed in a unilateral manner.
Tengku Adnan, please tell us which multi-billion or million-ringgit projects awarded through direct negotiations that have not excthiseeded the initial budget, were completed on time, where the infrastructure did not collapse, or required millions more to complete the job.There is no doubt every tender system has its strengths and weaknesses. Regardless, the advantages of open tenders still outweigh the other forms. Direct negotiation is the worse, as it leads to corruption.Government contracts awarded through direct negotiations can result in work being restricted to the same old names, most of the time awarded to cronies or highest under-table money contributors, or involved kickbacks in the deals.
also read Is Umno Sec-gen:holding Najib to ransom
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