We are living in interesting times. Ever since the elevation of has been a flurry of activity in both the mainstream and social media. Every day, new posts pop up, arguing Najib leadership. Malaysiakini self-proclaimed neutral political watchers and average social media commentators have all been rattling a litany of praises for a man who, unfortunately, has had a steady record of making incendiary remarks, has a slew of criminal cases against Tony Pua and is a known rabble-rouser.
Malaysiakini is also awash with reports of Muslims being very happy with the DAP. Some have even given examples of how the Lim Kit Siang personally touched their lives (and made them better). While these project a markedly different image of the man, TonyPua one also wonders if these are bids to make DAP look more acceptable.
But the most common refrain of the backers is this: givea chance, as will be controlled by Lim Kit Siang Only time will tell if the commentators are right or if theirs is a delusional hope springing from a misplaced faith in dog-whistle politics. But there are some striking similarities between this expression of hope and the faith reposed by the liberal West in the intentions of Nazi Germany in the early 1930s. Of course, I don’t mean to make apocalyptic comparisons between the two eras and regimes; I am only trying to find similarities in the approaches taken by the western press then and the Malaysiakini the new media now
Misguided analysts an idiot likeTony Pua, full of sound and fury/ Signifying nothing.”The concerns of Tony Pua MP for Petaling Jaya Utara and DAP national publicity secretary.'s legion of critics have all been proven plain wrong Given the disputes about the measure’s wisdom and success, however, it is time to take stock of what was said in the aftermath of 1MDB and what has actually transpired since then. “It is a tale/ Told by Pua.
Collapsing economic growth, high inflation and corruption crushing incomes and opportunities. must be stop
Multimedia Minister Salleh demanded TonyPua must be arrested for his act of treason,
Satire is the thin wedge that separates fear from panic. businessmen are not yet panic-stricken, but thanks to Pua a sudden flurry of stories appeared in Malaysiakini foreign correspondents seemed particularly gullible they are edging towards the zone of fear. As haemorrhaging international confidence in Malaysia weakens fund inflows, When a nation’s confidence is undermined, adversaries abroad pounce to take advantage, and uncertainty within encourages social tensions.there is only so much harm that an indecisive DAP can inflict upon a nation’s ability restoring the economy to health and vigour. A nation is only as strong as its economy. There is no magic wand as we enter election year. There was no wand in 2013 either. We recovered because we needed the shock to come to our senses. It is time for a radical reboot once again.
We are living in interesting times. Ever since the elevation of has been a flurry of activity in both the mainstream and social media. Every day, new posts pop up, arguing Najib leadership. Malaysiakini self-proclaimed neutral political watchers and average social media commentators have all been rattling a litany of praises for a man who, unfortunately, has had a steady record of making incendiary remarks, has a slew of criminal cases against Tony Pua and is a known rabble-rouser.

Malaysiakini is also awash with reports of Muslims being very happy with the DAP. Some have even given examples of how the Lim Kit Siang personally touched their lives (and made them better). While these project a markedly different image of the man, TonyPua one also wonders if these are bids to make DAP look more acceptable.
Satire is the thin wedge that separates fear from panic. businessmen are not yet panic-stricken, but thanks to Pua a sudden flurry of stories appeared in Malaysiakini foreign correspondents seemed particularly gullible they are edging towards the zone of fear. As haemorrhaging international confidence in Malaysia weakens fund inflows, When a nation’s confidence is undermined, adversaries abroad pounce to take advantage, and uncertainty within encourages social tensions.there is only so much harm that an indecisive DAP can inflict upon a nation’s ability restoring the economy to health and vigour. A nation is only as strong as its economy. There is no magic wand as we enter election year. There was no wand in 2013 either. We recovered because we needed the shock to come to our senses. It is time for a radical reboot once again.
a trauma turns into a struggle between anger and amnesia. It is a no-contest. Amnesia wins every time.explains the callous indifference to the perpetrators of crime evasion was prelude to escape local wrath. Over time, even the noise has become a passing perfunctoryHey, corner office frog DAP lawmaker Tony Pua, keep that sticky tongue to yourselfIn a corner office with a view sits a loathsome frog, his tongue intermittently darting at all the little file-toting flies. This frog is not interested in turning into a prince — he already believes he is one — and stares bug-eyed at the flies, his toys or his employees whatever moniker fits them best in his mind.Politics has seldom walked the path of predictability. Opinions oscillate like an autumn in mood. Promises sun and cloud like the English weather. The phrase political commitment is the greatest example of an oxymoron. Once friends, turn foes overnight. We all know the language of politics.Johari is no‘caged parrot’, has the freedom to investigate his boss but but he is not Tony Pua's errand boy.. .A tale of two MPs DAP lawmaker Tony Pua you a narcissistic ?
The ebb from outrage to rage, its decline to umbrage, and then a drift to amnesia is the narrative of the 12 months Our unstated reason has been that action against Najib, new has done some moving reportage of in the last few days. It would be interesting to find out, possibly through market research, whether the readers of the nation’s most powerful newspaper have been moved at all.
Ever since ideology committed suicide in the early 1990s, those in DAP have sought to fill the vacuum with
eager eggheads ideas. Most ideas were perceptive and prescriptive; some were even brilliant. The flexibility was exhilarating after too many decades of doctrine born in an open mind but killed by a closed one.Pragmatism became politically correct. But a serious problem was soon evident: it was difficult to make ideas work without a framework. The patterns of democracy encouraged spasmodic birth but hindered growth. Politics eroded the time necessary for nurture. It is entirely within the logic of turbulent democracies that a dream run should be interrupted by a wake-up call. It might be pertinent to note, in this context, that dreams are best shaped into reality with the help of daylight. Among the dangers of darkness is that it obscures the bumps on that twisting road to economic regeneration. Those who know are aware that, as master of the long game, he is not going to be deflected by the short pass; he will absorb the stumble and restore the stride towards that horizon.
DAP obnoxious behaviour the system of entrenched habits
When it comes to elections politicians, psephologists, punters and pundits all begin to think RAC. This may not occupy them when discussing venture capitalists, or sports or financial crises. But come elections and the air is abuzz with caste calculations, caste chemistry, or pure casteism.
DAP wisely changed tack set out to unshuffle the race cards and pull in the Malays
The niftiest thing about racism in Malaysia is that in the mind of its practitioners, it doesn’t exist.with Lim Kit Siang but partry DAP unlike UMNO is not racist but some memberes yes
Racism in DAP that is. Communalism, communism, , hooliganism,, yes. racism? Not in this country.but in DAP
How can it, since we have, since the dawn of pre-post-colonialism and other malapropisms, been the victims, and, as far as nationalism goes, been glorious ‘tryst with destiny’ victors against it
For Indians, who at least don’t ‘look Chinese’, it is that horrid thing that gets Indians beaten up in Australia, Sikhs mistaken for West Asian Islamists in the US, construction workers and maids in the Gulf leading miserable lives, and the Mahatma thrown off the train at Pietermaritzburg.
And in those rare cases when the Indian is actually not the victim, racism is what US President Donald Trump supporters ‘do’ against Mexicans, swathes of the US practised before Jay ‘Success is the Biggest Revenge’ Z became one of America’s B R Ambedkars, and why Nelson Mandela became famous for being the Indian Gandhi. (More on the Mahatma a bit later.)Last Monday, four Nigerians — Nigerians being from a country in Africa, the way Srinivas Kuchibhotla, who was shot dead in a racist attack in Kansas in February, was from the Asian country of India — were brutally attacked in Greater Noida by a mob. The mob had morphed from a reported group of angry protesters who believed that a Class 12 (Indian) boy died of a drug overdose from drugs allegedly supplied by his Nigerian neighbours.It is important to note that the four Nigerians beaten up on Monday — or the fifth Nigerian attacked in another part of Greater Noida on Wednesday —and a fifth were detained but released after the police found no evidence against them. Perhaps the mob and the cops can be forgiven, since it is really, really hard for Brown people to differentiate between Black Africans going about their own business and Black Africans peddling drugs. After all, when did another kind of -ism stop enough people from believing that Pakistan actor Fawad Khan also had a hand in the attack on the Indian Army headquarters in Uri, Kashmir?
Since last week’s racist attacks, much has been aired about the traditional Indian prejudice against dark skin, with the usual examples of marriage adverts putting a premium on fair skin and ‘whitening’ creams trotted out. That is, indeed, a prejudice, and a deeply embarrassing one. But not fundamentally different from the ‘traditional aesthetic’ bias for large breasts or — among the ‘hipster’ crowd — big beards.
Racism is both more toxic and, ironically, easier to stamp out. It is more toxic because it not only harbours a prejudice that is cooked in vats of noxious stereotypes, but it’s also regularly acted upon. Racist action can take the form of, as cited by Monday’s victims, name-calling and taunts, restricted entry and inflated prices to more violent forms.
South African social scientist Ashwin Desai and historian Goolam Vahed in their 2015 book, The South African Gandhi: Stretcher-Bearer of Empire, extensively collate Gandhiji’s own writing in the period in which the future Father of Another Nation lived in South Africa between 1893 and 1914.
In this startling work of scholarship, the writers quote passages where Gandhi had described Black Africans as “savage”, “raw” and living a life of “indolence and nakedness” and making a case through campaigns of being “treated differently” from the indigenous Black population.
So, the bull must be caught by the horns if racism in India is to be tackled with a little more seriousness than via parliamentary condemnation and tut-tuts about creating a bump in India-Africa trade, happy post-colonial ties and other pleasant things between the people of the ‘Great Continent’ and of the ‘Great Subcontinent’. Or rather, the bull must be caught by the horns and put before the cart: by cracking down on racist crime when it takes place in Mother India.
As Monday’s attacks — and countless other anecdotal evidence that goes beyond ‘Africans’ and includes fellow Indians from the northeastern part of the country — point to once again, the functionaries of law and order find these ‘crimes’ to be nothing but ‘incidents’ in a country where you don’t either have to be ‘kaalu’ or a ‘chinky’ to face a lynch mob. And ‘incidents’, as we all know, get taken as seriously as a prospective paying guest with a name that can be so hard to pronounce.
approaches taken by the western press then and the Indian media now.
Over 80 years ago, Germany had got her Vikas Purush in Adolf Hitler. And while Germany was floored by this “messiah of hope and development”, with the Fuehrer commanding unquestioned devotion and even inspiring coquettish love, the liberal West was also smitten by him.
This can be gauged from the numerous laudatory articles that kept on appearing in the British and American press at regular intervals, as also quotes by the who’s who of the time. One of the earliest admirers of Hitler in the West was British MP Sir Thomas Moore. In 1933, he wrote in the Sunday Dispatch: “If I may judge from my personal knowledge of Herr Hitler, peace and justice are the key words of his policy.”
In 1934, Moore made a case for the “absolutely honest and sincere” Fuehrer by writing: “Give Hitler a chance.” But Moore wasn’t going to be the last of the fanboys. Former British Prime Minister David Lloyd George joined the Hitler fan club after a visit to Germany in the mid-1930s.
In a newspaper interview, Lloyd George had said, “Germany does not want war. Hitler does not want war. He is a most remarkable personality, one of the greatest I have ever met in the whole of my life, and I have met some very great men.”
The former PM had seen unmistakable signs of a growing personality cult, but he wasn’t alarmed or horrified by it. “Affection is a quite inadequate word to describe the attitude of the German people towards Hitler. It amounts almost to worship. I have never seen anything like it. Some men I met who are not Nazis told me that they did not know what the country would have done without him. They are inclined to blame Hitler’s supporters for some of the things which they do not approve, but there is no whisper of criticism of Hitler. It is just like our motto: ‘The King can do no wrong’,” Lloyd George had said, adding that Hitler was “the George Washington of Germany”.
But how were the people of George Washington’s land reading Hitler? American journalist and public intellectual Walter Lippmann wrote in the New York Herald Tribune on May 19, 1933: “We have heard once more, through the fog and the din, the authentic voice of a genuinely civilized people. I am not willing to believe that, but it seems to me that all historical experience compels one to believe it.”
Lippmann had heard a speech of the German chancellor and had called it a “genuinely statesmanlike address” that gave “evidence of good faith”. What’s worse: Lipmann, a Jew himself, argued that the persecution of Jews was a way of “satisfying” German yearning to “conquer somebody”, and therefore, the German Jewry were “a kind of lightning rod which protects Europe”.
A couple of months down the line, when more and more reports surfaced in the foreign press about atrocities on Jews, the New York Times front-paged a laudatory article in its edition dated July 10, 1933. “There is at least one official voice in Europe that expresses understanding of the methods and motives of President Roosevelt—the voice of Germany, as represented by Chancellor Adolf Hitler,” read the opening lines of the article headlined ‘Hitler seeks jobs for all Germans’.
The Times-Picayune, a New Orleans daily, published a cartoon that expressed a rather naive belief that conservative political and industrial leaders would prevent Hitler from implementing his radical ideas. It’s exactly the kind of argument put forward by Narendra Modi backers when he was voted to power in 2014, and Yogi Adityanath apologists today.
But while the American press was hailing Hitler, the British press had gone even further. The Daily Mirror actually called him “a Man of the People” in an exclusive interview they managed with the Fuehrer. The “man of destiny” made an “appeal to reason” through Britain’s leading daily.
Finally, it was the Daily Mail that set the bar even higher for fellow apologists. It was so taken in by the Fascists that it gave them a “hurrah”. It also derided the British socialists, giving voice to the general conservative opinion that abhorred the idea of a socialist British PM.
Finally, it was the Daily Mail that set the bar even higher for fellow apologists. It was so taken in by the Fascists that it gave them a “hurrah”. It also derided the British socialists, giving voice to the general conservative opinion that abhorred the idea of a socialist British PM.
In today’s India, socialism is a taboo word; and if you criticise the government of the day or the party in power, or Narendra Modi himself, then you are branded a “Leftist” and “Congressi”, and therefore a “traitor” and “anti-national”. But as history has shown, it were the same derided socialists who had realised what Hitler was even before the rest of the world took note.
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